Q&A for How to Calculate the Distance from Lightning

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    How much power is in lightning?
    Top Answerer
    One lightning strike is about a billion volts and can be between 10,000 to 200,000 amps.
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    How is thunder caused?
    Community Answer
    Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of air due to the extreme heat of lightning and thus creates a sonic boom (thunder) when it returns to its original state.
  • Question
    What is minimum distance that one cannot hear thunder after a lightning flash?
    Community Answer
    Thunder can be heard from a maximum distance of about 10 miles (16 km) under good atmospheric conditions.
  • Question
    If lightning were to strike the water while I was swimming, at what depth would I be safe from being shocked?
    Community Answer
    273.54 ft. or 84.17 m in fresh water, approx. 18.74% shallower in salt water. Do not swim if there is lightning in the sky.
  • Question
    Can the equation predict where the lightning will strike?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, you can never predict where the lightning will strike next. In fact, lightning doesn't always strike the area right beneath the thundercloud; it can strike as far as 10km away.
  • Question
    Why does this rule work?
    Community Answer
    Well, sound travels at a speed of about 344 meters, or 1,129 feet, per second. This means if we times a number of seconds between the flash and the sound and times it by 344 (or 340 to be rounded down) ,we can get a number of metres that lightning is!
  • Question
    Is it true that if I hear thunder, I could be struck by lightning?
    Community Answer
    If you hear thunder, it means there is a thunderstorm where you are or nearby, and yes, you could get struck by lightning. It is best to be inside when there is any sign of a thunderstorm.
  • Question
    How do I calculate distance when it's just lightning?
    Community Answer
    Other than a lightning detecting system, there is not a clear way of knowing how far away the lightning is.
  • Question
    Does 5300 ft. in elevation change this?
    Community Answer
    Not much. Light travels negligibly quicker at higher elevations due to there being fewer particles of air; in contrast, sound travels much more slowly due to less interaction between the particles of air that exist at high elevations.
  • Question
    If a storm is 7.5 kilometers away, how much time is expected between observations of lightning and thunder?
    Community Answer
    Multiply by 3 (since 1km/3 seconds) 7.5km*3 seconds = 22.5 seconds from lightning to thunder.
  • Question
    Is this formula the same in FL?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the formula applies wherever you live.
  • Question
    How much power is there in lightning?
    Community Answer
    Lightning has roughly 1 billion Joules of energy, which is enough to power an opened fridge for six months.
  • Question
    Regarding speed of sound: How do you arrive at 344m/s when you've previously stated it travels 1000m in 3 seconds? Shouldn't it be 334m/s?
    Community Answer
    3 seconds is just an average. It is just rounded off so that it is easier for someone to count seconds in their minds.
  • Question
    If I see lightning and hear thunder 10 seconds later, how far away is the lightning?
    Community Answer
    It is: 3.333 (reoccurring) km away. That is: 10 seconds divided by 3, as sound travels 3 km every second.
  • Question
    How many kilometers are there in a light year?
    Community Answer
    I don't know the exact answer, but A LOT. Since that's how much light travels in a year, probably an unthinkably large number.
  • Question
    How long does it take for the light of lightning to reach me?
    Community Answer
    Light travels at around 300,000,000 m/s (meters per second) so it's almost instantaneous. If you were 10 kms (6 miles) away from a lightning, the light would reach you in 0.00003 seconds. To put it in perspective, light can travel from the earth to the moon in 1.3 seconds.
  • Question
    The lightning flashes for one or two seconds, then the thousand count of 5 or more, then the thunder rumbles on and on for five or more seconds. When do you stop the thousand count?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    As detailed in the article: You start counting when you see the lightning and stop counting when you hear the thunder from that lightning (not some other lightning). Divide by 5 to approximate how many miles away the lightning was.
  • Question
    How close does lightning have to be when thunder is simultaneous with the lightning?
    Community Answer
    Right next to you because the speed of sound is slow, only 343 meters a second.
  • Question
    What's the source of electricity of thunderstruck?
    Community Answer
    The source of electricity is static buildup inside of a cloud. Lightning happens when the negative charge either connects with the positively charged ground (normal lightning bolt) or the positive charge top of the cloud (this is what happens when you see a cloud light but you don't see a bolt).
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