Q&A for How to Be a Cool Aunt or Uncle Without Alienating Your Niece or Nephew's Parents

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    How much affection should I give my nephew/niece?
    Community Answer
    As much as you can. Giving them your genuine love and respect when they're young will go a long way in building their self esteem as they get older.
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    What should I do to make sure I'll be a good auntie? (I'm only 11.)
    Community Answer
    You could read some books about newborns and babies so you'll know more about how to help take care of the baby. Aside from that, just be natural and treat your nephew or niece like a little brother or sister.
  • Question
    How do I be a cool aunt when I live far away and I'm young?
    Community Answer
    You could send your nieces and nephews cards or letters that show them know that you are thinking of them.
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    How do I cheer up my baby nephew when he cries?
    Community Answer
    Tickle him in the stomach, and if that doesn't work, then he might be hungry or his diaper is full.
  • Question
    What can I do as a young aunt to make sure the child likes me?
    Community Answer
    Take them to the park and buy them little gifts.
  • Question
    I'm only ten and I'm worried about being an uncle soon. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't be worried. Think about all the things you will do for them and show them a lot of love.
  • Question
    My niece is 1.5 years old. What can an uncle like me do with someone that age?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you could show them something they've never seen before such as a new toy. If not you can try to act more silly than normal or do something she may find funny.
  • Question
    My nephew and niece are probably moving in with me. How do I still act like an aunt?
    Community Answer
    Just have fun, take them to parks, and if you can't do that then hang out with them. Let them know that the rules of the house must be obeyed, but as long as they are they will have no problems with you.
  • Question
    Why do I act crazy and weird in front of my nieces and nephews?
    Community Answer
    It's quite normal to act weird in front of certain people. It's most often a good thing, because they may find you funny and therefore love you more.
  • Question
    What do I do if my relationship is overstepping boundaries?
    Community Answer
    If you feel that you are overstepping boundaries, stop. If you're not sure, ask the parent(s) for permission before doing anything you think might potentially be overstepping.
  • Question
    How can I communicate with my boyfriend’s teenage son?
    Community Answer
    You should try to do activities as a family unit, so that you can get to know him better. Once you have laid the groundwork down, you can let him pick activities that you can do together. Try to ask about his hobbies and interests.
  • Question
    I'm 9, and I have a 1.5-year-old nephew who lives far away. What do I do to make him like me?
    Community Answer
    Whenever you go over to visit him, play with him as much as possible. You can help feed him and (with adult supervision) change his diaper. If possible, FaceTime, Skype, or Duo the family, and have him be on the screen so that you can talk to him. As he gets older, start taking an interest in what he likes to do, even if it's boring (like kicking the ball to him a thousand times).
  • Question
    How do I communicate and express myself to my nine year old niece, in a way that she feels comfortable to ask me questions and do not think that I'm being bossy to her?
    Top Answerer
    Sit down with her and tell her she is free to ask you anything and you will not get mad or tell her parents. However, tell her if it's especially bad, like something is dangerous to her, then she will tell her parents just for her own safety. Smile at her, crack a joke, make her laugh. Promise her you will not get mad at her or raise your voice to her, regardless of what she tells you.
  • Question
    My brother is 17 years older than me. I’m 11 and he has a three year old daughter. How can I be a good aunt at a young age?
    Community Answer
    Just play with her and love her like a sister, as she grows you will become a role model for her.
  • Question
    What if the child’s uncle or aunt is younger than them?
    Community Answer
    Just be cool and gently tell them that you are the aunt/uncle in their life. If you don't feel comfortable with this, treat them like a sister or brother.
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