Q&A for How to Ask Your Mom for Permission to Shave Your Legs

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    How can you hint it to your mom without wearing something short or wearing a bathing suit?
    Community Answer
    Wear something hot on a hot day, such as pants. When she asks why you are wearing pants, you could say, "Because I don't feel comfortable with the hair I have on my legs. I don't feel confident."
  • Question
    My mom keeps saying "no" because she started shaving at a later age. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Explain to her how uncomfortable the hair makes you feel. Say, "I have so much hair and it embarrasses me, maybe you had less, so you didn't feel the urge to shave until later, but I feel really awkward. May I please get your permission to shave?"
  • Question
    I want to shave my legs and underarms for dance class, but it's winter. I wouldn't mind waiting until the spring, so should I tell her when I starts getting warmer? Or should I ask her now?
    Community Answer
    Ask now, for the spring, so she has time to think about it and get mentally used to the idea.
  • Question
    Around what age should girls start shaving?
    Community Answer
    There really isn't a certain age when a girl should start shaving, as different girls hit puberty at different times. Instead, you should start shaving when you start noticing hairs on your legs. If you are young and don't have hair (or that much hair), then you have nothing to worry about.
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    My mom lecturers me about everything, even if she doesn't mean to. I'm nervous about asking her because she is so stressed out and I don't want to make it worse. Any tips?
    Community Answer
    Choosing the right time to talk to your mother is key. Don't do it when she's just come home from work or had a fight with a friend. Try to bring up the topic when she's in a relaxed, comfortable mood, so she's less likely to get stressed out.
  • Question
    What happens if your mother doesn't shave her legs?
    Community Answer
    It can be difficult to convince your mom if she doesn't shave herself. Try to explain to her how uncomfortable your hair makes you, so you can start to see things from your point of view. If she still isn't convinced, consider talking to another female relative, such as an older sister, aunt, or grandmother, who shaves and ask her to talk to your mother.
  • Question
    How do I ask my mom if I'm scared to talk to her about it and I haven't really been myself lately?
    Community Answer
    Realize that your mom may not be open to the idea until you ask and she realizes that you want to do this. Just be open to any answer, and realize that she may need persuading at first. If she says no, just say okay and ask her when it would be okay. You might also like to talk to her about why you don't "feel yourself" lately, in case she can be of help.
  • Question
    How do I ask my mom without saying the words "Can I shave my legs?" or "Can I have a razor?" or anything along those lines?
    Community Answer
    Wear your swimsuit or a short dress and show her. She might see your legs and assume you should start shaving. However, it's perfectly normal to ask your mom directly for doing something like this but if you think she'll be unreceptive, perhaps say something like: "All the girls at school are shaving their legs now, so I've decided to start too. I'll put razors in the shopping basket next week; is that okay?" Then see how she responds.
  • Question
    My mom thinks my hair will all go away because it's "baby hair." How do I tell her that I want to wear shorts and not be embarrassed?
    Community Answer
    Be honest with her. Explain that you feel uncomfortable showing your legs now because of the hair. If kids at school have teased you about it, tell her how upsetting that's been. In the end, you may need to be patient. When she sees that the hair on your legs hasn't gone away like she assumed, she'll probably allow you to shave.
  • Question
    What if I'm embarrassed?
    Community Answer
    It's normal to feel uncomfortable discussing some issues with your mother. If you don't want to do it face to face, consider sending a text or email that explains your feelings. You can even write a letter and leave it for your mother.
  • Question
    I've asked my mom if I could shave about two months ago, and then again before that, but every time I ask her she always says "No, once you start, you can't stop." But I feel uncomfortable. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Have you told your mom that you feel uncomfortable? If not you should tell her, because no parents want their children to be uncomfortable. If she still says no, tell her you don't mind that once you begin you can't stop shaving, but be honest.
  • Question
    Could I shave secretly if I haven't asked her?
    Community Answer
    You wouldn't be the first person to do this, but I don't recommend it. Your mom might get mad if you do it without talking to her first and you might cut yourself if you don't know how to handle the razor.
  • Question
    What if my mom is strict?
    Community Answer
    Just explain to her that shaving is something that we will all eventually do, but you think you are ready to take on the responsibility because you are mature enough to handle it. She will understand.
  • Question
    My mum gave me a shaving kit with a travel sized shaving cream. I have long legs and used it all. How do I ask for another razor and more cream?
    Community Answer
    Just tell her that you ran out of the cream and need a full sized shaving cream and a pack of razors. Surely she doesn't expect a travel sized cream to last you forever.
  • Question
    I am 13 and my hair is blond so you cannot really see the hair on my legs. But in the sunlight, it really shows. it sucks because all of the girls have shaved legs but I don't. I don't know how to ask my mom?
    Community Answer
    Just ask her. There is nothing wrong with shaving your legs. You have to be straightforward about it.
  • Question
    What if I'm scared she will say no?
    Community Answer
    Give her reasons why she should say yes. If she says no, wait a week or two and ask again. Remember, she's your mom. She loves you. There's no reason to be afraid of her.
  • Question
    I have hairy legs and my friends shave their legs and I want to shave. I have 2 Capri pants that I really want to wear to school. I don't know how to ask my mom. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You probably feel uncomfortable every time you want to ask your mom, but you just have to do it. She will probably understand that you need to shave them. Be straightforward.
  • Question
    Every time I ask my mom if I could shave my legs she tells me that I'm still a little girl. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell her that you want to do it and ask her if there are other reasons why you can't shave them. Be honest and don't get mad if she says no. Respect her opinion. One day she will eventually allow you.
  • Question
    Every time I ask my mom she says no and gives no reasoning. Her response is always "You don't have your period yet." What do I do?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like your mom has decided that you're old enough to shave once you have your period. If that's the case, there is nothing to be done but to wait. Most girls get their periods by ages 12-13.
  • Question
    I really want to shave my legs for my track meet coming up in a couple of days! I'm nervous to ask, and I don't know how she'll respond. She's pretty chill, but I'm still really nervous! Any advice?
    Community Answer
    The worst thing that will happen is that she will say no, but if you don't ask her at all, then the answer will definitely be no. You should just ask and see what she has to say!
  • Question
    I don't feel comfortable asking this question, but I really want to shave my legs. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    There's no reason to be shy or uncomfortable, especially with your mom. Remember that your mother was your age once, and she also had to get her mom to show her how to shave her legs. Just start the conversation with "Mom, I'm ready to start shaving my legs."
  • Question
    How should I build up my confidence so I don't feel awkward when I ask her?
    Community Answer
    Just build up all of your courage and do it. Do you want it that much?! Anyway, once you bring up the topic, you'll be able to speak your thoughts easily. It's just tough to introduce the topic. Make sure you have good reasons to back up your request.
  • Question
    I've asked my mom if I can shave before, but she said no because my skin is too soft. I shaved a small patch of hair on my leg, and it didn't bother me at all. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell her that you tried shaving a small patch and it didn't bother you. If saying that will get you in trouble, try to give her an example, whether it is real or fake. Say something like, "My friend has super sensitive skin, and she shaves, it doesn't bother her," or, "If I use shaving cream it would help a lot because I have sensitive skin. My friend did this and it helped her."
  • Question
    My friend told everyone on my soccer team that I don't shave my legs yet, and now they all know. I'm nervous about asking my mom to shave, though. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    First of all, are you sure you want to shave just because some immature girls on your soccer team are silly enough to make fun of you for something so trivial? Once you start shaving, you can't stop, so be sure this is what you want to do. If it is, simply explain the situation to your mom and ask her permission. The worst that can happen is she'll say wait a little while longer.
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    What should I do if I don't have a mom?
    Community Answer
    In that case, just ask your primary caretaker or guardian for permission.
  • Question
    My mom is always tired because she is always either at work or home making food for me and the rest of the family. Since I already thread my upper lip I asked her today if I can do it and she said no. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    What you should do, is sit down and talk to your mother. Tell her that you're getting worried about getting made fun of because of how hairy your legs are.
  • Question
    Where should I ask her, at a store or at home?
    Community Answer
    It all depends on how comfortable you are with asking! Being at home, you obviously aren't in public, and it may be less stressful to ask. At the store, you are in public, but it makes it convenient because you can go and buy the supplies you need.
  • Question
    I am starting gymnastics this week and I have hair everywhere and it's noticeable, but my mom said I can never shave my legs. I get bullied a lot, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Do not let them get to you. Simple as that. Stick up for yourself. If your mom doesn't want you to shave your legs, then don't, but go up to her and say, "Mom, I get bullied about my legs not being shaved, and I feel really embarrassed about it. Can I shave them in hopes that the bullies will stop?" Just be yourself and ignore their comments. Personally, I know how it feels, but you need to stick up for yourself and any person bullied. Do it and hopefully they'll stick up for you.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to ask, but I want to shave?
    Community Answer
    If you want to do it so badly without asking for permission, then just do it! But keep in mind that your parents/guardians might be disappointed that you didn't ask their opinion. Make sure you don't regret it.
  • Question
    What do I do when I asked my mom to shave a month ago and she said she would think about it? She hasn't said anything to me yet.
    Community Answer
    Try bringing it up again, or ask if she's thought about it at all. She'll most likely have an answer for you. Just make sure she's in a good mood when you ask.
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