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Q&A for How to Care for a Madagascar Dragon Tree
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QuestionWhat fertilizer or food should I give it?Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.You should give it a fertilizer designated for house plants. This can be in a liquid or slow release form, depending on your preference. Liquid will need to be applied more frequently. About once per month during the spring and summer, not regularly during fall and not at all during the winter. A slow release fertilizer can be used every few months. Avoid fertilizing for about two months or longer after transplanting your tree.
QuestionWhat is wrong if the leaves on my tree are suddenly turning yellow?Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.This could be because of overwatering, underwatering or it could be a natural part of the tree's life cycle. Leaves that yellow from the bottom are normal. Keep your soil moist and well drained.
QuestionWhy are leaves falling off my dragon plant?Community AnswerIf it is the lower leaves that are falling off, it is perfectly normal. This is to allow for new growth.
QuestionWhy are my tree's leaves turning brown at the end?GabrielCommunity AnswerThe leaves could be turning brown at their tips if it is not watered enough or if exposed to high temperatures in direct sunlight.
QuestionMy dragon tree plants have lost all their leaves. Is this normal or did I kill them?Community AnswerUnfortunately, they may be dead. Try watering them just in case.
QuestionI have had mine for several years but it still has only one trunk. All of the ones I have seen have more than one trunk and head. What can I do to get the plant to put out more trunks so I have a cluster of heads in the pot? My pot is amply large.Community AnswerThe dragon palm doesn't do that on its own. From my experience, it will only get these additional heads if you chop off the trunk from where you want it to start splitting. (Yes, just chop off the living top.) From there, a couple of new trunks will start budding. You can put the original head in water or soil to root and it will just keep on growing.
QuestionDoes my dragon tree need repotting, and if so, what medium do I use?Community AnswerCactus medium is good for palms. Also, since there is a chance of it being over-watered, you can make up your own consisting of 1/3 peat, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 perlite. You can also add rocks or river sand (little rocks).
QuestionCan I trim a Dragon tree and if so how?Community AnswerYes, if it's gotten too long, you can cut it back. Remove any lower leaves yellowing or looking unhealthy (just peel them off). For cutting a stem use a good cutting knife or secateurs.
QuestionWhat do I do about the tiny black flies on my dragon tree?Community AnswerPutting ivory soap on top of the dirt seems to repel small fruit flies.
QuestionHow do I treat my droopy leaves on my dragon tree?Community AnswerYou can tie the leaves to the stem, or consider watering your plant a little less.
QuestionWhat should I do if the leaves look limp and are falling off?Community AnswerWater a little more than normal, dragon tree leaves become quite heavy for the plant once they grow, although this is nothing to worry about.
QuestionHow often do I need to water a dragon tree?Community AnswerThere is no specific watering pattern for it, as long as the soil remains moist.
QuestionIs a madagascar dragon tree poisonous?Community AnswerYes,they are toxic to cats and dogs though mine have always ignored it.
QuestionHow quickly does dracaena grow?Community AnswerThis depends on how much you water it, where it is and if you feed it. With a regular water and feed, it should take around 3-4 years to reach 2 meters.
QuestionMy plant has small white egg-like things on it. Is this normal?Community AnswerNo, it's been infected. If this has happened during warmer months it's highly likely an insect has used it as a breeding area.
QuestionWhy do my dragon tree's leaves have brown tips?Community AnswerIt's most likely not getting enough water. Depending on which season, water it once a week in the winter months and thoroughly in the summer months. Reduce watering from early fall onward.
QuestionIs it OK to chop off the dried-out tips of the leaves?Community AnswerYou can cut off the tips of brown leaves with a pair of scissors, but leave a little brown showing so you don't injure the plant.
QuestionThere is any best season to trim it?Community AnswerYou can trim a Madagascar Dragon plant during any season. However, they tend to grow more in the spring, so consider waiting until after spring to trim it.
QuestionAre they harmful to dogs?Community AnswerIt can be harmful if consumed, but not otherwise.
QuestionCan I clean the leaves every day?Community AnswerYes. It will actually make it more healthy and more beautiful, but only use plant/fruit cleaners.
QuestionThe leaves are turning yellow and falling off. What should I do?Community AnswerYou might be giving it too much water. You should only water it when the plant is very dry. Mist it every day, but only water it once every two weeks.
QuestionCan I place my dragon tree outside during warmer months?Community AnswerYes, we always do that and it loves it. A shaded area is best for the first few weeks.
QuestionSome of the leaves on my plant are narrow and brown. Is this caused by too little water?Community AnswerYes, either that or they are in too much sunlight/heat.
QuestionHow does Air Conditioning affect the plant , looks like we have frost bite in the center of some of the leaves, what can we do.Community AnswerYou should try to keep your plant in an environment that ranges from 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 32 degrees Celsius). Your air conditioning could be damaging your plant if it is too cold. The air could also be drying your plant out, so be sure to mist the leaves.
QuestionHow do I treat roots on my Madagacar Dragon Tree?Community AnswerYou should be repotting your plant every two years, and can search for damaged roots during the transition. Snip dead or damaged roots with scissors so that they don't spread.
QuestionWhat is a good feed for the plant?Community AnswerThere is not a particular feeder that is good for the plant. Most stores do an indoor house plant feed that should work.
QuestionCan I cut the main trunk of the tree in half to reduce the height of the tree?Community AnswerYes, but it is a slow process.
QuestionHow far down should I cut my tree?Community AnswerAround 10-15 cm, as this is where the stem is the least likely to take permanent damage.
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