Q&A for How to Breed Ducks

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    If I want egg production, do I need to keep a drake with my hens?
    Community Answer
    No, but keep in mind she will need a bird companion. A chicken, geese, or anther female duck would work.
  • Question
    We have two new ducks who were with a drake. They started laying the first night and continue to. Do the ducks have to mate each day for the eggs to be fertile?
    Community Answer
    No. Ducks can hold sperm and keep producing fertile eggs for a little while after.
  • Question
    If my duck leaves the nest, does that mean the ducklings are not going to hatch?
    Community Answer
    No, many ducks need a short break from perching. This just means that your eggs are far from their hatching time, but there is still a strong chance they will hatch eventually.
  • Question
    How often do I need to replace my breeding drakes?
    Community Answer
    Very often. The duck can only produce so many eggs with the drake in one year. Replacing them often would surely help with your breeding.
  • Question
    How do you stop ducks from flying?
    Community Answer
    You can clip their wings. There are many useful videos on YouTube to help you cut them without damaging the wings. However, if you decide to do 4-H, you can't clip their wings; it's a disqualification.
  • Question
    When turning duck eggs, do you turn them from side to side or up and down?
    Community Answer
    While either would work. Most natura would be side to side, as the duck would do.
  • Question
    Where do I purchase an incubator?
    Community Answer
    Amazon is great for incubators, but so is Brinsea. You can purchase an incubator any time of the year, but sometimes big incubator websites reduce the prices from October to early February because no-one wants to buy them then. They get notoriously expensive in the spring.
  • Question
    Will a duck breed with a seagull?
    Community Answer
    No, they are totally different species and will not mate with each other.
  • Question
    Do Roue ducks migrate? If so when they will do it?
    Community Answer
    No, they are too heavy to fly. But any breed of duck that can fly may try to migrate.
  • Question
    Can different breeds of ducks be kept together?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You just might have different breeds of ducks if you hatch eggs, and if you don't have drakes, then you should be fine.
  • Question
    How is it possible for my Rouen duck to lay eggs when her mate died several months ago?
    Community Answer
    A mate is not necessary for a duck to lay eggs, only to lay fertilized eggs. Your duck is laying unfertilized eggs, which won't hatch but can be eaten or used in other ways.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my duck is fertile?
    Community Answer
    Her egg will be fertilized. If you crack open one of her eggs, and there is a bullseye, that's the sperm of a male.
  • Question
    Can different breeds of ducks breed together?
    Community Answer
    Yes but any hybrid cross with a Muscovy will yield sterile offspring. Other breeds can interbreed without that issue. But larger drakes can hurt ducks that are too small for him while trying to mate.
  • Question
    Can I house ducklings with chickens?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you have to be careful because chickens are aggressive to the young. Slowly introduce them. Control the pecking if there is any.
  • Question
    How long is the mating season for Pekin ducks?
    Community Answer
    Usually, they mate between May and March. They don't hatch their own eggs. Ducklings are usually yellow, but they sometimes have black on them.
  • Question
    Does a duck need to mate with a drake when breeding?
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    I have a female Pekin duck, and a male and female call duck. Will the male mate with the Pekin?
    Community Answer
    No. Because they are different species, they will not breed.
  • Question
    Can I breed ducks without an incubator?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you leave approximately 10 eggs in the nest your duck will likely go broody and try to hatch ducklings. The eggs must be fertile. You can also try to get your duck to go broody by placing fake eggs in the nest. You can then replace the fakes with fertile eggs once she decides to sit.
  • Question
    I have a black and white duck sitting on a dozen eggs. When they hatch, is it ok to leave the drake in with her?
    Thomas Smith
    Community Answer
    Yes, I have a male Pekin that I left with the female Muskogees that hatched ducklings with no problem. The hens will keep the drakes in line.
  • Question
    Do mating ducks need to be unrelated?
    Community Answer
    They should be. Unless you are experienced with line breeding, then don't breed related ducks. It can cause defects in the ducklings, including extra toes, beak issues and neurological issues.
  • Question
    Do Peking ducks have black on them?
    Community Answer
    No, they usually have white feathers, and under the feathers there is a tint of yellow.
  • Question
    Can a mallard mate with a pekin (and vice versa)?
    Community Answer
    Yes, all ducks can interbreed except for the Muscovy, which is not a true duck but rather a close relative. Breeding with Muscovies will result in sterile ducks.
  • Question
    How long after mating will a hen start laying eggs?
    Community Answer
    A duck will start to lay eggs at the start of spring. They do not need to be mated to start to lay. If you were wanting fertile eggs, it takes a few days after the mating for the eggs to become fertilized.
  • Question
    How long do the ducks go on laying before they start sitting?
    Community Answer
    This depends on the breed and individual duck. Some breeds will lay 10 eggs, then will incubate. Others will lay 20 eggs and sit, while some will lay and never sit. Some breeds are more known for sitting than others.
  • Question
    If I have several Cayuga ducks, will they breed together, and is that a problem if they are related?
    Community Answer
    If you have male and female ducks and they are 6 months or older, yes, they will be breeding together. If you have related ducks breeding, you would not want to do it for many generations, as you need genetic diversity. Lots of breeders inbreed, though, for many reasons, most commonly to keep a trait or quality that they like in the ducks' bloodline.
  • Question
    Can you explain why I am supposed to "leave the ducklings alone as much as possible for the first three days"?
    Community Answer
    The young ducks will imprint on the first living being they see, thinking it is their “mother” and follow it around.
  • Question
    How long does a duck provide natural incubation to her ducklings after hatching?
    Community Answer
    The mother will look after them until they are fully feathered.
  • Question
    How can I determine what time of the year my ducks will mate and when the eggs will hatch?
    Community Answer
    They will mate in spring and summer only. Drakes generally become active in March.
  • Question
    What do you do with eggs that might be fertilized? Are they safe to eat? Feed to dog? Throw away?
    Community Answer
    They're safe to eat or feed to your dog, it's more a matter of whether or not you want to eat them.
  • Question
    How many eggs will a miniature mallard duck lay before she begins full-time incubation?
    Community Answer
    This breed takes 35 days from the beginning of incubation to hatch. Muscovy hens can hatch 12 to 15 eggs, including eggs from other mothers added to her clutch. Domestic ducks are of two main types, the Muscovy and duck breeds descended from mallards.
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