Q&A for How to Create Tree Flower Beds

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    Can I grow vegetables, like spinach, in a tree flower bed?
    Andrew Carberry, MPH
    Food Systems Expert
    Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
    Food Systems Expert
    Expert Answer
    Most tree flower beds would not provide enough light for growing vegetables. You would have to place the vegetables far away from the tree where they are not shaded by the tree.
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    How do I plant flower beds under pine trees?
    Community Answer
    Look for plants, trees and shrubs that love acidic soil. My mom had irises, columbines, hyacinth, forsythia, rosemary, dogwood, and violets as a cover crop (evergreen in zone 7); I forget what else. A search for acid-loving plants will get you a long list.
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    Should I place mulch on top of the soil after the plants are in?
    Community Answer
    You can place a shallow layer of the tree's leaves to help hold moisture to your plants, but avoid covering the roots of the tree or getting closer than 12 inches to the base. This natural leaf mulch is the best option. You can turn your leaves into finer mulch by running over them with a mulching lawnmower, using the bag to capture them. The grass mixed in with the leaves will not hurt and will make a great organic mulch as well! Avoid pine straw, as this is acidic and your tree and plants may find it too strong if they are not acid-lovers.
  • Question
    I've build the dirt up around the tree for a flower bed. How do I cut back on this so as not to hurt my tree? I've not planted any flowers yet.
    Community Answer
    You can build a wall around the tree about 18 inches away from the trunk and then fill up to it. This will allow the tree to breathe and get water that runs down the bark of the main tree.
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