Do you ever feel like a teacher hates you? Maybe it isn't your fault, but maybe it is. Turn their frown upside down by applying these tips to your everyday life! They are human beings too!


  1. Teachers hate nothing more than having to force students to do their homework and see the kids' eyes roll. (That can sometimes be insulting.) If you really want to be a teacher's favorite, do extra work or put extra effort into all of your work. Who knows, you may even get extra credit for it! Show interest in the subject your teacher is teaching. [1]
  2. For example, if your teacher has been off sick for a while, just come up to them and say, "Glad to see you back Sir/Miss!" It will make them feel happier.
  3. You could buy them a cheap present, like a candle, or even better, make something yourself.
  4. This will show your teacher that you really care about your education. Plus, it will help you keep track of assignments!
  5. That being stated, do not skip class under any circumstances! Always being late or not showing up at all is the quickest way to get on a teacher’s bad side. If you do happen to be late, however, explain your reason (if possible, bring a letter from a parent or a pass) and apologize. [2]
  6. Be nice but don’t overdo it. A well placed compliment and general courtesy will get you so much farther than being a suck up. Be friendly, but again, not too friendly. Humor can get you far, but jokes at inappropriate times are very detrimental to your status. Find out how friendly you can get with your teacher be observing how they interact with your class and the other students. See what advice other students have to give about him/her. If they are super serious and permit no nonsense, you should be very well behaved in that class. If they seem more friendly, try joking around with them, making a few interesting and preferably relevant comments or jokes on the same topic as the lesson, but stop if appears to be upsetting or annoying to them. [3]
  7. Brown-nosing is not appreciated. Teachers are your superiors, and deserve the utmost respect. One of the oldest and best ways to win someone’s favour is to be polite. Let your teacher see that you are glad to be in his/her class. It is as simple as that. Compliments are always good, but please don't go overboard and be a suck-up. Thank them for the lesson and be very courteous. Remember they are people too, no matter how alien they seem at times. You can offer him/her help if it appears she might appreciate it, but if she refuses you, do NOT make it a habit, it will only annoy her.
    • Understand that class rules are there to keep everyone safe. For example, if your teacher takes your phone away from you, don't argue. Accept the rules around use of phones is there for the benefit of everyone and aim to do better next time. Respect the rules and it'll go easier for everyone.
  8. What goes around comes around, so mind what you say. Complaining about tests or homework is generally accepted, but personal insults or attacks are not. Show interest and express your sincere thanks after the explanation.
  9. This includes Christmas, their birthday, and Teachers' Day. It is optional and if you do decide to give a small gift it doesn't have to be an expensive item; it can be simple or handmade. It should not be anything too personal, but can be a little personal; for example, if she always talks about a special pet she has, get her a themed picture frame. A safe bet is something for the subject she teaches, like a poster in French for French class. Books are good.
  10. Teachers like students who are curious to know more about something. Just do not ask too many questions. One here or there is okay, it shows you are paying attention.
  11. If you feel that if your teacher is frustrated, tell them that you hope they will feel better soon.
  12. If you have the last class of the day, tell them a joke or something you know will make them laugh. Or when you leave, say, "Bye! See you later!" Maybe when you see them walking in the hall wave to them or say hello. Teachers like students to be themselves around them. Sure, the occasional polite student is disciplined but teachers are more likely to go for the people who mess up and are ok with it! Have a good attitude and be confident.
  13. He or she is unlikely to accept the bribe but you might get in trouble! Better safe than sorry. [4]
  14. Know that some teachers do not enjoy their jobs and nothing can be done about their temper. Don't feel bad. These kind of teachers are really very hard, almost impossible, to be won over. You can do that by being really good in their subject and never doing anything less than perfect. Who knows, you might even change their views about their job! [5]

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Why shouldn't I bribe the teacher?
    Community Answer
    Because it is very unlikely that your teacher will accept it, and if you teacher doesn't accept it, you might get into deep trouble. Plus, it's not the right thing to do.
  • Question
    How do I get good grades in class with a really bad teacher?
    Community Answer
    Get a tutor and/or try to organize a study group with your classmates. If you know another teacher that teaches that subject, you could also ask them for help. The internet can be a good resource as well if you need to learn more about a subject, just make sure you're looking at reputable sites.
  • Question
    What does it mean when a strict teacher calls me "a delight"?
    Community Answer
    That means he/she really likes you, and that's great, especially if they're strict. Keep up the good work.
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      • Don't cheat or do anything worth suspension during any of your teachers' classes. They might no longer trust you and take no notice of you at all.
      • Giving presents to a teacher might be considered bribing and not all teachers see this in a positive light, so be careful! In some cases, it's against the rules.
      • Make sure not to eat or chew gum during class.

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        Mar 8, 2017

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