Q&A for How to Be Less Talkative

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    How can I train myself to be quiet?
    Kirsten Parker, MFA
    Mindset & Action Coach
    Kirsten Parker is a Mindset and Action Coach based in her hometown of Los Angeles, California. She helps high achievers overcome stress and self-doubt. She specializes in increasing one's confidence and clarity by incorporating tools from positive psychology, mindful habit change, and self-regulation into her coaching. She is a Certified HeartMath Practitioner trained in Stress, Anxiety, and Intelligent Energy Management along with Emotional Intelligence and the Science of Self-Acceptance. She also holds an MFA from Yale University School of Drama in Stage Management.
    Mindset & Action Coach
    Expert Answer
    Start paying more attention to the other people talking. Listen to them fully and be present in the conversation.
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    I'm so talkative. My husband irritates me so many times. How can I control my tongue?
    Paul Chernyak, LPC
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Start by being aware of your emotions. You may even be talking more due to your irritation. Before you talk to your husband, take some time to calm down. Then, consider why you are getting irritated. By being self-aware, you can gain control over your talkativeness.
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    How do I stop saying the wrong thing in a conversation?
    Community Answer
    Have a personal filter. Think before you speak. Know how your comments will affect the person you are speaking to before making them.
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    How can I be less social?
    Community Answer
    Take moments to spend by yourself. Don't feel pressured to go out just because people invite you out or an event is going on. Learn how to say "no" if it means having some quiet time alone. Watch a movie, read a book, write something, etc. If spending time alone feels impossible, try to limit the amount of people you hang around and make things more intimate by doing things inside with a friend or two.
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    What can I do if all I ever want to do is talk?
    Community Answer
    Figure out why you feel this way through journaling, asking a trusted friend, or talking with a therapist, guidance counselor, etc. Stay off the computer and talk to people in person. Learn to read body language. When someone acts like they don't want to listen, take that cue and end the conversation. Or better yet, end the conversation before you get the cues, even if you'd like to keep talking. Don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe you're just lonely and need a friend. Just make sure you give other people the chance to talk and you listen well when someone else is speaking.
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    How do I get myself to not talk just for the sake of talking?
    Community Answer
    If you’re talking simply to talk, chances are you’re not thinking about what you’re saying and are just trying to chase away the awkwardness caused by a lapse in conversation. Train yourself to think more about what you want to say before talking. Ask yourself, "Do I need to say this? Am I contributing something to the conversation?"
  • Question
    How do I talk less with the people I'm close to?
    Community Answer
    You’re thinking of this as a way to limit yourself from those you care about, and that’s your mistake. You need to get into the mindset that by talking less, you’ll have more to offer. For starters, you need to define when it is you don’t want to talk and make that your goal. For example, if you’ve realized you only talk to fill the silence or you only talk about yourself, then you’ve got to make it your goal to either not talk constantly, or find a better subject to talk about. Don’t think about this as a way to limit yourself, but rather a way of expressing who you want to be.
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    How can I be less talkative about my interests?
    Community Answer
    Instead of talking about your interests in real life, you could tell people online about them. Reddit is a good place that has a variety of interests. And you may find more interests from Reddit. Or, you could simply just write it down. Where you write it down is up to you. You could type it on your phone, a scrap piece of paper or a cheap notebook. Whatever is most helpful to you.
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    How do I not speak thoughtlessly?
    Community Answer
    Just take 10 seconds and analyse your sentence/words whenever you are going to say something. Always pause before talking, don't just rush in and say anything.
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    How can I be less talkative to promote more happiness and calm feelings in my relationship?
    Community Answer
    Ask yourself, will what I say move the relationship forward in a positive way, or not? Can I let whatever it is, go for the sake of the relationship? Also, perhaps ask, is what I'm about to say going to bring forth interesting topics that make people laugh, happy, etc? Or is this a really important enough of a thing that it's worth annoying the other person... can I just do it myself and leave them out of it?
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    How do I stop bothering people when I'm talkative?
    Leung Sheryl
    Community Answer
    Don’t talk to people who are doing things like reading or doing homework etc. They will be annoyed. Try to think about what you can do instead of talking to him or her before he finishes his work. Ask yourself is it worth it to bother them and make them chat with you.
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    How can I be a reserved person?
    Community Answer
    Remember to listen to others. Remind yourself what makes you over-excited, and steer clear of letting that happen. Don't deprive yourself of joy, though!
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    What causes talkativeness?
    Ann Danteh
    Community Answer
    There are lots of factors: (1) Personality. Some people are naturally more talkative than others and enjoy engaging in conversation. (2) Emotions. Excitement, nervousness, or anxiety can cause a person to become more talkative. (3) Social context. People may talk more in social situations, such as parties or gatherings, where there is a desire to connect with others. (4) Substance use: Alcohol or drugs can diminish a person's inhibitions, making them more talkative. (5) Interests. If someone is knowledgeable or passionate about a certain topic, they may talk more about it.
  • Question
    I am talkative while in conversation. I have a deep knowledge of various topics. I always try to convince people that what I am saying is right. I usually say whatever I have on my mind.
    Ann Danteh
    Community Answer
    It's great that you have a lot of knowledge and are passionate about various topics! However, in conversations it's important to listen to what the other person has to say and respect their opinions, even if you don't agree with them. Instead of trying to convince them that you're right, try to have an open and honest dialogue. You can share your thoughts and ideas, but also be willing to listen and learn from the other person. This way, you can have a more enjoyable and productive conversation.
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