Q&A for How to Be an Altar Server in the Catholic Church

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    What should I do if I forget what to do in the middle of mass?
    Community Answer
    A good solution would be to check with what the senior servers are doing and follow suit. Or relay the message to someone that you are having trouble remembering and they can help you.
  • Question
    When should I get the book for the priest to read?
    Community Answer
    In most churches, the lead server will get it when the priest says "Let us Pray".
  • Question
    Do I need to change the pages for the priest if I'm an altar server?
    Community Answer
    Usually the priest will open the book and change the pages. The altar server's function is to hold the book for the priest to read from while holding his hands up to God.
  • Question
    Is there an age limit to become an altar server?
    Community Answer
    Usually, no. But it is very impractical for someone under the age of eight.
  • Question
    What type of shoes should I wear?
    Community Answer
    Refrain from wearing any tennis shoes or high heel shoes, as this may be a sign of disrespect. If you are a girl, you should wear a pair of dressy black flats. If you are a boy, you should were a pair of black shoes. Make sure your shoes are shined, and tied securely so you don't trip while walking.
  • Question
    What are the ranks of an altar server?
    Community Answer
    Each church is different. However, in most churches, seniority is based on age and experience. Normally, the older altar server has more responsibilities than the others.
  • Question
    I have medium length hair. Should I still pull it back?
    Community Answer
    Medium length hair can still catch fire from candles or get in your face during mass, so tying it back would be advisable.
  • Question
    What do I do during the readings?
    Community Answer
    Pay attention and don't do anything to draw attention towards yourself. The altar server's job is to be silent and help the priest or deacon. During the readings, sit tight and listen.
  • Question
    Should I kneel the entire time communion is being prepared?
    Community Answer
    No, you should be standing attentively so that you can assist your deacon or priest, in case you need to hand him something or put something back on the credence table.
  • Question
    Can a girl who has had a baby out of wedlock be an altar server?
    Community Answer
    Once she's confessed, yes.
  • Question
    I am becoming an alter server, and have ADHD. Are there any tips to help me?
    Community Answer
    Just make sure that you are being helpful, and as long as you don’t make any distractions, you will be fine.
  • Question
    Can I be an altar server if I am not Catholic? (I've at least received the Holy Communion.)
    Community Answer
    First off, you should not be receiving Holy Communion if you are not a practicing Catholic in a state of Grace (meaning you have confessed your sins, received absolution and have done penance for your mortal sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation) who believes in the Doctrine of the Transubstantiation. To receive Holy Communion otherwise is sacrilegious and is grave matter in and of itself (see 1 Cor. 11:27–28). Secondly, if you're not a practicing Catholic, it doesn't make sense for you assist the priest in offering the sacrifice of the Mass. Please talk to your priest for further information and advice regarding confession.
  • Question
    Where does the altar server put the book holder during a service?
    Community Answer
    Only some churches have book holders; others tend to use altar servers to bring the book back and forth to the priest. Most of the time, the book holder remains where it usually lies within the church, just to the left of the priest so he can read from it; yet not completely in the way. If it is evident the holder is in the way, it is best to simply just adjust it to a position it is not.
  • Question
    What is the best age to become an altar server?
    Community Answer
    Most people start at age 9 (after receiving holy communion for the first time), but you can start anytime.
  • Question
    What do I take up first and so on in the middle of the Mass?
    Rebecca Procter
    Community Answer
    When setting up the altar, you should take the corporal (large white square), the chalices, the purificatiors (small white cloths) and the missal if it is not already there (it depends on the church). When the offertory is brought to the altar, the bread is taken first, the cruets (water and wine) next. If incense is used, it is needed at this point. The priest will then need the lavabo (bowl, jug and towel) to wash his hands.
  • Question
    How many altar servers are there?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the church. Normally there are 3-6.
  • Question
    How do I prepare an alter? What do I bring to the alter?
    Community Answer
    The priest prepares the altar but you have to bring over the water and wine.
  • Question
    What is the "Bread of God"?
    Community Answer
    It's symbolic of the body of God. When Jesus offered bread to the disciples at the last supper, he spoke to them saying, "This is my body..." and telling them to break it in remembrance of him.
  • Question
    What is the maximum age to become an altar server?
    Community Answer
    You can be any age to serve, but people are most likely to serve around age 8-9 after receiving the Holy Communion.
  • Question
    What do altar servers do?
    Community Answer
    They assist the priest during the holy mass.
  • Question
    Is it required that we wear shoes while we stand in the altar?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It would be disrespect not to. Just remember, you are in the house of God.
  • Question
    How old do I have to be to be an alter server?
    Community Answer
    You can typically start being an alter server after you have made your first communion, which is usually around age 8 or 9.
  • Question
    When do I bring up the chalice and corporal?
    Community Answer
    At the end of the money offering when the Priest walks down to accept it.
  • Question
    What is the appropriate haircut for altar boys?
    Community Answer
    Altar boys don't need any specific haircut, although a clean-cut look might be preferable.
  • Question
    Should I say the prayers, especially the Lord's prayer?
    Community Answer
    Well, the Lord's prayer said by Jesus was just a model for us so that we would know how to pray and what exactly to pray for. The bible at Mathew 6:7 says that when praying we should not say the same things over and over again. Therefore our prayers should be personal, coming from our hearts and should not be repetitive in a sense. I would urge you to speak to God from your heart, let him know how you feel, and you can add points given in the Lord's prayer such as the sanctification of his name, the coming of his Kingdom, your daily bread, etc.
  • Question
    How many servers are needed to help the priest and bishop during Mass?
    Community Answer
    To serve a Bishop is rare. But, to answer your question, it depends on the church you serve, and it varies. Please ask your priest to inquire more.
  • Question
    Is the right or left candle considered the gospel candle?
    Community Answer
    If it's an ad orientem mass/tridentine mass (where the priest is looking east and his back is facing the people), then the gospel side is on the right of the priest, and the epistle is on the left.
  • Question
    Can I wear sandals for mass?
    Community Answer
    No, because the mass is celebrated in a church not in a home. And the sanctity of the mass should be sacred to all church goers.
  • Question
    Can I be an altar server if I am not Catholic?
    Brandon Tran
    Community Answer
    No. You must have had your first communion if you want to be an altar server.
  • Question
    Should I be kneeling down, or standing up when I ring the bell?
    Community Answer
    You should be kneeling when it is time to ring the bell during the Epiclesis.
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