Q&A for How to Bowl an Easy Bowling Strike in Wii Sports

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    How do I get closer to the pins?
    Community Answer
    You can't physically get closer to the pins, but you can hit the forward arrow to zoom.
  • Question
    What am I doing wrong if it looks like my ball is going straight, but one pin is always left standing?
    Community Answer
    The ball should not be going straight. It should go slightly to the right or left of the number one pin, depending on whether you are bowling right-handed or left-handed.
  • Question
    When I'm trying to hit a split, why does the ball always spin the opposite direction?
    Community Answer
    When playing Wii Bowling, the way your hand is tilted affects the direction the ball will be inclined towards.
  • Question
    Is it good to throw as hard as I can?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The wiimote will sense even small motions at full power. You could easily test this yourself by doing a short, quick swing.
  • Question
    Can 8 of us bowl using only 2 controllers?
    Community Answer
    I guess you can have two teams of four. One team uses one Wii remote, the other team uses the other. Take turns cycling between players on the team.
  • Question
    How do I change the names of the players in Wii Sports?
    Community Answer
    You need to go into the Mii Channel and create a Mii, which you can then name. Repeat this as many times as you want.
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    Does holding the remote in a certain position help?
    Community Answer
    Hold it the way that is most comfortable for you.
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    How far from the screen am I supposed to be standing when I release the ball?
    Community Answer
    Distance doesn't affect the precision of the ball. Just be sure to be close enough that the sensor can calculate your remote's movements.
  • Question
    How far should I be from the TV screen when bowling in Wii Sports?
    Michael Strickland
    Community Answer
    It mostly depends on how much space you have in your room. If it is the living room, usually you will have enough space to stand about 4-6 feet away from the TV, but the minimum distance should be 2 feet, any closer and you have the chance of either hitting the TV or running into it.
  • Question
    We are starting a small league with 16 people. Can we Have 8 MII's?
    Michael Strickland
    Community Answer
    You cannot, there is a limit of 4 players, which rotate each turn. 8 players are only possible if you rotate around with the controllers in your party.
  • Question
    I bowl from the third spot from center, why is my ball curving?
    Michael Strickland
    Community Answer
    That is the game's mechanics, standing that far will cause the ball to curve farther to the left instead. If you bowl 1 spot from the center, your ball will usually curve to the left. This can also change if you tilt the controller left or right.
  • Question
    How do i pick up the 7-10 split in Wii bowling?
    Michael Strickland
    Community Answer
    It is hard to explain, but you can do this by making the ball curve to where you hit the 7 or 10 pins at the very edge of the pin, this will most likely cause the pin to go far left, hitting the 7th/10th pin.
  • Question
    Which spot should I use to make the 4-5 split, the 6-5 split, or the 5-7 split, throwing a straight ball?
    Michael Strickland
    Community Answer
    You can hit this from all spots, or if you like to hit it from a certain spot, it requires you to be precise in how you tilt the controller from left to right, which changes which way your ball goes.
  • Question
    How do I release the bowling ball without using the B button in Wii Sports bowling?
    Community Answer
    You can change the setting from manual to automatic when you are choosing your Mii.
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