Q&A for How to Deal With Annoying Neighbors

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    What should you do if your neighbor's child takes your place in your family and your parents love her more than they love you and your little sister hugs her and kisses her on the cheek every time she meets her and she always make weird faces at you and said that I'm no one right to my face. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Say something to your parents about how you feel left out. Chances are, they don't realize what this new person in their life is doing to you. Ignore any negative comments from the neighbor kid, and focus on spending more time with your family, perhaps suggesting family outings that are away from home, even for a few hours.
  • Question
    My neighbor plays basketball inside their apartment and it keeps me up at night, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them. Tell them, calmly and politely, that you cannot sleep due to their playing basketball during the night. Ask them if they could please keep it to daylight hours only. If they refuse to do so, contact your landlord or building manager. They probably don't want people playing basketball indoors and would likely confront your neighbor about it.
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    How do I deal with neighbors who complain about my home being loud if they yell at me from their house and don't talk to me in up close and in person?
    Community Answer
    Regardless of whether they are being neighborly and respectful, show some respect by listening to your neighbors' complaints and trying to do something about the loud noises. It's really to your advantage to have a good relationship with them if possible. Reducing the noise level may make them more receptive to in-person conversations.
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    My neighbor is obsessed with me and thinks he is in love with me. This neighbor constantly disrespects me, crosses my boundaries, tests my patience, stalks me, tries to control me and pushes people away! What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Notify the police, and sooner rather than later, as stalkers continue to push their behavior even further when it continues to go unchecked. Gather all evidence you can of the behavior, and get others who've witnessed it to add to the police report. There are some good tips in Deal With Stalkers .
  • Question
    My neighbor plays his instrument 3 - 4 times every day, ranging from 1 - 2 hours each time. I work from home and it distracts my ability to work effectively. They are non-English speaking. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    I recently read a story where all the neighbors chipped in to give them a soundproofed room - everybody happy. Consider that? Do not let language be a barrier, find a translator; if they have kids, they can usually translate. Let them know your issue and find a solution together. They have to take your remarks into account, and you have to take them into account.
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    My neighbor always claims my kids are being too loud (even though I think they are not), and uses aggressive language toward them, even threatening to call the police. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Have a dialogue with your neighbor. Speak nicely and calmly. Make sure that your children turn it down a notch, and if said neighbor is outside, keep the kids inside.
  • Question
    In my building I have to deal with these kids constantly ringing the doorbell. They're also bullying my kid. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If you know who the kids' parents are, talk to them first. If this doesn't work, see if your landlord/building manager, etc. will help you. Your kids school may even be able to step in if they are bullying them on the premises.
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    My neighbors always park in front of my house and never use their driveway. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Bring it up with them politely. They probably have no idea this bothers you. Just say something like, "I've noticed you always park in front of my house. I could really use that spot for my own car, do you think you could park in your driveway instead?" If they're parking on the street, they're fully within their rights to do so, but a polite request could go a long way.
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    How do I deal with a neighbor who doesn't want me to park in front of his house on the street?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your neighbor about the reasons why you need to park there.
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    What can I do when my neighbor parks six vehicles on the street and uses only two?Several neighbors on the block can not park there.
    Community Answer
    You could check that all their vehicles are registered and paid. If they are not, you can call the police. Otherwise, there is probably not much you can do.
  • Question
    We have a neighbor who opens her door and uses swear words whenever we go out of the house. Even after a police complaint, she continues, so what should we do now?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you should try to talk to her see if there is anything wrong that you did to her to deserve the disrespect, but your neighbor can just be a difficult person to deal with and you might be better off avoiding her and continuing to talk to the police.
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    I'm bothered by the fact the people who live behind me are always fighting and always yelling at their kids. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Report them to child services.
  • Question
    How many tenants can a leased house have?
    Community Answer
    You would need to check your local laws, as this can vary by city, state, province, county or country. There is usually a small-end limit, to avoid group housing crowding that can damage the property.
  • Question
    What do I do if my annoying neighbor is encroaching over my property line?
    Community Answer
    You can usually contact your builder. a surveyor or landlord to state your property line to see if your neighbor is crossing it, if you do not know anyone who can help you talk to to your neighbor and establish a property line together that is fair to both of you, it might not be a legal line, but it will help you resolve your problem.
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    Every time I walk outside and sit on my front porch, a neighbor walks outside, points her finger at me and starts laughing at me for no reason. Can I have her evaluated by a psychologist?
    Community Answer
    You could file a wellness check on her with the police but only if it is excessive. If she does this with other people, it could be a mental issue. Check with a family member or the people that live with her before a wellness check.
  • Question
    How do I deal with my neighbor kids not wanting to play with me as a kid?
    Community Answer
    Invite them to a party of yours or make them some cookies. You could invite them over to hang out or play video games.
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