Q&A for How to Become a Sacristan

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    How do I open the Roman Missal?
    Community Answer
    When you open the Roman Missal, you open it with your left hand, placing your two fingers on the colored ribbon that marks the page to be opened for the celebration of the mass, opening from right to left.
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    Can the Sacrist look in the tabernacle to see if they need to put a larger host out to be carried up?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that's possible.
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    Is this person responsible for maintaining alter linen too?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a Sacristan usually also maintains altar linen. This includes keeping it in good shape, ironing it, storing it, etc.
  • Question
    Do I have to apply in writing for the position of sacristan?
    Community Answer
    The method of application depends on the parish, so ask your pastor. However, in the Catholic Church now, all volunteers require a background check and class about keeping kids safe, which must be refreshed every two years.
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    How do I hold the Chalice?
    Community Answer
    Hold the Chalice with gloves and don't touch it, as it is sacred. Only a priest can touch it with his hands.
  • Question
    When washing the Chalice, do l need to wear gloves?
    Community Answer
    No, you do not need gloves. However, be very careful as chalices are expensive.
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