Newborns are an exciting addition to your family, but caring for them can be overwhelming. One of the hardest parts about caring for a newborn is adjusting to a lack of sleep. Your sleep patterns will substantially change while caring for a newborn, but you can increase the amount of time you have for rest by planning ahead for your baby's arrival and opting for some convenience options around the house.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing for Sleep Before Your Newborn Arrives

  1. Many moms experience postpartum depression due to the sudden shift in hormones that occurs after giving birth. Difficulty sleeping can be a long-term symptom, and if you know the early warning signs and how to treat them ahead of time, you can avoid severe sleep deprivation all together. [1]
    • Be sure to take time to read any "baby blues" literature your doctor gives you before baby's arrival, so that you know what to expect.
  2. Before your baby arrives, talk about sleeping arrangements and devise a nighttime baby care plan with your significant other. Having a set plan before baby’s arrival will help reduce stress for both of you and allow you to jump right into a routine as soon as you bring baby home from the hospital. [2]
    • Some couples find that alternating feeding shifts throughout the night helps them each get reasonable rest while caring for a newborn.
    • Other couples alternate baby care every other night. For example, Mama might be on baby care duty on Monday night and Daddy will take Tuesday night. This guarantees that each parent will get at least one full night of sleep every other night.
    • When it’s your night to take care of the baby, consider having a bed in the nursery, so that your partner can rest in the bedroom without interruption on his or her night off.
  3. If you’re hoping to breastfeed your baby, buy a breast pump and learn how to use it before your baby arrives. Having a breast pump will allow others to help feed your baby while you rest, and you won’t feel guilty thinking that your extended absence is depriving your baby of important nutrition.
  4. It’s natural to worry about your baby, but you’ll worry less and sleep better if you have a good baby monitor or health alert system keeping track of your baby when you’re out of the nursery or fast asleep.
    • Many health alert systems also monitor baby's heartbeat and breathing, so when you hear your baby cry, you can determine if it’s just fussiness (which potentially allows you to spend more time in bed) or if something is wrong and immediately requires your attention.
    • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend using baby monitors that are advertised to reduce the risk of SIDS because they can cause unnecessary worry and stress that outweigh the benefits that they provide.
  5. Not everyone has the resources or the desire to hire a nanny or night-nurse, but a childcare specialist may be worth the investment if both you and your partner work full-time or have demanding careers, or if you don't have a partner. You and your partner are going to need your rest once the baby arrives. If one or both of you is sleep-deprived during the day, your daily productivity will be significantly reduced, so having a nanny or night-nurse might be a worthy investment.
    • Take the time before baby arrives to discuss your nanny budget, interview plenty of candidates, and choose the person that is right for your family and future baby. This is not a decision you want to rush.
  6. A newborn is a lot of work. If you take on extra responsibility within your community, at your job, or among friends and family right before your baby is born, you’ll be too busy to rest once the baby comes, even in the rare moments your baby doesn’t need you.
    • It’s okay to be selfish with your time and your sleep needs during this critical period for you and your baby, so be sure not to make any extra commitments.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Getting Rest Once Your Newborn Arrives

  1. Having a baby is an incredible experience, but your body needs to recover from birth, and that requires rest. While you’re still in the hospital or surrounded by midwives (if you’ve had a home birth), utilize the nursery services they provide for the first 24-48 hours after giving birth so you can rest and recover.
  2. Most new moms are overwhelmed with taking care of a demanding newborn and feel tempted to catch up on other duties when their babies finally sleep. As hard as it might be to let dishes pile up in the sink and constantly walk past unfolded piles of laundry, your sleep is more important. Take time to rest while the house is quiet and your baby is asleep.
  3. When your baby is a few weeks old and you’ve had a chance to recover from delivery, consider buying a sling or baby-carrier as you begin to do chores, work, and run errands again. By carrying your baby with you while you take care of your other responsibilities, you’ll get more done during the day, which will prevent you from feeling like you need to work into the night. [3]
  4. Newborn babies are hard work. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help with baby care, household chores, and even dinner duty. You’ll find that many people are eager to help and have the opportunity to snuggle and visit with your newborn.
    • Use this time to take a nap, have a shower, or relax alone in your room. Don’t feel guilty about resting while others help around your house. [4]
  5. Sleep deprivation isn’t just about getting enough sleep but also about when you get it. If your baby isn’t on a regular sleep schedule, chances are that you aren’t either and you’re feeling exceptionally tired, as a result. One you have your baby home, try to set feeding and sleeping routines as quickly and strictly as possible.
    • Even if your baby isn’t sleeping through the night, your body will adapt to sleeping at 2 or 3 hour intervals at a time and still thrive, provided that those short sleep sessions become routine. [5]
  6. All parents want to maintain an orderly household with home-cooked meals and a hands-on routine, but with a newborn, the more time you spend on chores, the less time you have to rest. For the first few months in caring for a newborn, consider keeping the freezer stocked with frozen meals, send your kids to school with lunch money or healthy pre-made lunches, order takeout for dinner, and hire a home cleaning service and/or meal service.
    • You might spend a little more money on these conveniences, but you will have more time to stop and rest, which is priceless when you have a newborn.
    • Your newborn will grow fast and sleep better and longer with each passing month, so you won’t have to cut corners forever.
  7. If all else fails and both you and your baby are suffering from extreme sleep deprivation, there is professional help available. Talk to your healthcare provider about seeing a pediatric sleep or behavioral specialist.
    • There may be underlying issues that are preventing your baby (and you) from getting a good night’s rest, so it’s important to seek help if you suspect there might be a problem. [6]
    • Talk to your doctor about sleep issues that you are having, and discuss any related issues such as stress or problems you are having due to sleep-deprivation.

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      • Always talk to your healthcare provider if you're ever in doubt or unsure as to the way you or your baby are sleeping.
      • Taking care of a newborn is hard, so don't be hard on yourself if sleep patterns and routine take time to establish.

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