Q&A for How to Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character

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    What is Fictiophilia?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This is a neologism that describes an attraction or deep affection for fictional characters in books, anime, cartoons, comics, stories, etc. A fan (or fanboy/fangirl) may be so attracted to the character that the character’s features, actions and traits become idealized and more desirable than people in real life. The fan may even fall in love with the character and wish to spend their life with the character.
  • Question
    Can you marry a fictional character?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can have a fictional marriage with a fictional character. For example, there is a website called "Marry Your Fictional Character Online," which provides a space where you can virtually marry your fictional character and get a marriage certificate. In Japan, marrying anime characters sometimes takes place using virtual reality ceremonies. Or, you could create your own ceremony at home, either by yourself or by inviting other fiction character fans to attend, and you can even have all the usual trappings of a wedding, from wedding clothes to reception food. All such "marriages" are fictional and internally created, they are not legally recognized.
  • Question
    What if this character is/was a horrible person, but you still feel a strong emotional attachment anyway?
    Community Answer
    All characters, regardless of how wicked, have some virtue or trait that makes them interesting or engaging; that's how stories move. This character clearly left an impression on you for a reason. You may feel the way you do for him/her because of something they did or said, or possibly just by their role in the story. Maybe there's something you admire about this person, even if they are/were horrible.
  • Question
    Is it also normal for a guy to love a fictional character or is that a girl thing?
    Holly Lentai
    Community Answer
    Sure, that's perfectly normal. I am a guy and I love fictional characters too.
  • Question
    I get kind of jealous when I see this character being shipped with someone. What should I do to make it stop?
    Community Answer
    I’d suggest just ignoring it. I’m currently crushing on a fictional character that already has a girlfriend in the series, but I just ignore it and don't let it affect me. You can still fantasize about the character if you want, none of this is real!
  • Question
    How do I tell a family member how I feel about that character without them thinking I have gone crazy?
    Community Answer
    Emphasize that you are not crazy and are aware of the fact that the character is not real. I am personally in love with a fictional character and my family is aware of it and has accepted it. It is actually quite common to fall in love with or obsess over a fictional character.
  • Question
    I've fallen for Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls. Is it weird to fall for a nerdy boy?
    Community Answer
    You like who and what you like. Don't let others' opinions influence you unduly.
  • Question
    Whenever I tell my friends about this character, they call me creepy and weird. I feel ashamed for being emotionally attached to him. Am I the problem?
    Community Answer
    No, you are not the problem. People are often judgmental of others who are attached to fictional characters, but there's nothing wrong or "creepy" about it. Don't be ashamed of your interests!
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm embarrassed to admit what fictional character I'm in love with?
    Community Answer
    You don't HAVE to tell anyone about it. If you decide you want to, you could try to ease your way into a conversation about the character with someone you trust and, if you feel comfortable, confess. If not, then don't.
  • Question
    What should I tell a friend who thinks I'm crazy for loving a fictional character?
    Community Answer
    Tell your friend that you are not crazy for falling in love with a fictional character, and that this happens to a lot of people/fans. You can also tell your friend that you understand that the character is fictional.
  • Question
    How do I begin the conversation to tell someone I'm in love with a character?
    Community Answer
    Tell them what show or book you watch or read, and then talk about what you love about it and the character.
  • Question
    How can I tell when the obsession has taken over my life?
    Community Answer
    You will stop focusing on your responsibilities and only think about them. Cut them out if they affect your life too much. You need to have a little space so that you can focus on your real life. Remember, they are only fictional.
  • Question
    My fictional crush is much older than I am. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is extremely common and nothing to worry about.
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    Is it normal to want two characters in a show to get together?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is quite normal.
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    I've fallen in love with Dustfinger from Inkheart, but the book isn't very liked and I'm getting laughed at for confessing.
    Community Answer
    Don't listen to those people. Inkheart is a wonderful book series, and Dustfinger is an interesting character. I can personally understand how you would fall in love with him. Just ignore people who tease you over this. Confide in a friend who doesn't judge you, or try to find some other Dustfinger fans online. I'm certain you're not the only one.
  • Question
    How do I tell if I'm in love with someone who isn't real?
    Community Answer
    You feel toward that character just as you would feel for someone whom you love in real life. You daydream about this person, you draw and write about them, you wish you could be with them, etc.
  • Question
    If I fell in love with a fictional character of the same gender, am I no longer straight?
    Community Answer
    That's actually a tough question to answer. If you also find that you have feelings for same-gendered people in real life, then you may be gay or bisexual. On the other hand, a person's sexual orientation is not entirely clear from their feelings toward fictional characters. You should explore your feelings toward real people to discover who you want to be with.
  • Question
    Is it abnormal for a person to fantasize about a video game character in sexual and romantic ways?
    Community Answer
    It's not "normal" in the sense that most people don't have those fantasies, but it's relatively common. As long as you're not completely obsessed with the character and you're capable of feeling sexual attraction for real people, there's no cause for concern.
  • Question
    Is it okay to grieve and cry when trying to separate myself from the fictional character?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Just because the character isn't real doesn't mean your feelings aren't. Give yourself time to grieve, and then move on to reality.
  • Question
    I like that person from Undertale, but almost every fan of the game likes him and is a Yandere over him. How would I be able to meet other Sans fangirls without being killed by them?
    Sammy TapShoes
    Community Answer
    Most all of these supposedly "Yandere" people are likely between the ages of 9 and 13. I'm sure they have no idea what it truly means to be a Yandere, and likely would never be brave enough to kill someone over a fictional character. And if they did they would most definitely not get away with it. They would be put in either jail or a mental hospital. Meet them over the internet, and protect your identity. If nobody you meet is mature enough to embrace the fact that Sans isn't real, and if they can't be mature and bond with you over this character, therefore making a friend who understands them, delete the conversation.
  • Question
    How do I set lower standards for myself for real life?
    Community Answer
    Stop thinking about the character you like so much. Sometimes it's best to put down the books and look around at the world you actually live in. You might be surprised at what you've missed, and your dream lover might be standing right in front of you!
  • Question
    What can I do if I've fallen for someone who will never exist?
    Community Answer
    Think about the characteristics that made you fall in love, like a sense of humor or intelligence. Look for a real person with those characteristics to get over your fictional love.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm in love with the character, or the person who plays the character?
    Community Answer
    Whether the fiction you are consuming is live-action or not, the characters portrayed are completely fictional, and are extremely likely to not represent the true personalities of the person playing the character.
  • Question
    I feel aggressive toward people who make fun of the fact that I am in love with a fictional character. Is this normal?
    Community Answer
    Sure. It's very normal to feel threatened and respond negatively when you're being picked on, regardless of the reason.
  • Question
    How do I cope with being in love with a female fictional character if I am a female?
    Rachel Thomasee
    Community Answer
    Cope the same way you would if you were in love with a male character. There are no different steps.
  • Question
    My fictional crush has taken over my life. What should I do to stop this?
    Community Answer
    Avoid material that has any involvement with that character, since continuous viewing of said material is just going to act like an anchor for you.
  • Question
    Why do I feel guilty on having a fictional crush on someone that is not real?
    Community Answer
    You may feel guilty because you are afraid that having a crush on someone who isn't real may not be normal and you may feel like you have to hide your feelings. Just remember that your feelings are normal, but don't let them take over and keep you from forming real relationships.
  • Question
    How do I get my parents to accept my love of a video game character?
    Community Answer
    Explain to them carefully that you understand that the character is fictional and that this sort of thing is very common among young people. However, maybe it is you who needs to reach acceptance that they don't understand it rather than spending your energies trying to convince them. Everyone has different ideas of love and, being older, parents usually like concrete realities that help children get somewhere in life.
  • Question
    The characters I love are usually not only villains, but also people who are very unlikely to be loved (they are deformed somehow, etc.). I feel very embarrassed about that, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Well, there's nothing wrong with someone who's deformed, or loving someone who is. There's nothing particularly embarrassing about that. And a lot of people love villains. If you look online you can probably easily find others who love that character too, not just romantically but in general. Most decent characters have some fans - maybe finding others who share your feelings will help you feel less embarrassed.
  • Question
    I'm kinda sexually attracted to a fictional character, but also just like them, is that normal?
    Community Answer
    There are alot of people like you, so yes, it is normal. Some characters are created like that on purpose, to catch a person's eye.
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