Q&A for How to Catch a Salamander

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    I want to raise a Red-backed salamander (Plethedon Cinereus). Where do I find those? And can they harm children?
    Silver Paws
    Community Answer
    Plethodon Cinereus live in most places around eastern North America, throughout Canada and the US. You can find them in most marshlands and bog-type environments. They don't have much of a threat to kids besides the chance of salmonella. To avoid this, make sure you wash your hands after touching the newt or its tank area.
  • Question
    Can I handle a salamander with gloves on?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it's still best to minimize handling in order to minimize stress. Gloves protect the animal from your skin's acid mantle, but not from being terrified of a gigantic predatory mammal.
  • Question
    Will crayfish attack salamanders?
    Community Answer
    If the crayfish are big enough then they will attack and sometimes kill salamanders.
  • Question
    Can salamanders breathe air?
    Community Answer
    Yes. However, certain species such as mudpuppies, hellbenders, and most larval salamanders are aquatic and do not require air to breathe. These need fresh aerated water though. All terrestrial salamanders need air to breathe however.
  • Question
    What are good salamander species to keep?
    Top Answerer
    I would recommend a fire salamander. They are attractive and easy to care for. They mainly eat insects.
  • Question
    What kind of species of salamanders live in Colorado?
    Community Answer
    The only type of salamander native to Colorado is the tiger salamander.
  • Question
    Can you scrub a salamander with hand soap and other products?
    Community Answer
    No! Never try to use soap products on amphibians; you will hurt their sensitive skins and kill them!
  • Question
    How do I remove a salamander from my attic?
    Community Answer
    Put out bait, like crickets, and give it some time to come into view. When you see it, slowly approach it and grab it. You might also try baiting a live-catch mouse trap with crickets.
  • Question
    What is the best way to trap a salamander?
    Community Answer
    Get a net. Find a spot where they hang out -- somewhere moist and dark, like under a rock. Lift up various objects lying on the ground until a salamander is spotted, then catch them with the net. If that fails, cover the salamander with both hands and pick it up.
  • Question
    Do salamanders make noise?
    Community Answer
    Nope. As far as I know, the only reptiles or amphibians that make noise are snakes, lizards, geckos, toads and frogs.
  • Question
    What do I do if my salamander starts to become fat?
    Community Answer
    If it's getting fat suddenly and it's a female, it might be pregnant. Otherwise, just start feeding it less and it should lose weight over time.
  • Question
    I'm on my grandparents' farm and can't find a salamander; what am I doing wrong?
    Community Answer
    You may not be looking in the right places, or salamanders may not live there. Quite commonly you'll find salamanders under rotting logs or large rocks, and near water. If you can't find them there, salamanders may not live in the area.
  • Question
    Could you use bait for your funnel trap and which bait do I use?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you could use worms, slugs or centipedes. Make sure that they cannot escape your trap.
  • Question
    How long do salamanders live? Where do they live and how do they lay eggs?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what species of salamander. Some have been known to live up to 55 years but the average salamander age is around 10 years. They normally live around moist areas of water, so check there. They lay eggs like any other animal that lay eggs; like a chicken.
  • Question
    If I get my hands muddy and dirty from the stream where it lives, is it safe to hold the salamander?
    Community Answer
    No. You shouldn't touch it without gloves. You can use garden gloves or latex ones.
  • Question
    How do I know if it's aquatic?
    Titans - Gaming and more
    Community Answer
    All salamanders are aquatic. If you identify it as a salamander, then it's aquatic.
  • Question
    How do I breed a salamander?
    Community Answer
    Different types of salamanders breed differently. You'll need to ask a vet for advice and breeding information.
  • Question
    How can I tell what type of salamander it is?
    Community Answer
    The easiest way is to Google salamanders in your state/region and look at pictures until you find the one that matches.
  • Question
    How can I make my salamander eat? I have tried everything.
    Community Answer
    You need to make sure it that the food is alive, or else they won't eat it. They like to chase to eat.
  • Question
    What salamanders live in New Brunswick and what is the color of them?
    Community Answer
    Typical salamanders in a woodland are the two Spotted salamanders; one is yellow-spotted, which is slightly bigger than their blue spotted counterpart.
  • Question
    Can I get a fungal infection by touching a salamander?
    Community Answer
    No, but if you're worried, then just make sure to thoroughly wash your hands after you've touched the salamander.
  • Question
    Why can't a salamander get out of a dry bucket?
    Community Answer
    A salamander needs a wet surface to grip, so if there's not any kind of water or moisture on the side of the bucket, it won't be able to climb out.
  • Question
    Can I feed my baby salamanders algae?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what kind of salamanders they are. In general, salamanders tend to be carnivores, so they wouldn't really like algae. They usually eat worms, flies fleas, or other small insects. As they grow older they will need bigger insects and in a larger quantity.
  • Question
    What species of salamanders can I find in western Washington?
    Community Answer
    You might be able to find the Northwestern salamander, or the long-toed salamander. Try looking under rotting logs near bodies of water. if you are interested in this, you should get the Peterson Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians.
  • Question
    Are there any salamanders in Ontario, Canada?
    Community Answer
    Yes. There are at least 13 species including the Eastern Tiger salamander and Blue Spotted salamander. The most common salamander in Ontario is the spotted salamander. To find them, look under large rocks near creeks.
  • Question
    What species of salamanders live in Utah?
    Community Answer
    A lot, over 500. Tiger salamanders are one species that live there.
  • Question
    In a salamander aquarium, should it be filled completely with water, or should it also have a ground surface?
    Community Answer
    It should have a ground surface, and something to go under it, like in the wild.
  • Question
    I have a fire salamander. What would be a good friend for him?
    Community Answer
    Another fire salamander about the same size, to make sure the larger one won't take all of the smaller one's food (if you don't hand feed).
  • Question
    Can salamanders and tree frogs be kept in the same habitat?
    Community Answer
    Never! No two amphibian species should be kept together. It could result in a fight and one of them might die.
  • Question
    Can you catch and keep a wild salamander?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. It is really easy, but it isn't good for the environment. Salamanders are important in the wild. They get rid of harmful insects. Plus, the big wilderness is a much better habitat than a small enclosure.
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