Q&A for How to Care for a Dragon (Role Playing)

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    When should I teach my dragon to fly/fight?
    Community Answer
    Whenever you feel like you're ready. Although it really depends on its element; whatever element it controls, train it in that season.
  • Question
    My egg has hatched, but there are two small dragons. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    It's rare, but possible!
  • Question
    How can I look after a dragon properly?
    Community Answer
    It is most important that you feed your dragon on time; dragons don't take well to being hungry. Make certain your dragon has a good, dry place to sleep. Learn about the sleeping preferences of different dragons types. Some dragons prefer beds and nests that are elevated, others are more comfortable in dark, enclosed spaces. Be sure to take your dragon for a 'ride' regularly. they do need frequent exercise.
  • Question
    How can I get the right medicine or tablets for my dragon?
    Rawrfunkle Everbutt
    Community Answer
    Most medicines will have labels on them specifying what dragon should take which, and for what purpose. If it's a tablet, smash it and feed it to them with food.
  • Question
    Mine has been sneezing nonstop, what do I do for her?
    Community Answer
    Give her some rest away from flammable things. If after 5 days the sneezing hasn’t stopped, take her to a veterinarian specializing in dragons.
  • Question
    Where should my dragon go to the bathroom?
    Community Answer
    If you have a big dragon, it can go outside. If you have a smaller dragon, they can be trained to use a litter box indoors, just like a cat.
  • Question
    Can dragons safely ingest ylang essential oil?
    Community Answer
    No. This could lead to your dragon becoming sick. A dragon ingesting this oil is possible, but has a 50 percent chance of it becoming a life-threatening issue.
  • Question
    Should I allow my dragon to drink water?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should! All dragons need water to survive.
  • Question
    How big does it get?
    Ayyat Khurram
    Community Answer
    It depends on what breed it is, but most should grow really big.
  • Question
    How can I find a dragon's egg?
    Community Answer
    Dragons are very protective of their eggs. Start by keeping an eye on the dragon that you think has eggs. Watch its flight pattern for a few weeks: where does it seem to land? How long is it away? Make sure to approach the location you think holds the nest (usually in a gully) when you think the dragon will be gone for the longest possible time.
  • Question
    What do I do when the dragon grows up?
    Ayyat Khurram
    Community Answer
    You can either keep it or set it free into the wild.
  • Question
    How do I keep the egg warm?
    Community Answer
    Keep it in a warm location, like wrapped in a blanket or inside a backpack/satchel.
  • Question
    My dragon has a disorder that means its lungs don't have enough chemicals. Do they simply not have a breath weapon or is this more serious?
    Community Answer
    It might be that your dragon doesn't have a breath weapon, but I would check in with a medic just in case.
  • Question
    My dragon ate a ball and now it's sick. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If it was a large ball, it's probably stuck. The material of the ball determines how you remove it. If it was soft, like a beach ball, feed your dragon something hot. It won't hurt them, but it should melt the plastic. If it was a harder substance, you may want to find a licensed draconic veterinarian.
  • Question
    Can it fill a whole city with fire?
    Community Answer
    This would be a difficult task using just one dragon, but with assistance from several other dragons, it's quite possible.
  • Question
    How do I hatch a dragon egg?
    Community Answer
    Keep it warm. If it gets too cold, it will die. When it starts cracking open, don't touch it; let nature do its thing.
  • Question
    Is there a specific kind of music that might help the dragon egg to hatch?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just like plants, classical music works best. But you should experiment, not all dragons are the same!
  • Question
    My Nightmare Arrow, for some reason, keeps shrinking. He never shrunk in the past and I'm very worried. what do I do?
    Community Answer
    It seems as if your Nightmare Arrow has a special power. Dragons with this power can shrink to hide from danger when needed. Just make sure to train the Nightmare Arrow to only use his power when needed or when commanded to.
  • Question
    My dragon is sick. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Take extra good care of it and take it to your local (pretend) vet and do what they recommend.
  • Question
    What happens if my dragon gets a cold?
    Community Answer
    They'll most likely sneeze flames randomly and uncontrollably, so try to keep your dragon away from flammable furniture!
  • Question
    What food options are there for the dragon? I'm vegetarian and I can't have meat in my house.
    Community Answer
    Maybe your dragon is also a vegetarian and likes to eat eggs, or maybe they go outside and look for roots to eat.
  • Question
    Reading the tips, it seems to hint to dragons repeating like parrots, is this true?
    Community Answer
    Dragons that speak may repeat bad words if someone says them! It is very important not to cuss near them or else she/he may become a potty-mouth.
  • Question
    What kind of diseases can my dragons be born with/catch? How can I prevent/treat the illnesses?
    Community Answer
    The most common (and dangerous) illness for a dragon to catch is Wingcripitis, a disease that numbs the muscles that control the wings, making the dragon unable to fly. It can eventually spread to the dragon's brain, killing it. You can prevent Wingcripitis by keeping your dragon away from human medicine, and if your dragon already has it, take them to a vet immediately.
  • Question
    What breeds are there?
    Community Answer
    Fire dragon, water dragon, earth dragon, ice dragon, gnome dragon, dwarf dragon, star dragon, serpent dragon, scorpio's dragon, horsehead dragon, chessboard dragon (checkered), super hero dragon, honey dragon, beehive dragon, rainbow dragon, the rare white toothed dragon, asian forest dragon, american forest dragon, European forest dragon, European dragon (a popular choice), Burmese dragon, Chinese dragon, and who can forget the powerful Emperor Dragon. There are many subspecies as well.
  • Question
    My dragon is yellow and he has golden wings. What type of dragon is he?
    Community Answer
    It might be a dawn dragon. I have one, and they are sweet and kind! Their breath is sleep gas.
  • Question
    I am finally a breeder and finally got my license. Do you have any advice?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your breeder level. Beginners breed basic hybrids and intermediates go up a few steps. Professionals breed the rarest and most powerful dragons.
  • Question
    My dragon just hatched and is VERY sneezy. She is also green. I don't know what breed she is. Help?
    Community Answer
    That sounds serious! Because she was sick when she hatched, suggesting a genetic mutation as opposed to catching an illness after being exposed to the world, she could have a serious long-term or permanent disease. Take her to a dragon vet. They will be able to make a diagnosis and determine if she needs immediate attention, or if it is a somewhat common illness like Hatchling Virus Syndrome. Make sure to keep her warm. In the meantime, add finely crushed crystals to dragon tea, and make sure she drinks it all, which will help with her symptoms. Also, the vet will be able to do genetic testing to find out what breed she is.
  • Question
    What should I do if my dragon is hurt?
    Community Answer
    Find a healer if you can! If not, let your dragon heal naturally and provide whatever comfort, food, and medical care you can.
  • Question
    My baby dragon will not listen to me. We have a great bond (we can almost read each other's thoughts), but no matter what, she will not listen. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If your baby dragon has a bond but it will not listen, there might be something troubling it. Like a secret power that is so powerful it is really depressed trying to control it. Or, maybe it secretly visits another owner at night, and doesn't know who to listen to!
  • Question
    What do I do with the dragon's droppings?
    Community Answer
    I would assume that stuff is dangerous, maybe have radiation, so I would be very careful. Then find a good place to dispose of it. Some place where it might dissolve and not harm the environment.
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