YouTube may seem just like a website where people post up their videos so that other people can watch them and rate them...But YouTube today is one of the best things to do to keep yourself entertained. It helps you think and act and grow your personality. Most of you might have already created your channel or not. These steps down there will not work over-night but they will get you where you plan to go.


Start fresh.

  1. Choose a suitable name for your channel and a unique one. Think of what videos you'll be posting. It should be something you love to do, not something you don't like or don't know much about.

Start small.

  1. Growing a YouTube channel is a very tough and slow process. Sometimes it can even take years to fetch you a decent amount of viewers (depending on how good you are).

Be yourself.

  1. Don't let your videos be dry and dull. Post interactive videos where you can talk to your audience and they can talk to you back. Think of it as a community. Post your own original ideas and not copies, because if you post copies your audience might have already seen them and your channel will be no use to them. Think fresh and original, and at a few places...try to be funny.

Don't let haters bring you down.

  1. If you think you are good...then you are! Don't listen to people who try to bring down your channel. The best thing to do is just ignore.

Post quality content.

  1. Post videos which at least have a good quality (360-720 is good enough). Quality also refers to how bright your videos are. Never let them be dull and have no meaning. Post videos which will keep your viewers interested and to come back and eventually...Subscribe!

Tell friends and family.

  1. Don't feel shy. Just put yourself out there. Chances are they can spread the news.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I get more subscribers on YouTube?
    Community Answer
    Subscribe to other channels, leave comments on videos and create great content as often as you can.
  • Question
    What do I use to record on the computer and how do I edit?
    Community Answer
    Use a screen recording application. Try editing as good as you can. If you have Windows, you can use Windows Movie Maker. If you have a Mac, you can use iMovie.
  • Question
    How do I make clickbait for YouTube?
    Community Answer
    This method could lead to hate, or leave you with a bad reputation. But you could use a title like "99% of people haven't seen this Easter egg" for example. And use a thumbnail likely to make people click on it.
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      • Don't let haters bring you down.
      • You don't need a good camera to begin. A decent one should do the job.
      • Don't waste money on expensive editing software. Just use what your computer OS provides. Windows - Windows movie maker, Mac - iPhoto. Slowly as your channel grows you can get yourself a good one.
      Show More Tips


      • Don't post videos against YouTube's policy, such as copyrighted content and content that goes against their community guidelines.

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