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Q&A for How to Act Drunk
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QuestionHow do I portray being drunk when acting?Greg James Blount is an Acting Coach, Talent Development Director, and co-owner with his wife of the Green Room Acting Studio based in Boca Raton, Florida. Greg has over 30+ years in the talent industry. His online acting studio trains hundreds of students each month and has been responsible for many actors being discovered and gaining representation, including Kira Kosarin (Nickelodeon's The Thundermans), Kayden Muller (Disney’s Villains of Valley View), Colin O’Brien (WONKA, Dear Edward), Cade Sutton (Disney's Kirby Buckets), and Christopher Cassarino (HULU’s Reasonable Doubt, NBC's New Amsterdam). Greg also owns Sound Tree Entertainment and has produced several award-winning films and TV shows. In May 2024, he directed his first feature film, The Tan Man. Greg has a degree in film production and a minor in fashion photography from the University of South Carolina.If you've ever seen characters in shows or movies where they act drunk, use them as a reference. But it's also great to take acting classes, as that gives you more practice and helps you better embody different characters. Just like you'd try to imitate a character from The Walking Dead if you wanted to act like a zombie, you can use inspiration from shows or movies to make your portrayal of someone drunk or stoned more convincing. Acting is all about practice, tapping into memory if you've previously been drunk, and then putting your own spin on it.
QuestionHow can I convey drunkenness in a text?Community AnswerMisspell words, don't include punctuation, swear every other word and make zero sense.
QuestionIn what situation do I have to pretend to be drunk?Community AnswerYou may want to play a prank on your friends. You may also need to act drunk for a performance.
QuestionWhat if I am already drunk?Community AnswerThen you don't need to 'act' drunk on purpose.
QuestionMy friends can spot my act quckly what should I do?Community AnswerDon't argue with them. The more you try to convince them that you are drunk, the less they will believe you. Just keep acting drunk and less in control. When they ask you if you're drunk, deny it.
QuestionWhat should you do if your parents show up and your friends tell them that you're drunk?Community AnswerTake your punishment in front of your friends, then when you're alone with your parents come clean. Tell them "I just was acting drunk to fit in. I really didn't drink anything."
QuestionWhat happens if the police ask?Community AnswerIf the authorities are involved, it's time to drop the act and tell the truth.
QuestionWould it be a good idea to act drunk at school?Community AnswerNo, I don't recommend that. Even if you tell them you were just pretending, you still might get in trouble.
QuestionHow do I act drunk in an online Roleplay?LionHeart04Community AnswerSlurred speech is a good one, describing the scent of alcohol on breath and/or clothes are also good details to include, stumbling around, reddened face, lack of self control.
QuestionHow do I act comedically drunk?aisling macquarrieCommunity AnswerOverdo all of the steps. Do everything in the article, but do it times two.
QuestionShould I laugh a lot if I want to pretend to be drunk?WikihowhuskyCommunity AnswerYes, alcohol causes unusual laughter. Just don't laugh too much, and laugh at things you don't normally find hilarious if you want to look really drunk.
QuestionCommunity Answer
QuestionCan muslim people do thisMinecraft GamerCommunity Answeryes they can because only alcohol is haram nothing else other then alcohol is haram in the muslim religions
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