How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Deal With a Friend Who's Become an Enemy
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QuestionMy "enemy" used to be my best friend. I never knew what a snotty person she could be. She talks about me to her other friends; she tells them she hates me and stuff. What do I do?Community AnswerDon't worry about it. It sounds like she's just jealous of you. I mean, you're clearly always on her mind if she's talking to her friends about you. Ignore her. Don't make any negative comments about her to others. Take the high road. Most likely it's only a matter of time before everyone else sees what a jerk she is too.
QuestionMy best friend told a crush of mine that I like him, and she set us up on a date without my permission. How do I deal with this?Community AnswerYou should talk with your friend about the situation. Tell her how the incident made you feel, and ask her not to do anything like that in the future.
QuestionWhat if she's cussing at me, telling me I don't have a life, saying I have no friends, and calling me dumb and a lesbian?Community AnswerStay away from her, she's disrespecting you, probably because of her own insecurities. Ignore her, and if she doesn't stop, get a teacher or another adult involved, because she is bullying you.
QuestionWhat if she is trying to sabotage me at my job?Community AnswerMake sure your manager knows. Document exactly what's happening and when and keep any proof you have (incriminating emails, recorded phone conversations, etc.). If your manager isn't helping you, contact human resources.
QuestionWhat if she's ruining my life?Community AnswerDrop her. She's not worth it if she's ruining your life, and your life would be better without her.
QuestionWhat if you are in the same group with them, like for a project?Community AnswerTry your best to cooperate. Stay on task and don't engage with them on any other topic. If they really make it impossible for you, ask the teacher or authority figure if you can be moved to another group.
QuestionHe is on my basketball team and we regularly meet. He often says nasty things about me when I miss a shot. His friends always have his back. What should I do?Community AnswerJust deal with it. Trust me, I know what you're going through and I know how worthless you feel when he says nasty things about you with his friends. Talk to him like you would talk to an adult, politely and respectfully. This will make him feel compelled to treat you the same way. If you think he's not that type of person, laugh his comments off. Be nice to his friends too. Do your best at basketball and don't worry about what anybody says to you except the coach.
QuestionHe is my classmate, my project team member and my lab partner. How should I deal with him?Community AnswerJust act normal. Make him see that you are serious about the work and have fun. Don't let it bother you and it shouldn't be a big deal.
QuestionI have a friend who I have know for 3 years. She recently started making really bad choices with her other friends (illegal things). I want to tell her mom, so she can help her, but I am not sure.Community AnswerIt's a good idea to tell her mom, don't hesitate when it comes to stopping someone from committing illegal things. She needs to stop soon before she gets into serious trouble. Being in jail is worse than being lectured by your mom.
QuestionI tried breaking a boy up from his girlfriend. It's been over a year since then and I feel bad, but he's causing trouble with the deans for me. I miss his friendship. Is pursuing this appropriate?Community AnswerYes, but if this boy prefers to keep his distance from you, do the same with him. If you get the chance, talk to him openly about how you feel about doing what is was you did. Try to explain that you just want to be friends and you want to end the rivalry.
QuestionWhat if she always picks a fight with me then if I lose she calls me names?Community AnswerTry to make your goal not to win the fight, but instead to make it so there is no winner. There is a public speaker named Brooks Gibbs, who suggests a strategy where you are kind to the bully (search him up for more information). It's likely she'll be tongue-tied and won't know what to say.
QuestionMy friend-turned-enemy is starting to try to split up my friendships with other people through nasty words. I tried to fight him but he snitched so I was the one that got into trouble. What do I do?Reyna PatelCommunity AnswerTry to talk to him about why your friendships bother him. If he doesn't have any interaction with your friends, it might just be a case of jealousy. Talk to your friends about this and tell them to ignore him, and that what he's saying is about him, not you.
QuestionMy girlfriend ended up as my worst enemy and I'm not able to set things straight. What do I do?LrbCommunity AnswerIf you've experienced a breakup, it may be wise to take a step back and focus on yourself. Who are your other friends? Where do you like to go for walks? Do you have a hobby? These things will help you recenter and if you give it time, the tension between you and your ex will start to fade. I would not force a friendship or force things to be fixed; sometimes time and space is all someone needs.
QuestionMy ex-best friend left (I changed and became different) then even got kicked out of my friend group now I have no one to hang out with I’m a loner and an idiot I got called a lesbian, bitch and more. Help!LrbCommunity AnswerSo many of us have been through it. I lost my three best friends in one day and it was drama for the rest of the school year! My advice to you is to focus on you. Block out the noise coming from anyone other than those who love you and want the best for you--they might be family, teachers, churchgoers, neighbors. The next thing to do is to not react impulsively but to keep your cool when they try to get a rise out of you. It hurts, and when it does hurt go find a private place to cry at if you need to. But with some time, and some self love, it will get better and you'll see people that you've never noticed before. You'll have friends soon, you're not a loner!
QuestionI have a bestie who became an enemy of mine for no reason. But my whole class, except four girls, are on my side. What should I do?LrbCommunity AnswerThis is always tricky. The best suggestion is to take yourself out of the equation. Don't start any confrontations, and if someone starts picking on you or gossiping, don't react impulsively. Instead, keep your cool, and be dismissive. "Oh, I don't know anything about that" is a line to use. The drama will go away if you let it, so give it some time and space. If it came out of the blue, it may be a sign that the other person has something going on in their life and that you're a target now. It's unfair and sad but people don't know how to cope when life gets frustrating or scary. Try to be kind, and remember school isn't forever. In the real world, it's never the class versus one girl.
QuestionMe and my friend have known each other for awhile, we've always been close, during a school trip we acted like best-friends, but now at school, she ignores me. What did I do wrong? I'm so confused...Huda Al SafuCommunity AnswerTalk to her, find out what you did to upset her. Maybe, it has nothing to do with you, she might be going through something in her life, that is why she is probably being distant. But you never know, until you talk to her and find out.
QuestionWhat if you are sharing your emotion to your best friend about feeling left out in the group, but she takes it out on you? Is she a true friend?Huda Al SafuCommunity AnswerNo, a true friend will understand your feelings, and apologise for excluding you unknowingly.
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