Q&A for How to Bend and Snap

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    What are other ways to get your crush to like me?
    Community Answer
    If your crush has a chance to be around you and get to know you, he will have a chance to like you. Put yourself in situations where you're around him, and be sure to be your best self--cheerful, fun, and happy.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush is really sweet to me but he has a girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    Just stick with being friends with him for now. Get to know him better. If it doesn't work out with her, you'll be there, but don't focus on that too much. Now, if he is actually flirting with you while he has a girlfriend, this is not the type of guy you want. If she can't trust him, neither can you.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a boy likes me?
    Community Answer
    In most cases, he will look at you, and when you meet his gaze, he will smile, blush, and look away. He will also want to touch you, so he might casually brush sleeves with you or touch your leg with his.
  • Question
    What do I do is my crush likes me a little bit and I like him a lot?
    Community Answer
    Just relax. The best solution you can have is to be yourself. If they like you a little, then just act natural. Attraction will happen naturally, so do not force it.
  • Question
    What if I am stuck in the friend zone?
    Community Answer
    Unless it's stated that they want to be just friends, don't assume that being in the friend zone is a bad thing. If you've been told that you're going to remain just friends, the best thing to do is accept it. You can love a person without being their love.
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    What if I don't have his number and he does not want to give it to me?
    Community Answer
    Don't force it. Maybe you just need to spend a little more time as friends first.
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    What if I get scared?
    Community Answer
    Don't! Be your confident self, and let the world see who you really are.
  • Question
    What if I just can't catch someone's attention?
    Community Answer
    Just try your best, maybe try to lightly touch them "by accident." Just don't make it too obvious.
  • Question
    How do I make a crush talk to me?
    Community Answer
    This can be difficult to do. Try acting warm and inviting, and try initiating a casual conversation. It can be as simple as asking if there was math homework if you are in school, or something else like that. Take it slow however, you don't want to come across as too forward.
  • Question
    How can I get someone interested in me who doesn't know me yet?
    Community Answer
    Just strike up a conversation and see where it goes. Try to figure out what things the two of you might have in common (favorite books, subjects in school, hobbies, etc.) so you have more things to talk about.
  • Question
    What if he is one of the popular people in school and I'm too nervous to talk to him?
    Community Answer
    Just be yourself. Who cares if he's popular? Guys like confidence, so don't be nervous, just walk up and say hi.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush knows I like him and he doesn't talk to me anymore?
    Community Answer
    Just smile at him and laugh with your friends. Soon he will think you are a fun-loving person and will want to be around you.
  • Question
    What should I do if my crush shows that he likes me, but never says anything?
    Community Answer
    He's probably too nervous so you should probably make the first move and talk to him.
  • Question
    What if he goes to a different school than I do?
    Community Answer
    Get his number or talk to him on social media. Once you're friends, ask to meet up. Talk to him about yours and his interests. Eventually, you will begin to meet more out of school and eventually he could be attracted to you.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush knows I like him?
    Community Answer
    If he knows you like him and doesn't approach you he maybe doesn't like you back or doesn't want to show his true feelings.
  • Question
    How do I tell a boy it was a dare for me to love him?
    Community Answer
    If you are enjoying his company, just say "Funny, it was actually a dare to be your girlfriend, but I really do love you now!" If you don't, try "I'm sorry, it was a dare to be your girlfriend. Maybe we could be just friends?"
  • Question
    What if the boy you like likes someone else?
    Community Answer
    Then you have two options. Either decide to be his friend and let the romantic expectations go, or distance yourself to protect your heart.
  • Question
    How do I make him like my ass?
    Community Answer
    I suppose you can do glute-focused workouts.
  • Question
    What if I'm not flexible?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to be. If you find it difficult, stretch out the leg you're running your hand down and bend your back leg.
  • Question
    What should I do if I want to ask him out, but I'm way too shy?
    Community Answer
    You can do this. This is your chance to shine. You won't see him for the rest of your life. You have a chance now. You've got nothing to lose.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush acts like he likes me, but rejects me?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like he's playing games, or he's not sure how he feels about you. You don't need to put up with that. Just stick with being friends until he figures out how he really feels or learns to be a little more mature.
  • Question
    What if I don't really know him and he doesn't know me?
    Community Answer
    Then don't try the bend and snap yet! Get to know him, looks can be deceiving.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush rejects me, but I still like him?
    Community Answer
    Find someone else. There are plenty of fish in the sea. If he isn't interested in you, that's his loss.
  • Question
    What if he still doesn't like me?
    Community Answer
    You can try this move again, but a lot of guys just won't get it. You may just have to tell him how you feel and ask him if he's interested in you.
  • Question
    What happens next? I mean, I get uncomfortable thinking about what move he'll make.
    Community Answer
    Try to think of what he might say while you're practicing, things like "Wow, you're so flexible!' or "Where did you learn that?" Some up with some slightly flirtatious or self-effacing remarks to make in response.
  • Question
    What should I do if I mess up the move in front of my crush?
    Community Answer
    Just play it off by saying something like, "I'm trying to practice a move for my dance class, but I just can't get it."
  • Question
    What if I'm in primary school? What if a teacher sees me?
    Community Answer
    First of all, you really shouldn't be thinking about love until you're older. But, in primary school, I advise you to try your best to get to know your crush. Stick in the friend zone. Hang out with him at recess and stuff like that. You can casually tease him too, every once in a while. I would be really sure that he likes me back to move things to the romance zone, though. Also, teachers probably won't mind you doing the bend and snap, but you have to remember that you need to be appropriate. Don't do anything inappropriate, like touch each other in particular parts and stuff and you should be fine. Also, I'm not sure you're allowed to text or call anyone at school in primary school.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone knows I like him, but he keeps dodging my questions?
    Community Answer
    I think he's trying to tell you he isn't interested in you the same way. I would leave him alone.
  • Question
    There's a very flirty boy and I like him a lot, but so do 15 other girls in my grade. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try getting close to him, without him thinking you like him. When you get close to him, try the bend and snap. If it doesn't catch his attention, don't worry! Keep talking to him, and after two days try this move again. Keep doing this until it catches his attention. Once it does, make your move!
  • Question
    What if I don't exactly know what to say?
    Community Answer
    Wait to talk to him or her until you know what you want to say.
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