Q&A for How to Be Good at Volleyball

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    How do I actually play volleyball?
    Community Answer
    So, you have a team of six people and each person is in a specific position. You rotate from that position when it is your team's turn to serve. Basically, you have to get the ball over the net in 1-3 hits. Usually, one person bumps it to the setter, who then sets it up for whoever the hitter is. The hitter then hits (spikes) it over the net. This will make the ball harder to play back, which is a good thing because then your team will get the point. Whoever gets 25 points first wins that game. Then, whoever wins the most games for the set wins. You can learn more here: How to Play Volleyball .
  • Question
    At the moment I don't have a volleyball, so can I use a basketball for practice?
    Community Answer
    A basketball is a lot harder and heavier than a volleyball, so it is not very useful for practice. You will have to hit it with a lot more force and you could hurt yourself.
  • Question
    How do I get better at volleyball?
    Community Answer
    Practice. Even if you are experienced already, you can practice every small detail to make yourself better. Get a experienced volleyball player or trainer to help you. Join a team so you can get continuous practice on your game. Practice makes perfect!
  • Question
    How come when I hit the ball it hits my arm and not my hands?
    Community Answer
    It all depends on how you're hitting it. If you're attempting a bump, then it is supposed to hit your forearm. However, for a set or a serve it should be hitting your hand. The next time you go to play, focus on your aim and try to make sure you hit it with your hand.
  • Question
    How do I make my sports team more positive?
    Community Answer
    Always celebrate and acknowledge good play, and don't dwell upon silly mistakes or given up points.
  • Question
    How do I get a really hard spike?
    Community Answer
    There is only one answer: practice harder. Practice step-by-step and work on your approach. Make sure you know how to spike right. (If you slam the ball downwards, it's nearly impossible to get.) You also need to be able to jump high so you get it over the net. In a game, the circumstances may be different, but practice with high, simple sets first, then get harder.
  • Question
    How can I learn to jump properly to hit the ball?
    Community Answer
    Always work on your approach (left, right, left) and work on your vertical leap and on good jumping mechanics. When you swing your arms back, keep your wrists bent back to give more momentum upward. Also, kick your legs back when you are up, this will give you more hang time on your jump.
  • Question
    How can I serve a ball even though I'm bad at it?
    Community Answer
    Try serving underhand, and work your way up to overhand. Practice will help you get better at serving the ball over time.
  • Question
    How can I spike properly and avoid missteps on my approach?
    Community Answer
    Practice by standing on top of a table or box and tossing a ball up in the air. Practice snapping your wrist when you hit the ball so that it goes down. As for your approach, that just takes practice. If you are right-handed, practice left, right, left, then jump. Try practicing it to a beat. Left, right, left. Do the opposite if you are left-handed, right, left, right.
  • Question
    What type of exercises can I do? I'm a lot younger than the people lifting weights.
    Community Answer
    Squats, wall sits, planks, and push-ups are great exercises you can do at home.
  • Question
    Can I train myself without a trainer or team?
    Community Answer
    You can, but it would be beneficial to you to seek advice and assistance from someone who has experience with the sport.
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    How do I prove I should move up in class?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your coach. Instead of just outright saying, "Can I move up?" just ask her/him, "What can I do to move up on the team?" and then work REALLY hard and try to become really good. Remember, you don't need to be the best ON the team, you need to be the best FOR the team. It isn't a one man/woman sport. Work really hard and talk to your coach!
  • Question
    How can I get better at volleyball if I am a poor runner and not very strong?
    Community Answer
    If you are a poor runner, then try going for short runs a few times a week, then increasing duration to build up your cardiovascular strength. To become stronger, try a simple strength training program. Both skills are important in volleyball.
  • Question
    I've always been good at volleyball, but I've been performing poorly lately. How can I get out of this cycle?
    Community Answer
    Just forget about your mistakes and go out and practice as hard as you can.
  • Question
    How can I get a team to trust me and let me play volleyball?
    Community Answer
    It's not really about trust, it's a matter of how much space there is on the team and how competitive it is. You can always try out for the team. But if you're inexperienced and the team is fully of experienced players, you are unlikely to get on the team, unless they don't have enough people. In that case, you can look elsewhere in your community for a team better suited for your experience/abilities - or practice a lot on your own and try again next year.
  • Question
    What kind or type of shoes am I supposed to use for volleyball if I can't find volleyball shoes?
    Community Answer
    You can wear basketball shoes, or you could try to find regular tennis shoes/sneakers. As long as the shoes you have are closed-toe (no sandals, flip-flops, etc.), they offer good support to prevent injuries and so your feet don't hurt after hours of practice or a long game. They should have plenty of traction, so you can make quick movements without having to worry about slipping and sliding on a slick gym floor.
  • Question
    How can I improve my timing?
    Community Answer
    You just have to focus and concentrate when the ball is coming to you.
  • Question
    Can I use a soccer ball to play volleyball?
    Community Answer
    It is hard to use a any other ball besides a volleyball to pass, hit, or serve. But if you want to get better at setting and getting the ball higher, a soccer or basketball is great to use.
  • Question
    Can I spike even though I'm half as high as the net?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. You just have to get low and then push yourself up with your legs so you can jump higher.
  • Question
    How many days do I need to use the jump rope?
    Community Answer
    You should use it every day consistently for the foreseeable future. Jump roping is a great way to make your legs more muscular and maintain the new muscle.
  • Question
    Why is catching good in volleyball?
    Community Answer
    You will never catch a ball during a game as that would result in a point for the other team. You may catch in some drills just to get the feel of the motion or placement of your hands though.
  • Question
    Do I need knee pads?
    Community Answer
    It's really recommended, yes. They help a lot when it comes to diving for the ball or if you fall down.
  • Question
    How do I save a ball when playing volleyball?
    Community Answer
    It is all about moving your feet. If you know that the ball is yours, then always stay on your toes and run after it. When you are running, make sure your hands are not together so you can get there quicker. If you have to dive, do it, but only if you know how. Practice diving and moving to balls before you have to do it in a game.
  • Question
    How should I stop being afraid of hitting the ball?
    Community Answer
    Practice catching and throwing at a small distance and increase it as you become more comfortable. It may take a while, but eventually it will become muscle memory to hit a ball as it hurtles toward you.
  • Question
    Can I be a volleyball player without knowing how to split or bend?
    Community Answer
    You should be OK. It might improve performance, though.
  • Question
    How do I get on my middle school volleyball team if I’ve never played before and only know the basics?
    Top Answerer
    Coaches like people who will hustle and shag balls. Don't let the ball hit the ground, and during drills, chase your ball and bring it back. The coaches will probably review how to play the game, so you'll get an extra repetition of the basics and possibly more advanced elements. You can also read about how to make your school's volleyball team .
  • Question
    How can I join a volleyball team?
    Community Answer
    Ask your parents if you can join a local club. You could also join the school volleyball team.
  • Question
    I'm one of the smallest girls on the volleyball team and I can't jump high enough when the others spike the ball. But I know how to pass and set the ball; is there anything I can do that will help me?
    Maria Culcea
    Community Answer
    Just focus on making the ball go over the net, this way you'll get better, and in the end your height won't actually matter. If you just practice you'll become a "little giant"!
  • Question
    How do I get better at serving in volleyball?
    Maria Culcea
    Community Answer
    Really all you have to do is practice, hit the ball against the wall or over a net. The more practice, the better. This way you'll get used to the feeling and the way you should do it. With plenty of practice, you'll be the best there!
  • Question
    How do I get the volleyball over the net when serving?
    Maria Culcea
    Community Answer
    You have to hit the ball hard, but with control. As soon as you have mastered that, just a plain serve you can move on to a jump float. Your opponents won't know where the ball is going to land. It will confuse them not knowing to go back or front. While usually it lands in front but it is not predictable.
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