Q&A for How to Choose Colors That Flatter Skin Tone

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    I have brownish-black hair color, medium-fair skin tone and brown eyes. What should I wear?
    Community Answer
    You can pull off a range of colors. You'll look stunning in deep blues, purples, and reds, but also experiment with paler shades like light pink and ivory.
  • Question
    I have blue eyes and veins, suggesting cool tones, but I also tan extremely easily and I've burned very few times. I have tan skin, blue eyes, and light brown hair, so what do I wear?
    Community Answer
    I have extremely similar coloring, and I've always found that I look best in a pale blue. I imagine that would be true for you, too. With the conflicting blue veins vs. successful tanning, it might be possible that you have a neutral skin tone.
  • Question
    Which colors will flatter my medium-fair, warm-toned skin, dark brown straight hair and brown eyes?
    Community Answer
    Deep greens will look fabulous on you, as will grays. You should also try darker purples for a dressier look.
  • Question
    I have dark hair, pale skin and blue eyes. What color should I wear?
    Community Answer
    A deep royal, sapphire, or cobalt blue. Look for a shade that really makes your eyes pop.
  • Question
    I have natural tan skin with dark hair and eyes. May I wear black and/or red?
    Community Answer
    Black and red will look fine. Keep in mind that those are not the only colors you can wear to look good. Consider dark purple if you are a woman.
  • Question
    What is good for brown hair, hazel eyes and fair skin?
    Community Answer
    Most colors will suit you. You can try wheat blonde for your hair; warm pink for the lips; and pretty much any eye makeup (purple and forest green/olive green/khaki would be especially attractive). As for clothing, wear colors that bring out your eyes (greenish, brownish), greys, powder pinks, black, and beige.
  • Question
    I have fair skin with gray eyes and honey blonde hair. What colors should I wear?
    Community Answer
    Your eyes will 'reflect' the color you are wearing, so if you want your eyes to look more blue or green, choose those colors up top and neutrals on the bottom to keep the focus on your face.
  • Question
    I have pale skin, but with definite olive undertones. What colors would work best with my skin tone?
    Community Answer
    I'd go for pastels if I were you, especially if you'd like to bring out the olive tones. If not, then go for warmer colors that aren't overbearing, like a red-coral tone.
  • Question
    I have bright green eyes, black hair, and fair skin. What do I wear?
    Community Answer
    I think greens and purples would look awesome. Also, you should try pink. I'd recommend a pale pink, but experiment with different shades of these colors and see what you think looks best.
  • Question
    I have dirty blonde hair, rosacea, hazel eyes, and very pale skin. Could I dye my hair a darker brown?
    Community Answer
    These are pretty much my colors as well. I tried to dye my hair dark brown, and it ended up looking almost black on me. I didn't like it. I would recommend honey blonde, light auburn, or red/brown ginger hair for this kind of coloring. Of course, it's your choice!
  • Question
    How do I find what clothing colors would work best with my skin tone?
    Community Answer
    Warm skin tones are complimented by cold colors. Cold skin tones are complimented by warm colors.
  • Question
    Any advice for colors of hair and clothes?
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    You don't want your shirt and hair to clash, so if you have 'warm' colored hair, such as red, go for cooler colors like blues and greens. If you have 'cold' colored hair, such as brown or blonde, you should go for warmer colors, like reds or corals. Neutral colors look good with all hair colors, but if you have pale skin, don't wear light grey, as this will make you look washed-out unless you have flushed cheeks. Experiment a little and see what you like, because there are exceptions to every rule.
  • Question
    What's the best shirt color for someone who has pale skin, blue eyes, and pimples?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the hair color. For someone who has brown hair, a light pastel color like green, orange, or yellow complements their features. For a blonde and blue eyed person, colors like red, black, pink, and navy match well. With red hair and blue eyes, yellow, navy, white, black, or blue.
  • Question
    I have caramel-colored skin, deep brown eyes and hair (curly) that is dark brown and almost blonde at the bottom. What colors would suit me?
    Community Answer
    For a casual look, greens and "earthy" colors will look good on you (balance out with some neutrals, like a grey shirt), but you will also look great in neutrals and a bold warm color piece to accentuate the outfit. Remember to balance the outfit, if you feel like you've got too much color, swap out your shirt for a neutral color. If you feel too bland, put on some bright shoes.
  • Question
    What color clothing for very fair skin and very light blond hair?
    Community Answer
    Dark blue is sure to go well. You can experiment with red and black, too.
  • Question
    I'm a winter in the winter and a spring during the warm seasons. What hair color should I choose?
    Community Answer
    Brown is the best color, considering you are a winter and spring.
  • Question
    I have fair/medium skin, freckles, blue eyes, light reddish-brown hair with yellow undertones. I burn if exposed too long and don't tan. What would work for me?
    Community Answer
    A teal color would look good on you. You can wear jade green, teal blue, medium purple, and coral pink (but not orange).
  • Question
    What colors should I avoid if I have light skin with a pink undertone and blue eyes?
    Community Answer
    The rules will warn you against black, but I think you can wear some black provided you have something to reflect light on your face, such as a scarf or necklace. Perhaps avoid too many browns, earth tones, and harsh reds and oranges.
  • Question
    I have light brown skin, deep brown eyes, and wavy-ish black hair. What colors/outfit choices would look good on me?
    Community Answer
    You should try floral dresses with sneakers or flats maybe. That should look good on you.
  • Question
    What is my season if I have black hair and a gold skin tone with greenish veins?
    Community Answer
    You're likely an autumn, and would look good in brown, beige, and dark green colors with bronze or copper jewelry.
  • Question
    What colors are best for an Asian person with reddish tan skin, black eyes, and black hair?
    Community Answer
    Considering your eyes and hair are deep in tone, and you have reddish hues to your skin, try autumn-themed colors. Gold, red, and white will look best on you.
  • Question
    I have dark blonde hair with some lighter highlights, yellowy-green eyes, and light skin with a warm undertone. Can I pull off scarlet red?
    Community Answer
    Your coloring sounds quite similar to mine. I would say yes, provided the garment is a good cut and fit for your personality and the undertone is warm or neutral (true red). If you feel confident in your outfit, you will dazzle as a "lady in red"!
  • Question
    How do I choose colors to flatter a warm skin tone?
    Community Answer
    Choose cool tones like olive green and mint green. Earthy colors also look good with a warm skin tone.
  • Question
    I have a yellowish skin tone, fair skin, honey colored hair, and brown eyes. What should I wear?
    Community Answer
    Warm colors like red and brown would be flattering. Stay away from dark colors that can make you look more pale.
  • Question
    What colors should I wear for deep tan skin, black hair and brown eyes?
    Community Answer
    Yellows, reds, pinks, light blues, white, greens and many other colors look good with those features.
  • Question
    I'm a winter with light brown eyes and gray hair. Before my hair grayed to salt and pepper, I had dark brown hair. What color clothing should I wear?
    Community Answer
    You could wear a lot of blues, mainly darker ones (navy is always a good option). Silver or gray could also make your outfit pop.
  • Question
    I have red hair, hazel eyes, burn easily in sun. Which colors should I use as make-up and which should I wear?
    Community Answer
    Since you have red hair, I would contrast it with green/tan, but you would look AMAZING in a variety of colors. For make up, it would really depend on your skin tone.
  • Question
    I have a yellow skin tone, medium/fair complexion, freckles, blue eyes, and I burn with too much sun. My hair was light reddish brown. Now at 66 I'm 80% gray. What colors are good for clothes and with my hair?
    Community Answer
    Avoid light grey, but dark grey may look good on you. I'd also stick to cooler colors, such as blues and greens. If you want to emphasize the yellow undertone, wear a purple shade, otherwise stick with the cool colors. You may find that some yellows will look stunning against your skin while others will make you look like a Simpson. Pastels look good on pretty much anyone. If you want to emphasize your eyes, go for brown-toned eye shadow and if unsure about what to wear, wear neutrals with a bright green or blue piece, such as a jacket.
  • Question
    I have fair skin, freckles, caramel hair and black eyes. Any ideas?
    Community Answer
    Freckles make you an autumn almost by definition, so google autumn color types for an idea of what colors you should choose.
  • Question
    How can I figure out which colors match best if I have dark brown hair and brown eyes?
    Community Answer
    If you have dark hair and dark eyes, try wearing pale shades, such as soft pink, lilac and baby blue. Darker greens and navy will also look good. Stay away from colors such as yellow and orange, as they won't accent your skin.
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