How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Choose Between Multiple Guys
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QuestionThere are these three different guys that I'm having to choose from right now. All I'm trying to decide is who I should get out of my life and who I should continue liking. One guy I really like and there's a slight chance he might actually like me too. Another one has had an adorable secret.Community AnswerWith multiple guys, having lists can help you organize your thoughts and emotions. If you see a potential relationship happening with the one boy, that may be your most accessible option. Remember, even though it may seem like you're "missing out" on two guys, you still will end up with one great one no matter who you choose.
QuestionI like three guys and they all like me back and it's difficult to decide who i like because i rarely see flaws so each only has one flaw to me.Community AnswerSometimes it can be good to see only the positives in people since so many others see the negatives. But, if you have a hard time seeing flaws in people, ask friends and parents for advice. They'll be able to notice things that you don't.
QuestionGuy has been crushing on me for a while now. I might sort of like him too. The last one has liked me for a while but I hardly know him. What should I do?Community AnswerYou might not be able to answer this question for yourself right away. If you want to be fair, you should take some time to get to know both guys so you give them each an equal chance. You may be surprised by one of them!
QuestionWhat do you do if the guy you've liked since forever likes your best friend?Community AnswerIf you don't want to ruin any friendships, it might be best to back off and let them do their own thing. Your feelings may fade for him anyways but you don't want to ruin the relationship with your best friend. Even if you want to put yourself out there, be careful that you don't put down your friend while doing it.
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