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Funny, romantic, and silly questions to ask couples
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Ready for a fun game that’s catered to couples? The Newlywed Game is the activity for you! Whether you’re at a bridal shower, engagement party, wedding reception, or just a fun get-together, this group activity will have everyone in stitches. Round up the couples, pick out your questions, and let’s get started!

Things You Should Know

  • Ask the couples questions in real-time. Have each partner answer questions about each other with the goal of writing the same answer.
  • For example, in, “When did you know they were the one?” each spouse would guess what their partner said about them.
  • Give each member of the couple 1 point when they answer a question correctly.
  1. Ask couples to recount their first meeting for a throwback. This is an easy question to start with, although for some long-time couples, it might be difficult to recall details! Keep the fun going by asking specific questions about their first meeting, like: [1]
    • Where was your first date?
    • What did your spouse wear on your first date?
    • Use 1 word to describe your first impression of your spouse.
    • On a scale from 1 to 10, how would your partner rate your first date?
    • Who made the first move?
    • When did you know they were “the one”?
    • Who said “I love you” first?
    • When is your dating anniversary?
    • What’s the first movie you two watched together?
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  1. Test the couples on the knowledge of their spouse’s preferences. Pick a few topics, like movies, TV shows, or food, then ask each couple to guess the other person’s fav. Things are likely to get heated with these questions! [2]
    • What is your spouse’s favorite movie?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite book?
    • What TV show does your spouse watch when they’re having a bad day?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite candy bar?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite restaurant?
    • What would be your spouse’s ideal date night?
    • What is your spouse’s dream job?
    • How does your spouse like their eggs?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite beverage?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite band or artist?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite way to relax?


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  1. Introduce some friendly competition to get couples going. Being in a relationship isn’t a competition, but being the best cook might be! Ask the couples to name who they think their partner will pick as the “best” person in each scenario. [3]
    • Who’s the best cook?
    • Who’s more organized?
    • Who’s more outgoing?
    • Who is the funniest?
    • Who is the better listener?
    • Who is more honest?
    • Who is more adventurous?
    • Who is the better gift-giver?
    • Who is better at planning dates?
    • Who’s the best at saving money?
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  1. Get the crowd laughing with some funny questions. Don’t want to stick to the boring, fact-based questions? We hear ya! Here are some hilarious questions that will have both your couple and the rest of the guests around you laughing: [4]
    • Who is more likely to leave the toilet seat up?
    • Who snores louder?
    • Who is more likely to get lost while driving?
    • Who is the most likely to fall asleep during a movie?
    • Who is more likely to lose their temper in traffic?
    • Who is most likely to start a food fight in the kitchen?
    • Who is more likely to spontaneously burst into song?
    • Who is more likely to steal the covers in bed?
    • Who is more likely to start dancing in public?
    • Who is more likely to make silly faces in photos?

Fast Facts

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  1. Ask couples to name important facts about their partner. It might not seem like a challenge to name your spouse’s eye color, but you’d be surprised at how many people won’t remember. Ask the couples to name quick facts about their partner, like: [5]
    • What color are your partner’s eyes?
    • What is your partner’s shoe size?
    • What is your spouse’s biggest fear?
    • How does your partner like their steak?
    • What is your partner’s hidden talent?
    • How many children does your spouse want?
    • What’s something that makes your spouse cry?
    • What is your spouse’s full name?
    • How many cousins does your spouse have?
    • Does your spouse prefer sweet or savory foods?
    • What is your spouse’s biggest pet peeve?
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Fun and Flirty

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  1. Want to make people blush and giggle? Try asking them questions about their spouse that are a little flirty. Don’t get too crass in case people aren’t comfortable—instead, ask questions like: [6]
    • Who is a better kisser?
    • Who is your spouse’s celebrity crush?
    • What song would best describe your spouse in the bedroom?
    • What is your spouse’s favorite physical feature on you?
    • What does your partner usually wear to bed?
    • How would you describe your spouse on your wedding night?
    • Does your partner sleep on their side, back, or stomach?
    • Who gives better massages?
    • How does your spouse tell you that they’re in the mood?
    • What is your partner’s pet name for you?
  1. Ask about money to make the couples sweat. While finances might not sound like the most fun topic around, these questions can really reveal how much a couple knows about each other. Ask questions like: [7]
    • How many credit cards does your partner have?
    • Would your partner rather spend money on experiences or possessions?
    • Where does your partner want to retire?
    • Does your partner follow a monthly budget?
    • Who is more charitable?
    • What hobby does your partner spend the most on?
    • Is your partner better with money than you?
    • If your partner won the lottery, what’s the first thing they would buy?
    • What is your partner’s dream vacation spot?
    • Has your partner ever donated plasma for money?
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  1. Question them about their partner’s routines and what they like to do on a daily basis to see how well each couple knows each other. Try questions like: [8]
    • Is your partner a morning person or a night owl?
    • Is your partner a homebody, or do they like going out?
    • Would your partner rather visit the beach or the mountains?
    • Would your partner rather have a spa day or go hiking?
    • Would your partner rather get a new wardrobe or a new car?
    • Does your partner like to sleep in?
    • Who’s more likely to forget a household chore?
    • Is your partner a Marvel or DC fan?
    • Does your partner prefer winter or summer?
    • Does your partner like Halloween or Christmas?

Fill in the Blanks

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  1. Use funny prompts to have couples complete the sentence. Give your couples a sentence to complete about their spouse, then have them write what their partner is going to say. Make these as goofy or as serious as you’d like to with questions like:
    • We are complete opposites when it comes to ____.
    • I really wish my spouse would ____ more at home.
    • One thing we will never, ever agree on is ____.
    • Our wedding was almost perfect until ____.
    • I knew I found the love of my life when they ____.
    • Not many people know this, but my spouse is really good at ____.
    • If I were to dye my hair, my spouse would prefer it to be ____.
    • When we go out to bars, my spouse always orders ____ but would never order ____.
    • During game night, my partner always hopes we’re going to play ____ and not ____.
    • My spouse can fix a ____ like a professional.
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For Parents

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  1. If the couple also co-parents, use these questions to test their knowledge. These questions won’t be applicable for every couple, but if they already have a family together, these are sure to get them going. Ask questions about their kids and their home life like:
    • Who is in charge of bath time?
    • Who is more strict about household chores?
    • Who takes the kids to more playdates?
    • Who gets out of bed first in the morning?
    • Who is more of a last-minute shopper?
    • Who helps the kids with their homework?
    • Who has changed more diapers?
    • Who spends more time cleaning the house?
    • Who picks up the kids from school more?
    • Who is more likely to plan a family vacation?

Tough Questions

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  1. Use extra hard questions like these as a tie-breaker. If your couples are stuck in a head-to-head competition, it’s time to pull out the big guns! Use these super tough questions to declare a clear winner: [9]
    • What was your partner’s GPA in high school?
    • What is your partner’s favorite time of day?
    • Was your partner rebellious as a teenager?
    • As a child, what was your partner’s favorite movie?
    • How often does your partner dream about you?
    • What did your partner want to be when they grew up?
    • How does your partner want to be remembered?
    • What was the happiest moment of your partner’s life?
    • Is your partner a better listener than you?
    • Who has the most unique taste in music?
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Expert Q&A

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      • Use whiteboards and dry erase markers to make answering easier.
      • At a wedding, bridal shower, or engagement party, keep the focus on the couple by only asking them questions. For a get-together or party, ask every couple in the room the same questions.
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