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Q&A for How to Copy and Paste Pictures
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Questionstill i im on the picture and copy the image from the internet but i go to desktop and i left click and the paste button is grey out why please i need that picture on my desktopKyle Smith is a wikiHow Technology Writer, learning and sharing information about the latest technology. He has presented his research at multiple engineering conferences and is the writer and editor of hundreds of online electronics repair guides. Kyle received a BS in Industrial Engineering from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.On Windows or Mac, download the image file to your desktop by right-clicking the original image source > click "Save image as" > select your desktop and click "Save."
Questionhow can I copy a photo file and make it appear as a photo, not a fileKyle Smith is a wikiHow Technology Writer, learning and sharing information about the latest technology. He has presented his research at multiple engineering conferences and is the writer and editor of hundreds of online electronics repair guides. Kyle received a BS in Industrial Engineering from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.In Windows, double-click the image to open it in the Photos app. Then, right-click the image and select "Copy." On Mac, double-click the image to open it in the Preview app. Then, go to Edit > Copy in the menu bar to copy the image.
QuestionWhat do you do if you copy an image but the option paste won't come on your menu bar?Kyle Smith is a wikiHow Technology Writer, learning and sharing information about the latest technology. He has presented his research at multiple engineering conferences and is the writer and editor of hundreds of online electronics repair guides. Kyle received a BS in Industrial Engineering from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.This can happen if you haven't selected a place to paste the image. Try clicking a blank area in your document, a text cursor should appear. If the paste option still doesn't appear in the menu bar of your Mac, try quitting and reopening the app.
QuestionHow do I copy multiple pictures all at once?Community AnswerPress and hold Ctrl key and click the pics you want to copy with your mouse. Then release Ctrl and press Ctrl + C to copy.
QuestionI used to use a software program that would allow me to select just a portion of an image and paste it or save it for later. Any suggestions?Community AnswerOn Windows, there is a program that comes pre-installed called "Snipping Tool." On Mac, press COMMAND+SHIFT+4 to snip a specific area of the screen to the desktop. When the cursor changes to a cross +, drag a box around the section you want to copy and release the mouse.
QuestionI copied and pasted a few photos with the date 3rd July, but one has a now got a different date on it, why?Community AnswerWhen you copy and paste, a new file gets created, and it assumes the date when it was created. That's why the different date.
QuestionHow can I open in a new tab if right click doesn't work?Community AnswerCtrl + T will open a new tab.
Question"Copy" is greyed out. How can I copy an image from the internet if this function isn't working? Can I change my settings to enable copy?Community AnswerIt is greyed out because your mouse is not over the image properly. Make sure the mouse pointer is directly on the picture you wish to copy.
QuestionI copied a photo by the method of clicking on the picture, hitting ctrl+C and going to a different folder and pasting. However, it copied all the photos from the previous folder. What can I do?Community AnswerThis sounds like all the photos were highlighted instead of just the one. Try it again, making sure to only highlight the one photo.
QuestionHow can I put two pictures side-by-side on my screen for comparison?Community AnswerIf in Windows 8.1 or earlier, you may need to install extra software to view images. In Windows 10, using the photos app, open the first image. Then go back and open the second image. You will see them both and you can drag them side by side. If that doesn't work, you could copy and paste both images into Paint.
QuestionHow do I copy pictures from a CD to my Windows 10 computer?Community AnswerInsert the disc and open File Explorer. On the left, select your disk from the list of drives. You can select the files here (or hold down CTRL to select multiple) and then drag them over to the destination.
QuestionHow do I copy and paste a screenshot?Community AnswerThe method here will work for a screenshot as well.
QuestionHow do I do this with Publisher?Community AnswerYou would just follow the same steps as Method 1, but to paste the image in Publisher, you can either right-click and select 'Paste,' or press the keys 'Ctrl' + 'V' together on your keyboard.
QuestionCan you please clarify number 5?Community AnswerPasting the image is when you bring it to where you want it. You can go into a place that has room to add a picture and there are several options. The most common is pressing the Ctrl and V buttons at the same time (on a Mac, Command + V). You could also right click on the screen where you want to place the photo and select the word "paste". Another option available in some word processors and presentations is a large button that looks like a clipboard. Clicking it will add the photo to the presentation.
QuestionHow can I copy a picture I've paused on a video?Community AnswerIf you are on a computer, the best way to do this is via Gyazo. Gyazo is a program that allows you to snapshot anything you want on your screen. It does require installing the program which takes no more than 5 minutes. If you are on a phone or any electronic device that isn't a computer, just search up how to take a snapshot on that device.
QuestionCan I copy and paste images from the Internet using my Kindle?Community AnswerYes. Hold your finger on the image to open the task menu, and select copy and paste.
QuestionHow do I copy and paste on iPhone 6s?Community AnswerHold your finger on the text, and drag to the desired beginning and end. Then, click copy. Then paste it where you need to.
QuestionHow can I get a picture off the internet and put it to my Gmail?Community AnswerRight click > Save Image as > Save it on your Desktop (I like to put it here for easy access, but you can put it elsewhere as long as you remember where you put it) > Compose email > Press the paper clip icon at the bottom of the email. Then it will open a popup box > Select where you saved the photo, select the photo > Press "Open" > Give it a couple of seconds to open into the email, and then send it!
QuestionThis isn't working. What should I do?Community AnswerTry moving the photo by opening your source at side a of your screen, then destination on side b. Then try moving it. If that doesn't work, try to click on the photo you want to copy, and press CTRL and C at the same time. Go to your destination folder and press CTRL and V at the same time. If that doesn't work either, click your photo, then right-click it, go to copy and click that. Go to your destination, right-click, paste.
QuestionI accidentally changed my settings and now I cannot copy pictures to download onto a Word document. How can I repair this?Community AnswerJust left click the mouse and select "Copy," then go into your Word document, left click again and select "Paste." You can also try using the clipboard paste button that is already in Word. It should be in the toolbar off to the left side.
QuestionOnce I "copy" an image, what can I paste the image into/onto?Oliviap3016Community AnswerYou should be able to paste it into any open documents you have (Microsoft Word, Google Drive, etc.). You can also attach it in an email, and some social media apps allow you to paste photos directly into your posts.
QuestionHow do I copy a photo from my gallery?Community AnswerWindows and mobile phones like Android, iOS and Windows Phones do not have a copy operation available inside the gallery. You need to copy your photo using the File Explorer.
QuestionHow do I copy a photo into a webpage?Community AnswerFollowing the steps in this article should allow you to copy a photo into a webpage, although it really depends on the exact webpage you're working with; the properties may differ and require an alternate method of copying and pasting.
QuestionHow to copy and paste pictures on an Apple computer?Community AnswerIt's the same process for both PC and Mac.
QuestionHow can I use an anime girl as my YouTube profile pic?Community AnswerFind a high-quality image online, save it to your computer, then go to your YouTube profile and upload the photo.
QuestionHow do I get pictures off my digital camera?Community AnswerIf they're stored on an SD card, you can remove it and plug into your computer and use its file manager to copy/move/delete files. If they're stored on the camera itself, use the charger cable to hook to your PC, then follow the same procedures.
QuestionIs it possible for me to crop a self-taken photo in a circular manner?Community AnswerYou're going to need a photo editor, but it can be done. Put a circular filter over it, or erase around the part you want to keep.
QuestionHow do you copy and paste two different pictures on your phone to make it one picture?Community AnswerIt's going take a little photo editing. Adobe Photoshop can help you with this.
QuestionI have a new laptop computer. I want an image from the Internet, but it doesn't right-click, why?Community AnswerIt's possible that the image is copyright protected; sites can inhibit the use of right-click.
QuestionWhat if the paste option does not show?Community AnswerType Ctrl + V (or Command + V on Macs). If that doesn't show up, you may not have done Copy correctly, try to repeat the process.
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