Q&A for How to Breed Ghost Shrimp

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    How long should it take the eggs to get fertilized?
    Community Answer
    Not very long. I bred my shrimp; it took them about 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Question
    Do I need to put them in a breeder net after birth?
    Ocean 5167
    Community Answer
    If you don't have an extra tank, then yes. Put the breeder net far from the filter so the fish don't get sucked in.
  • Question
    Should I remove the mother glass shrimp after she is done having eggs?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Once she is done depositing the eggs, remove the mother or she will eat the larvae.
  • Question
    Can I keep these with other kinds of shrimp, like crystal red shrimp?
    Community Answer
    No, due to the size difference, the bigger, cheaper ghost shrimp will eventually wipe out all of your smaller, more expensive crystal red shrimp. However, both will thrive in similar water parameters.
  • Question
    How small are shrimp larvae?
    Community Answer
    They are almost invisible to the naked eye, though once they begin to grow a bit, you can spot them using a magnifying glass.
  • Question
    My shrimp has dark brown eggs in her stomach. Does that mean the eggs are already fertilized?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. The egg color depends on the shrimp's coloration and how dark she is.
  • Question
    When will the female have eggs for the male to fertilize?
    Community Answer
    Every few weeks, up to once a month. You will see small green dots in the female's abdomen.
  • Question
    This seems like too many steps for an average person. Are there any shortcuts I can take?
    Tiffany Zhu
    Community Answer
    Breeding ghost/glass shrimp is known to be difficult. The baby shrimp need proper food, and if the conditions aren't right, all of the shrimp can die or not reproduce. If you stress the female too much, she will drop the eggs.
  • Question
    What if I use a small animal holder strapped to the inside for the babies to be born?
    Community Answer
    If you use any kind of divider or separator which separates the mother or babies from the rest of the tank, keep in mind that water chemistry changes have much more impact on small bodies of water. Any decaying food or missed water changes could quickly kill the animals inside.
  • Question
    When using a hanging net breeding container, how much gravel, moss balls, or other items should be inside it?
    Natanya Howry
    Community Answer
    At least as much substrate should be used as will cover the bottom of the enclosure, but there is no way to use too much or too little, as long as the tank has proper filtration. Same goes for moss balls and other plants. As long as the shrimp have room to maneuver between the plants, you can use as little or as many as you'd like. Shrimp love to feel hidden and safe, since everything including other shrimp can try to eat them, so more is usually better.
  • Question
    What types of fish are safe to put with ghost shrimp?
    Community Answer
    Any non-aggressive community fish like tetras, guppies et cetera are fine.
  • Question
    Can baby ghost shrimp survive in the same tank as their mother with a few small fish?
    Community Answer
    The mother or the other fish might eat the babies. To ensure the safety of the babies, put them in a different tank.
  • Question
    When the mother deposits the eggs, do they cling to objects in the tank? I bought special wood for my shrimp, and I recently found four little white things stuck to one of the pieces.
    Community Answer
    Yes, when shrimp or fish have eggs, they cling to things like wood, plants, rocks and toys.
  • Question
    Can I prevent the shrimp from having more babies?
    Natanya Howry
    Community Answer
    There is no way to safely prevent your shrimp from laying eggs, but if you remove all male shrimp from the tank you house your females in, the eggs will not be fertilized, and no baby shrimp will hatch. Eventually the female will abandon her infertile eggs, and they will be eaten by her and her fellow lady shrimp.
  • Question
    What is the safest temperature for ghost shrimp?
    Community Answer
    A temperature of 72-75 optimally. A little warmer, up to 79, if they don't like it that cold or you have other fish that need the 80's.
  • Question
    Can I put a goldfish with my ghost shrimp?
    mackenzie wichmann
    Community Answer
    Ghost shrimp stay very small and while compatible with your goldfish, are liable to being eaten. If you are going to house any type of shrimp with your goldfish, put some caves and ornaments in the tank, so your shrimp can hide and retreat to because the odds of your goldfish trying to eat them is about 99%. But with hides and ornaments, they will usually survive quite a while.
  • Question
    Could I pulverize shrimp food for the larvae and babies?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The babies' and larvae's mouths are too small for most foods, so crush a pellet or a couple flakes for the shrimp. One pellet per day should be fine for up to 20 babies.
  • Question
    How long does it take a ghost shrimp to lay eggs?
    Community Answer
    About three weeks. The swimmerets paddle to bring oxygen to the eggs, which hatch in about three weeks. At that time, the female will use her swimmerets to disperse the baby shrimp into the water column.
  • Question
    I have seed shrimp infested in my tank, how do I get rid of them?
    isabelle Hobday
    Community Answer
    Put all your fish in a bowl of water that is de-chlorinated, empty the tank of the water and remove the shrimp. Wash the plants and gravel thoroughly to make sure no eggs remain, then put everything back in the fish tank. Add de-chlorintaed water and then acclimatise the fish to their fresh, clean environment.
  • Question
    How can I tell the difference between a male and a female ghost shrimp?
    Community Answer
    Female shrimp are significantly bigger than males, and females will have eggs under them every few weeks or so.
  • Question
    If my ghost shrimp has light green eggs with a dark green center, does that mean it is fertile? They are on her body, legs, and inside her.
    Community Answer
    The color of the eggs depends on her body color, and your gravel color It generally won't change depending on fertilization. If you can see eggs and have a male shrimp, then the eggs are probably viable.
  • Question
    Are the eggs in the female's body already fertilized?
    Community Answer
    The eggs in the female's body are not already fertilized. If you want fertilized eggs, add a male ghost shrimp into the tank.
  • Question
    Will ghost shrimp eggs self fertilize?
    Community Answer
    No, a male is required to fertilize the berried female. (Berried is the term used to describe a female carrying eggs.)
  • Question
    How do I know if the eggs have been fertilized?
    Community Answer
    The eggs will drop from sitting high to low in her body, attached to her spinnerets. Sometimes the eggs get darker, but the color really just depends on the shrimp.
  • Question
    My female shrimp are not producing eggs. Is this a sign that I need to do something for them?
    Community Answer
    Try adding a male. If you have already have a male, try putting them in a separate tank/bowl which will help calm them down. The water temperature should be around 65-75 (18.33 degrees Celsius). A filter is optional but o would recommend adding a bubbler. Water quality is also a need for your shrimp to breed.
  • Question
    Why are ghost shrimp are the most popular pet crustacean?
    Community Answer
    It is because they are very easy to raise, making their use as a pet most popular for beginners. They are also rather inexpensive, sometimes only costing $2.
  • Question
    i only have one female and 3 males, is this fine?
    Community Answer
    There should be twice as many females as there are males if you want to breed them. You should have around 5 more females for it to work.
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