Q&A for How to Create an Account on GitHub

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    What should I do after receiving my email?
    Mohsen Ibrahim
    Community Answer
    GitHub will send you an activation email with a link to activate the account. Just click the URL in the email you received.
  • Question
    How do I open a new Github account?
    Võ Trần Nhã Linh
    Community Answer
    Just create another email address and start a new one. Follow the structure of this post.
  • Question
    Is it free to create an account on GitHub? Can I get paid on the site?
    Mohsen Ibrahim
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can create an account for free and use it to host only public repositories, however if you want private repositories, you need to to create a paid account.
  • Question
    What is a "valid" email address?
    Community Answer
    It's an email address of yours that can send and receive mail. An account can't be set up if an invalid email is provided.
  • Question
    I keep getting an error message that says "There was a problem creating your account." What should I do, as this has been happening for a week now?
    Community Answer
    Try using a different web browser. I had the same problem while trying with Chrome. Using Firefox it worked nicely.
  • Question
    What is organization name?
    Võ Trần Nhã Linh
    Community Answer
    It's the name of the company you work for. If you work as an individual, just leave it blank.
  • Question
    How do I create a username on GitHub if it keeps stating that the username is taken?
    Community Answer
    The Username should include capital letters, small letters and numbers without space in between, like wikihow123. Keep trying until you find a name that isn't taken.
  • Question
    How do we type the password? One lowercase letter at least one numeral and 7 characters, what does that mean?
    Community Answer
    An example password with one lowercase letter, one numeral and 7 characters: lololol1. It basically means that you use one lowercase (little) letter, one number and 7 words minimum to make up the password.
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