Q&A for How to Cast a Wiccan Circle

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    How is this different from "How to Perform a Wiccan Ritual"?
    Community Answer
    That article is more general. This one explains in more depth how the Circle is performed.
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    Is this dangerous, like black magic?
    Community Answer
    There are elements of Wiccan magic that could potentially be dangerous, but casting a circle is perfectly safe.
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    I'm a kid and my parents think I'm a Buddhist. How do I hide my circle?
    Community Answer
    You can draw it with chalk and erase it afterward. You can also glue/tape many papers together and draw on them. To hide witchcraft in general, try bath or kitchen magic. Have your crystals if you have them out because they are pretty. Also, say you interested in yoga and gardening. This can help you get 80% of things (you don't need them to practice witchcraft) like spices and incense.
  • Question
    What do you do once inside the circle?
    Sage Hudson
    Community Answer
    Once inside your circle, you can perform a ritual, feast, meditate, or any other form of your Wiccan/Pagan practice you would like.
  • Question
    Can a spirit element power make you be able to transform into new clothes if you want to control lightning?
    Sage Hudson
    Community Answer
    As cool as it may seem, Wiccan practices cannot give you superpowers. The real power comes from within. The Spirit element is the composition of Air (East), Earth (North), Water (West), and Fire (South) combine. Some believe it is the voice of Mother Nature, or Mother Nature herself. The Spirit element cannot give you the ability to control lightning or transform into new clothes.(Although there is a spiritual way to 'transform'.)
  • Question
    I just started this but I did not seem to quite understand how to get started. My mother does not approve and I am not sure how to find my god/goddess, can someone help?
    Sage Hudson
    Community Answer
    To practice in secret, which is also called "being in the broom closet" doesn't take much work. You can tell your mother that you're into yoga and you simply think crystals are pretty. Try to think of creative ways to get you mother to buying you magickal items. If not, nature is an incredible start! Go outside and collect pine cones, flowers, etc. You can look up on the internet what magickal properties different items have. To find your Greek Parent, you may have to reach out to the God/Goddess who you think is yours. Look for signs. For example, a sign from Artemis is a deer. Use your intuition.
  • Question
    Do I have to cleanse the area first if I don't want to?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to but it would help if you want to ward off evil spirits. If you don't have sage, then you can make saltwater and cleanse the area that way.
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