Which My Hero Academia Character Am I?

Take this quiz to find out!

The popular anime and manga series My Hero Academia is jam-packed with different characters—and if you’re an MHA fan, you might be wondering which one is most like you!

Are you brave and determined like Deku, confident and competitive like Bakugo, bubbly and sweet like Ochaco—or more like one of the other characters? Answer our questions, and we’ll give you the answer!

Minimalist art of Ochaco, All Might, Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki from MHA.

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Questions Overview

1. If you could have any type of Quirk in the My Hero universe, it would be ________.
  1. Emitter. I want to create and control things!
  2. Transformation. I want to morph into different forms!
  3. Mutant. I want a unique appearance to match my quirk!
  4. It doesn’t matter. I’d take any kind of quirk!
2. What’s the one thing that motivates you more than anything else in life?
  1. My family and loved ones.
  2. The desire to be successful.
  3. My sense of duty and responsibility.
  4. The desire to help people and make the world better.
3. What is your greatest strength?
  1. Compassion
  2. Logic
  3. Honesty
  4. Responsibility
4. And now, what’s your greatest weakness?
  1. Overconfidence
  2. Humorlessness
  3. Insecurity
  4. Anger
5. How important are friends and family to you?
  1. They’re both super important to me!
  2. Family is a little complicated, but I love my friends to pieces.
  3. My friends are great, but I’d do anything for my family.
  4. Not super important; I’m more of a loner.
6. You have the chance to achieve your dreams, but you’d have to take a big risk. What do you do?
  1. Take the risk! It’s worth it.
  2. Take the risk, but only after strategizing and planning.
  3. Ask friends for advice. I don’t like making big decisions alone!
  4. Don’t take the risk. I’d rather find a better way to proceed.
7. Your friend says something that hurts your feelings. How do you react?
  1. I immediately call them out and demand an apology.
  2. I walk away to cool off and calm down.
  3. I keep it inside and try to move on quietly.
  4. I gently tell them how I feel so we can try to work past this.
8. You’re facing off in a battle against a fellow student at the U.A. Sports Festival. What secret weapon helps you win the match?
  1. My razor-sharp and strategic mind.
  2. My powerful fighting moves!
  3. My charisma, charm, and confidence.
  4. My inner strength and determination.
9. How does failure make you feel?
  1. Furious! I hate feeling like I failed at something.
  2. Sad, but it doesn’t stop me from trying again.
  3. Thoughtful. It’s important to learn from my mistakes.
  4. Unbothered. I prefer to be positive and look to the future!
10. A villain is about to attack! How do you respond to the threat?
  1. Get as many people out of the way as possible.
  2. Defeat the villain as fast as possible to prove I’m the best!
  3. Have a conversation with the villain so I can try to talk them down.
  4. Deal with the villain carefully to ensure no casualties.
11. When you play sports or games, what’s your style?
  1. I play fair and do my best to ensure everyone else is, too.
  2. I play dirty and do what I can to win at any cost!
  3. I play smart and use clever tricks to beat the other team.
  4. I just have fun and goof around so everyone else will, too!
12. What type of hero costume would you want to wear?
  1. Something bold, bright, and super noticeable!
  2. I’d prefer regular clothes to a hero costume, honestly.
  3. Something edgy and dangerous-looking to intimidate people.
  4. Something practical that’ll strengthen my quirk.

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MHA<\/i>\u2019s main protagonist\u2014and like Deku, you\u2019re strong-willed, brave, and have a heroic spirit that other people can\u2019t help but admire! Depending on the situation, you may feel a little shy at first, but deep down, you\u2019re full of enthusiasm and compassion.

You\u2019d never hesitate to help someone in need (even if the problem seemed out of your depth) and you have one of the most admirable superpowers of them all: the ability to empathize with just about anyone. No matter what comes your way, that selfless, caring approach to life is sure to take you far!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Show-Compassion"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Determined"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be More Compassionate to Yourself & Others","id":10913426,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Show-Compassion","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/72\/Loving-Person-with-Hearts.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Loving-Person-with-Hearts.png","alt":"How to Be More Compassionate to Yourself & Others"},{"title":"How to Be Determined","id":617351,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Determined","image":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/d4\/Be-Determined-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Determined-Step-17.jpg","alt":"How to Be Determined"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Katsuki Bakugo!","meaning":"Like Bakugo, you have a fierce (and often competitive) personality; you\u2019re strong and intelligent, and you know it! You may even come across as cocky from time to time, but like Bakugo, that\u2019s just your persona\u2014the real you has much more depth. Underneath your swagger is someone brave, bold, and confident: you\u2019ll do whatever you must to achieve your goals, and that\u2019s pretty amazing.

You ultimately believe in doing the right thing and standing up for your values, and you\u2019re one of the most tenacious people around; just remember not to let your pride get the better of you!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Determined"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Overcome-Pride"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Determined","id":617351,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Determined","image":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/d4\/Be-Determined-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Determined-Step-17.jpg","alt":"How to Be Determined"},{"title":"How to Overcome Pride","id":8805271,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Overcome-Pride","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bd\/Get-out-of-a-Depression-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Get-out-of-a-Depression-Step-17.jpg","alt":"How to Overcome Pride"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Ochaco Uraraka!","meaning":"Like Ochaco, you\u2019re bubbly, vibrant, and eternally optimistic! You prefer to take on life with a positive outlook\u2014what\u2019s the point of being pessimistic, after all? You\u2019re also super approachable and friendly; your warm, welcoming persona makes it easy for people to talk to you. And, of course, you\u2019re empathetic beyond belief; even when you don\u2019t see eye to eye with someone, you\u2019ll always try to understand them and show them compassion.

That boundless compassion is what makes you special. It doesn\u2019t stop you from standing up for yourself; you simply use it to make other people\u2019s lives (and the world) a little brighter!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Show-Compassion"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Empathize","id":689005,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg.png","alt":"How to Empathize"},{"title":"How to Be More Compassionate to Yourself & Others","id":10913426,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Show-Compassion","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/72\/Loving-Person-with-Hearts.png\/-crop-200-200-200px-Loving-Person-with-Hearts.png","alt":"How to Be More Compassionate to Yourself & Others"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Shoto Todoroki!","meaning":"Like Todoroki, you have two sides: one like ice, the other like fire! You tend to be quiet, reserved, and independent on the outside. You like being self-sufficient and handling problems on your own whenever possible\u2014but that doesn\u2019t mean you keep to yourself every moment of every day!

Underneath your reserved persona, you\u2019re very kindhearted, thoughtful, and serious. You want to become the best version of yourself and aren\u2019t afraid to rebel a little to get there; just remember that asking for help is an important skill, too!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Ask-for-Help"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Calm"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Get the Help You Need: What to Say & When to Say It","id":587631,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Ask-for-Help","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/fa\/Ask-for-Help-Step-15-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Ask-for-Help-Step-15-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Get the Help You Need: What to Say & When to Say It"},{"title":"How to Be Calm","id":139066,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Calm","image":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/dc\/Be-Calm-Step-23.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Calm-Step-23.jpg","alt":"How to Be Calm"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Shota Aizawa!","meaning":"Like Aizawa, you tend to be a little serious. You prefer logic and rational thinking over acting based on emotions alone, and you\u2019ve got a super bright mind! Nonetheless, you\u2019re not a robot: behind your serious, rational persona is genuine dedication, affection, and loyalty for the people you care most about. There\u2019s nothing you wouldn\u2019t do for your loved ones!

You probably enjoy acting as a caretaker sometimes, looking out for your loved ones carefully and helping them navigate life. What can we say? You\u2019re just one of those special people who can help others become the best version of themselves!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Rational"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Caring"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Rational","id":4804013,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Rational","image":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/df\/Be-Rational-Step-10.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Rational-Step-10.jpg","alt":"How to Be Rational"},{"title":"How to Be Caring","id":666423,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Caring","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/05\/Be-Caring-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Caring-Step-20.jpg","alt":"How to Be Caring"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Rumi Usagiyama!","meaning":"Like Rumi\u2014or Mirko, her heroic alias\u2014you\u2019re tough, outspoken, and honest to a fault. You don\u2019t mind saying what\u2019s on your mind, even if you know it\u2019ll ruffle some feathers! You\u2019re also utterly fearless and incredibly brave; there are few risks you won\u2019t take, especially when it\u2019s for a good cause. You throw yourself headfirst into everything you do\u2014you don\u2019t have time to doubt yourself or strategize for too long, especially since you\u2019re so great at thinking on your feet!

Finally, your love of adventure and thirst for thrills keep your life exciting no matter where or what you do. To you, life is meant to be lived in the fast lane!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Brave"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Have-a-Happy,-Adventurous,-and-Relaxed-Life"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Brave","id":71947,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Brave","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/fa\/Be-Brave-Step-22-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Brave-Step-22-Version-4.jpg","alt":"How to Be Brave"},{"title":"How to Have a Happy, Adventurous, and Relaxed Life","id":1475334,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Have-a-Happy,-Adventurous,-and-Relaxed-Life","image":"\/images\/thumb\/b\/bd\/Chill-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Chill-Step-17.jpg","alt":"How to Have a Happy, Adventurous, and Relaxed Life"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Tsuyu Asui!","meaning":"Like Tsu, you\u2019re a straight-shooter through and through. You\u2019re forthright and blunt, to the point that you may sound a little harsh sometimes\u2014but ultimately, everyone else knows they can trust you because you\u2019re always so refreshingly forthright. You\u2019re also calm and level-headed; you can keep your cool even when you\u2019re in the middle of something super stressful, and that soundness of mind helps you to look out for other people, too.

You\u2019re dependable, practical, and an excellent judge of character. Sure, you might not have frog-like features or say \u201cribbit\u201d like Tsu, but we\u2019d say you have a lot of her best qualities, regardless!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Responsible"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Calm"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Responsible","id":110770,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Responsible","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/40\/Be-Responsible-Step-21-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Responsible-Step-21-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Responsible"},{"title":"How to Be Calm","id":139066,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Calm","image":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/dc\/Be-Calm-Step-23.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Calm-Step-23.jpg","alt":"How to Be Calm"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Kyoka Jiro!","meaning":"Like Jiro, you\u2019re clever, responsible, and creative. You probably don\u2019t like being super obvious about your emotions. You may even seem unenthusiastic to others most of the time\u2014but the people who really know you can still read you, and you have a hidden snarky side (not to mention, a talent for sarcastic jokes).

Behind your persona, you have a creative streak a mile wide; you might be into music (like Jiro herself) or have another creative outlet you prefer, like writing or painting. Regardless, you express yourself and explore your sensitive side through creativity\u2014and that\u2019s pretty cool!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Creative"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Sarcastic"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Creative","id":24473,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Creative","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/c9\/Be-Creative-Step-17-Version-6.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Creative-Step-17-Version-6.jpg","alt":"How to Be Creative"},{"title":"How to Be Sarcastic","id":39468,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Sarcastic","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/07\/Be-Sarcastic-Step-14.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Sarcastic-Step-14.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sarcastic"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Eijiro Kirishima!","meaning":"Like Kirishima, you\u2019re energetic, outgoing, and chivalrous. You generally have a very positive attitude, and your boundless energy (not to mention your friendliness) makes you a fun person to be around! You\u2019re very open about your feelings: when you\u2019re happy, you\u2019re jumping for joy, and when you\u2019re sad or emotional, you\u2019re quick to shed tears.

You also have a strict code of honor and sense of responsibility. You won\u2019t compromise your morals for anything or let people down when they\u2019re counting on you! Basically, you have a heart of gold and an ironclad sense of right and wrong\u2014which are essential traits for any hero in the making. Go you!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Responsible"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Responsible","id":110770,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Responsible","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/40\/Be-Responsible-Step-21-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Responsible-Step-21-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Responsible"},{"title":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence","id":1600185,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Tenya Ida!","meaning":"Like Ida, you\u2019re classy, earnest, disciplined, and super smart. You have a natural air of sophistication that others admire, though you also have lots of enthusiasm and passion! You probably enjoy learning of all kinds; it doesn\u2019t matter what you\u2019re learning about so long as it\u2019s something new!

You\u2019re also very organized and dutiful and tend to feel responsible for the people you care about. You have a strong drive to protect and steer them in the right direction when they\u2019re in trouble! However, that doesn\u2019t mean you\u2019re overbearing or a know-it-all; you\u2019re actually quite humble and honorable, always ready to learn from your mistakes. Here\u2019s to you and your truly noble spirit!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Responsible"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Both-Humble-and-Confident"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Responsible","id":110770,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Responsible","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/40\/Be-Responsible-Step-21-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Responsible-Step-21-Version-3.jpg","alt":"How to Be Responsible"},{"title":"How to Be Both Humble and Confident","id":11506613,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-Both-Humble-and-Confident","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/74\/Be-Both-Humble-and-Confident-Step-13.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Both-Humble-and-Confident-Step-13.jpg","alt":"How to Be Both Humble and Confident"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Mina Ashido!","meaning":"Like Ashido, you\u2019re cheerful, easygoing, excitable, and fashionable! You have so much energy bubbling up inside you all the time\u2014and as a result, you may be athletic in some way (whether you play a team sport, prefer to get active on your own, or find joy in dancing like Ashido does). And, of course, you\u2019re a romantic; you love love and adore matchmaking (or just learning new details about your friends\u2019 love lives).

You\u2019re generally pretty easy to get along with because you\u2019re so social\u2014and you can even use your social skills and emotional intelligence to diffuse arguments or get on the good side of someone who isn\u2019t happy with you. That\u2019s just how charming you are!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-an-Athletic-Person"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be an Athletic Person","id":285590,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-an-Athletic-Person","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/7e\/Be-an-Athletic-Person-Step-12.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-an-Athletic-Person-Step-12.jpg","alt":"How to Be an Athletic Person"},{"title":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence","id":1600185,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You\u2019re Momo Yaoyorozu!","meaning":"Like Momo, you\u2019re driven, levelheaded, and charismatic! You have an undeniable talent for leadership that\u2019s completely natural; you\u2019re responsible, kind, and authoritative, which means lots of people tend to look up to you. You\u2019re very good at dealing with tough or stressful situations that others can\u2019t, which is why you\u2019re someone people can count on in a crisis.

You\u2019re also confident and selfless! You have the self-confidence to take on challenges without being too prideful and the drive to help people, even if it means inconveniencing yourself. So, don\u2019t let anyone shake your confidence because you absolutely have the making of a leader!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-a-Leader"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Increase-Charisma"}],"link_data":[{"title":"19 Ways to Become a Better Leader","id":29054,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Be-a-Leader","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/42\/Be-a-Leader-Step-19-Version-3.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-a-Leader-Step-19-Version-3.jpg","alt":"19 Ways to Become a Better Leader"},{"title":"How to Increase Charisma","id":2132285,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Increase-Charisma","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/8e\/Increase-Charisma-Step-18.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Increase-Charisma-Step-18.jpg","alt":"How to Increase Charisma"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>MHA<\/i> - I'm all about stories like this.","result":"Cool! Try these awesome quizzes next:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Which Naruto Character Am I Quiz","id":14265542,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Naruto-Quiz","image":"\"Naruto<\/picture>","alt":"Which Naruto Character Am I Quiz"},{"title":"Which Hazbin Hotel Character Am I Quiz","id":14596551,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Which-Hazbin-Hotel-Character-Are-You","image":"\"Which<\/picture>","alt":"Which Hazbin Hotel Character Am I Quiz"},{"title":"What Pok\u00e9mon Am I Quiz","id":14133264,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/What-Pokemon-Are-You","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Pok\u00e9mon Am I Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"I want to learn more about my unique personality.","result":"Sweet! Check out these personality quizzes:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Type A B C D Personality Test","id":13714623,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Type-A-B-C-D-Personality-Test","image":"\"Type<\/picture>","alt":"Type A B C D Personality Test"},{"title":"What's My Archetype Quiz","id":14518519,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Archetype-Quiz","image":"\"Archetype<\/picture>","alt":"What's My Archetype Quiz"},{"title":"What Is My True Color Personality Quiz","id":14149153,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/True-Colors-Personality-Test","image":"\"True<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My True Color Personality Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

My Hero Academia: Fun Facts

1. Deku’s Origins
Deku—Izuku Midoriya—was inspired by Jack Midoriya, a character from a one-shot manga series called My Hero . Like Deku, Jack Midoriya dreams of being a superhero, though he’s a salaryman (or office worker) rather than a student.

2. Deku’s Name The nickname “Deku” was given to him by Bakugo; its actual meaning in Japanese is “wooden puppet” or “dummy,” which makes it basically Bakugo’s way of implying that Deku was useless and easy to bully. Luckily, Deku finds a way to take the name and make it his own in the show!

3. Mina’s Alien Connections
Parts of Mina Ashido (Pinky) were directly inspired by Ridley Scott’s Alien movie series—specifically by the aliens. Like the xenomorphs in Alien , Mina has acidic blood. She was also named Ridley in early versions of the script!

4. Nice Bakugo?
MHA series creator Kohei Horikoshi originally planned for Bakugo to be a kind, genteel character. Horikoshi eventually decided that a good-natured Bakugo might be too boring for readers since Deku, the main character, is already so kind-hearted himself. Thus, cocky and abrasive (yet lovable) Bakugo was born!

5. Name Meanings Many characters in class 1A have meaningful names. Kohei Horikoshi ensured that each character’s name is somehow a reference to either their Quirk or personality. For example:

  • Bakugo’s name means bomb (baku) and power (go).
  • Tenya Ida’s name comes from “Idaten,” a term originating from the name of the Buddhist hero Skanda, used to describe someone fast on their feet.
  • Ochaco’s last name, Ururaka, means “fine day” in Japanese (a reference to her optimism and bubbliness).
  • Denki Kaminari’s name means electric (denki) and thunder (kaminari).

6. Tsuyu and Toro When they were first conceptualized, Tsuyu Asui and Toro Hagakure were actually boys—not girls. However, creator Kohei Horikoshi realized the majority of Class 1A were boys (fourteen boys and six girls, though it would’ve been sixteen boys and four girls if Tsuyu and Toro hadn’t been changed).

7. Ochaco’s Quirk
The Ochaco everyone knows and loves has a Zero Gravity quirk—but, originally, that wasn’t the case. Ochaco’s original quirk was Gigantification (the ability to grow to gigantic proportions), which is now the quirk of another MHA character, Mt. Lady. Kohei Horikoshi felt Gigantification was too difficult of a quirk for a hero-in-training; thus, Ochaco was given a different quirk and Gigantification was given to Mt. Lady.

8. Superman would beat All Might
In MHA , All Might is one of the world’s most powerful heroes—and his character is a reference to Superman, DC’s comic book hero. Kohei Horikoshi was asked which one would win in a fight, and he confidently replied that Superman would be the winner (largely because of his laser eyes).

9. Dragon Ball Connections
Kohei Horikoshi is a huge Dragon Ball Z fan—to the point that Goku, the protagonist of Dragon Ball , partially inspires All Might’s appearance. In fact, he also inspires aspects of All Might’s personality; both are bold and iconic characters who inspire others to be heroic.

10. Todoroki’s Character Parallels
Some MHA fans have pointed out that Shoto Todoroki heavily resembles Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender . They both have fire manipulation powers, abusive fathers, and, most obviously, burn scars around their left eye.