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Q&A for How to Create an Apple ID on an iPhone
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QuestionI put my email address in for apple id and it said that address was already used. This is the first iphone I ever had. Long ago I had an Ipad but deleted out the information.This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerApple ID can be used across different devices. When deleting information of your iPad, there is a separate step to closing an Apple ID account. Most likely, your email is still registered. Use the "Forgot Password" option to get access back into your Apple ID.
QuestionDo I have to pay money for starting an Apple ID?Community AnswerNo. Apple IDs are completely free.
QuestionHow can I create a new Apple ID if I don't know any portions of my gift card codes?Community AnswerYou can't use a gift card code to sign up for an Apple ID at first. You can redeem gift cards after your account has been set up. If you have no billing cards (credit cards or debit cards), please refer to Create an Apple ID Without a Credit Card to get you going.
QuestionCan the same Apple ID continue with a different iPhone?Community AnswerYes. Apple IDs can be transferred from one device to another, and even when you own two or more Apple devices at once, they can all use the same Apple ID interchangeably.
QuestionIf my spouse has an Apple ID, can I still create one without messing up their account on the same phone?Community AnswerYes and no. Although inconvenient due to your spouse needing to set up their settings again, with a few extra taps into the settings, you can log them off the device and create your own account. Then, when your account is set up, you can have your spouse log back into his/her Apple ID. However, this will remove any personal settings your spouse had stored, such as Push Notifications and lots of others that may be near and dear to them.
QuestionAre email addresses from the Gmail and Hotmail servers allowed when you try to create your Apple ID?Community AnswerIt doesn't really matter what email you add to create your Apple ID on your iPhone; as long as you have an email account, you should be good to go. Even those outside of the two major email companies are even able to be created.
QuestionWhat is a "rescue email" address?Community AnswerA rescue email is a secondary email in case the primary email doesn't work for some reason. However, it's rarely used, but is still required.
QuestionIf verified, will the email address not be used again?Community AnswerOnce you've verified your email address for your Apple ID, you can't recreate the account using that email address again. Instead, use another email address to set up another account or log into your Apple device using this ID.
QuestionWhat is the code for Visa?Community AnswerEach credit card has a different security code. Although it can be determined based on your card number on the front of the card, Visa doesn't have one single solitary number that's used on all Visa cards. It may be located on the back of your card near the signature bar but if not, contact your issuing bank for details.
QuestionCan I use my old email as an Apple ID?Community AnswerNo. Use your current email to create your Apple ID to ensure that Apple can contact you in an efficient manner. Keep your email as current as possible to ensure you have their receipts as well as they have your most current information should they need to contact you in the future.
QuestionHow can I enter both lower and uppercase letters for my password?Community AnswerUse your iPhone's keyboard for entering these letters. The shift key on the left side third row of the keyboard can be used to switch into uppercase mode.
QuestionWhat happens if I don't have a payment card?Community AnswerwikiHow has you covered with an answer to this question too: Create an Apple ID Without a Credit Card .
QuestionWhy does it keep saying that a more complex password is required?Community AnswerAt the current time (March 2016), Apple wants you to use a password that virtually no one can crack. Use one that no one can guess, and include at least one uppercase letter as well as at least one numeric keystroke. For ultimate security, don't use a word that comes from the dictionary or is similar to your Apple ID/email address. Your device will keep saying this until it determines that it can't be cracked easily.
QuestionWhat do I enter for my postcode?Community AnswerIf you live in the United States, enter your ZIP code in that field. If you live in Canada, use your alphanumeric postal code in that field. If you live in another country, use your standard post code for your country. If whatever you have entered isn't accepted, you will have to contact Apple to find out how they'd want you to answer those fields.
QuestionWhat do you do if your country isn't present in the list of countries when trying to create your Apple ID?Community AnswerContact Apple. They have their own processes that can help you set up an account if you tell them your problem.
QuestionHow do I create an Apple ID on an iPad?Community AnswerUse the same steps this article explains on your iPad too, as these devices use the same basic operating system with bigger screens. The process is identical.
QuestionHow can I change my Apple ID?Community Answer
QuestionCan two people have seperate Apple IDs for iTunes on the same computer?Community AnswerAs long as you are not both logged in together on the same iTunes software under the same user, you shouldn't have a problem. To get another user signed into your Apple ID on iTunes, the former Apple ID must be signed out or follow the prompt if it asks to be signed out.
QuestionWhere can I purchase an iTunes gift card?Community AnswerYou can buy an Apple iTunes gift card at most major branded supermarkets, as well as some other types of stores that sell gift cards (such as magazine/stationery sellers) and many personal electronics stores. However, do be aware that iTunes gift cards aren't accepted for setting up an account, only for using to add apps, etc.
QuestionWhat can you do if it is still not working after submitting your Apple ID?Community AnswerApple ID's must be verified with Apple. Check your email for an email that comes: Apple will send you your own personal link that you must tap or click to enable this account for use. If you don't receive one, contact Apple and they can reset your account and send you a new email if you haven't received one.
QuestionWhat can I do if there is no button to begin the creation of the new Apple ID?Community AnswerAlthough that puts you in a difficult position on your phone, you can fill out the form on the Apple website or try another iOS device that you haven't registered yet (if you have more than one device that hasn't had it's AppleID registered and sign in yet). Follow the steps for the website method in Get an Apple ID to find out these details.
QuestionCan I create more than one Apple ID on an iPhone?Community AnswerYes. After verifying the email address from the email that will come to the address, sign the first person out and create the second Apple ID. However, logging the first user out will lose all their personal data including notifications, ringtones, most settings and stuff that wasn't saved to the 'Cloud' initially.
QuestionMy credit card is not accepted. Why?Community AnswerYou would need to contact either Apple or your credit card company for that answer. it is not possible to know why your credit card has been rejected without more details. It could be it has expired, it could be an obscure one, it could be entered inaccurately, and so on.
QuestionHow will having an Apple ID make me money?Community AnswerIt won't make you any money.
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