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Q&A for How to Address a Letter to a Priest
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QuestionHow do I write a letter to the vicar?Community AnswerAddress the letter Very Reverend first name, middle initial, last name.
QuestionHow would Jesus feel about the preferential treatment towards priests?Community AnswerJesus gives priests a special vocation, that is often one of the hardest and most grueling vocations God gives. He, himself, grants priests special dignity to celebrate the sacraments. In a way, priests are royalty among their parish, because they are often looked at for leadership and wisdom, like a lay person cannot give.
QuestionHow do I address an envelope to a Catholic priest who has the rank of Canon and holds a doctorate?Community AnswerOn an envelope you would write "The Reverend Canon (Last name)". When speaking to him, you would address a canon as "Father" or "Your Reverence".
QuestionHow can I invite him to a meeting?Community AnswerYou will most likely be able to chat with him after mass. Or you could try to get his email address and contact him that way.
QuestionHow should I address the envelope of an invitation to a priest at his church address?Community AnswerFor a regular priest, address it to The Reverend (First name) (Last name). For a canon, address it to The Reverend Canon (Last name), and for a vicar or dean, address it to The Very Reverend (First name) (Last name).
QuestionHow does one address a Vicar?Community AnswerFirst greet him, and later ask him how you may be of help to him. After he has told you, help him with want he wants and thank him, wish him blessings and a safe journey back to where he is from.
QuestionHow do you address an envelope to a married Catholic priest?Community AnswerThe Reverend and Mrs. John Doe. Most Catholic priests are not married, though.
QuestionCan I address the Bishop "His Lordship"?CodeNameViperCommunity AnswerGenerally no. The most appropriate way to address a bishop or archbishop is “Your Excellency” or, in formal writing, “Most Reverend Bishop N., Bishop/Archbishop of the Diocese/Archdiocese of N.” In formal salutations, it is appropriate to address the bishop/archbishop as “Most Reverend Excellence” or “Most Reverend Excellency.”
QuestionHow do I address letter to Catholic priest who is Pastor of his church?CodeNameViperCommunity AnswerAssuming that the priest is not a vicar or religious superior, you would address him as Reverend Father (Full Name). If the priest is a vicar or religious superior, you would address him as Very Reverend Father (Full Name.) If the pastor of the parish is a bishop, you would address him as The Most Reverend Bishop (Full Name.)
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