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Q&A for How to Check Data Usage on AT&T
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QuestionHow can I make sure I'm connected to Wi-Fi?Community AnswerYou won't use any of your cellular data while you're connected to Wi-Fi, so it's always a good idea to try to be on a wireless network. You can see if you're currently connected by looking for the Wi-Fi signal bars at the top of your iPhone's screen. If you're connected to your mobile data network, you'll see your carrier and signal strength instead.
QuestionCan I see what apps are using the most data?Community AnswerOn Android devices, open the Settings app and select "Data usage." Scroll down to see a list of apps that use mobile data, and how much they use. On an iPhone, open the Settings app and select "Cellular." Scroll down to see an alphabetical list of apps that use cellular data. The amount of data that an app uses will be displayed below the name of the app.
QuestionHow do I set data usage limit so I don't go over my data allowance?Community AnswerYou can set a cellular data limit in Android by opening the "Data usage" section of the Settings app. Set your billing cycle dates and then drag the bar to set your limit. It is not possible to set a data usage limit on an iPhone.
QuestionHow can I tell how much data my app is using?Community AnswerFor an iPhone, all you have to do is go into Settings-Cellular and scroll down.
QuestionCan I look at my bill and tell which numbers I have sent picture messages to?Community AnswerNot by looking at your bill, but you can by going online and looking at your account. Under the "I want to" menu, go to "View Usage." You'll see the number of texts made/received so far in the current billing cycle (you can also view history from other months if you like). Click on the number of texts and it takes you to the dates/times/numbers of texts made and received. Ones labeled "MMS" are multimedia messages - messages containing pictures or videos.
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