Q&A for How to Become a Better Muslim Male

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    Which hand should I use when drinking water?
    Shaykh Mekaeel is an Imam at the Islamic Community of Salinas in Salinas, California. He is the founder of the Voyagers of Knowledge YouTube channel, which creates Islamic educational content. He attended the Islamic University of Madinah and earned a degree from the school of Da'wah and Usuluddeen.
    Expert Answer
    With drinking and anything else, we should be doing it with our right hand. We should also say it in the name of Allah before we eat or drink.
  • Question
    What do I need to do to become a better Muslim?
    Community Answer
    Respect your parents, show that you are who you are, and pray to Allah five times a day.
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    How do I change myself and what I read?
    Community Answer
    You should read the Holy Quran, Allah's (God's) only true book. You should be helpful and peaceful, avoid violence and pray to Allah.
  • Question
    Why do Muslims have rules?
    Community Answer
    Muslims have rules so that each person can spend their life in peace and happiness.
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    How can I stay away from TV and mobile phones?
    Community Answer
    Keep busy with other things. Exercise. Volunteer. Read the Quran and pray. Ask Allah to help you avoid useless distractions and become a better Muslim.
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    I am having an affair with a woman who I love. I have promised to marry her. Is this a sin?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is a sin. Any sexual acts between an unmarried man and woman are not right.
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    Islam is not easy. How do I remain steadfast, especially when I have committed a sin?
    Community Answer
    First, stop the sin right now. Never give up fighting against it. Always repent and carry out good deeds. Think about the severity of what you have done. Contemplate. Don't ask forgiveness half-hearty. Read the Quran and seek knowledge. Seeking knowledge is very important.
  • Question
    Is it a sin to have a true love?
    Community Answer
    No, it is not, as long as you are abiding by the laws of Islam.
  • Question
    What is hadith?
    Community Answer
    The hadith are the supposed sayings of the prophets.
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    How can I be a better Muslim without praying more often?
    Community Answer
    You can try to learn more about Islam and follow all other rules regarding modesty, honesty, etc. Avoid watching profane movies.
  • Question
    What if I can't get my mate to switch religions?
    Community Answer
    If he/she will not switch religions for you, then you must respect their decision. You are forbidden from marrying, as marrying your partner would make you murtad (leave Islam, the biggest sin of all) and become a kafir (a disbeliever in Islam). If this seems difficult, remember that this is all Allah's bidding. He will not bestow any pain that you cannot bear. Just remind yourself that this world is all a test from Allah, and that life is merely the "enjoyment of deception." May Allah guide you.
  • Question
    Is it a sin to smoke?
    Community Answer
    No, it's not a sin to smoke, but it's very unhealthy.
  • Question
    What is the most important point of Islam?
    Mermaids are useful
    Community Answer
    To have Iman in Allah. Without faith in Allah, there wouldn't be any point in performing the other four rukons in Islam.
  • Question
    Is masturbation haram in Islam? If so, how can I overcome it, and will Allah forgive this sin?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, masturbation is haram. You can get over the habit by becoming regular in your remembrance of Allah, making sure you are praying five times daily, not being alone all the time, and busying yourself with productive things. Allah will forgive any sin as long as you seek forgiveness.
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    How do I stay away from sinful things?
    Community Answer
    Stay busy and find things to occupy your time that aren't sinful. Help the needy, say your prayers on time, or read the Quran. By doing these things, you will keep yourself busy and avoid falling into sin.
  • Question
    How do I marry someone that has a different religion?
    Faraz Muhammad
    Community Answer
    It is haram (forbidden) to marry a man/women of another religion. If you do so, you will become a Kafir (disbeliever of Islam). You could try to persuade that person to join Islam.
  • Question
    I am a Muslim revert and I live with a non-Muslim woman who I've promised to marry; we already have a child together. She doesn't have a problem with me practicing, but can I marry her?
    Top Answerer
    Muslim men are allowed to marry only Muslim, Jewish or Christian women, provided that in the case of the latter two, they have the intention of converting to Islam - Muslim men cannot marry any other non-Muslim, e.g. Hindu or Sikh.
  • Question
    What if I'm sexually attracted to men and prayer doesn't work? Is it a sin to love?
    Top Answerer
    This is a heated topic; men are made for women and women are made for men. If one feels like they are attracted to men, that is for them - but if they decide to act upon these desires such as through masturbation or through having intercourse with other men, then that is forbidden and a sin.
  • Question
    How do I remove bad thoughts from my mind?
    Community Answer
    First, ask Allah to forgive you for your previous sins, and promise him to stop sinning. After that, any time a bad thing comes to your mind, remember that Allah knows what's in your mind and that he's sad and angry with you for thinking about bad stuff. You can also distract yourself by reading the Quran and praying.
  • Question
    How do I become better, when before I was not known for being always on my phone and not praying?
    Ayisha A. Gill
    Community Answer
    Allah will forgive the sins committed in ignorance. Just repent and start your journey to betterment.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have already committed a sin?
    Seyed Amin Masudian
    Community Answer
    Allah forgives all sins. As Imam Sadiq said : "If you regret committing a sin, god will forgive it". The only important thing is not doing it again.
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