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Q&A for How to Develop Telekinesis
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QuestionCan a nine year old do it?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThere's nothing stopping you from trying! People of all ages can give these exercises a try.
QuestionWhat is the average time to master telekineses?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerWell, no one has actually mastered telekinesis -- at least, there are no scientific reports or studies that prove it can be done. But you can work on the exercises as often as you'd like, and meditation and visualization skills can be helpful in other areas of your life.
QuestionWhat are some ways I can practice at school without anyone thinking I'm crazy?Community AnswerIf you have recess, practice in a place where nobody usually goes. If you have a free period, you can do this in a secluded part of the library. If you don't have either, you could always do it in the restroom.
QuestionCan you do telekinesis with a happy life or does your life have to be boring?Community AnswerAny life is fine. Just make sure to clear your mind while you practice.
QuestionDo I need a compass or is it optional?AdrianTop AnswererOptional. There is an infinite amount of ways to practice skills.
QuestionSome of my friends have used telekinesis with their eyes open is that possible?Community AnswerWhy wouldn't it be? Having your eyes closed can help remove distractions but you can visualize with them open.
QuestionIs this ability evil or satanic in any way?Community AnswerNo, although the ability could theoretically be used for evil, but you shouldn't do that.
QuestionCan I use my power to control objects and make them float around?Community AnswerYes, but you need to have strong concentration. It's hard but not impossible.
QuestionWhy does it take years to obtain telekinesis?Community AnswerIt is a skill that requires a lot of focus and practice to become great at.
QuestionI don't have time to meditate. What should I do?Community AnswerFind the time. Ask yourself: "How important is [insert specific; activity/ hobby/ business/ job/ practice/ etc here] to me?" Acknowledge that there are only 24 hours in a day (1,440 minutes). Are you investing those hours or spending them? Examples of spending: Watching the Kardashians, playing countless hours of video games, mindlessly surfing social media. Examples of investing: making yourself smarter, developing translatable skills, self mastery (i.e. meditation), reading books, etc. Finally, realize the effort you put forth directly reflects the outcome you receive. Excuses are for those who enjoy being left behind.
QuestionCan I move a heavy object if I use my mind and body?Community AnswerYou can certainly try! Remember, focus on the object. Imagine that the object is a part of your body, and think about the object moving.
QuestionCan my telekinesis become strong enough to pick someone up?Community AnswerIt's theoretically possible, but it seems that no one has been capable of doing it so far.
QuestionIt's never quiet in my house, which makes it really hard to clear my mind. Any advice?Community AnswerTry to meditate while you are walking in nature, or walking in a wide circle in a quiet room.
QuestionIs it really important to hide that I have telekinetic powers from others?Community AnswerYes, since many people will consider that you're loopy and many will expect you to perform it on the spot to prove it to them, wearing you out with the constant digs at you.
QuestionI have tried a pencil and it succeeds, but how can I do this with larger items?Community AnswerYou just need to focus harder on creating a stronger psi ball, remembering that you also have to believe you can do it, otherwise it is harder to make it happen.
QuestionWhat should I concentrate on while meditating?Community AnswerDo not concentrate on anything while meditating. Try to clear your mind of any thoughts. But later, try to focus on the object you want to move.
QuestionCan I move solid objects like the magician with the help of telekinesis?Community AnswerYes, but it depends on what object. You could perhaps roll and levitate apples, but you couldn’t throw a car 1,000 miles away, because there is only so much mental strain you can take.
QuestionWhat is telekinesis?Vimal SinghCommunity AnswerIt is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.
QuestionIf someone sees me doing telekinesis and calls the cops? What do I do?Community AnswerWell, I suppose you just let the cops come. They are not going to believe you are actually telekinetic, so the person who called will just end up looking crazy.
QuestionHow often should I practice?Community AnswerYou should practice no more than two to three hours per day; you'll need to take breaks so you won't get headaches.
QuestionWhat type of meditation should be done for this?Divya Mary BabuCommunity AnswerMeditation should be done to focus and quiet your mind; the specific type doesn't matter. Meditation eventually helps you to reach a higher level of awareness and inner peace, which allows you to access a sense of tranquility, making it easier for you to develop telekinesis.
QuestionWhat energy am I supposed to be feeling when I put my hands around my stomach?Community AnswerIt can be anything -- there is no right or wrong answer. Heat is energy, vibrations are energy, sensations are energy. If heat is the most significant feeling you have, then start there; try to visualize what that heat looks like, including what color it is, how big it is, whether it has defined edges, etc. From there, begin to manipulate the visualization by making it warmer, bigger, or smaller, and notice how the sensation of it changes as you do this. Maybe practice breathing energy into it to increase the size or brightness of it as well.
QuestionHow do I consume energy from the things around me?Community AnswerFocus and meditate. Try feeling objects around you with your mind and focus all of your energy on it.
QuestionDo I have to have a certain religion to do this?Community AnswerNo, it's for everyone.
QuestionHow do I learn to create a psi ball, any procedures that I can refer to?Community Answer
QuestionWould I be able to take over the world?Jelka PetersonCommunity AnswerNot with telekinesis alone! Try running for president.
QuestionWhy would someone do this? What are the benefits, if any?Community AnswerIt's just cool. The point is to move objects just with your mind. It is debatable whether this is possible at all, but some people attempt it.
QuestionCould I move something like a van?Community AnswerIt’s possible. It will take a lot of concentration and practice. Just don’t hurt anyone.
QuestionCan I revive my dead parents with this so I don't have to live with my mean uncle and aunt while I'm not at my magic boarding school?Eleven LilianCommunity AnswerSorry, Harry, I'm afraid that's not possible. You could try to live with your godfather instead.
QuestionWhat should I do to start as a beginner?Community AnswerStart with the psi ball, a good beginning exercise. You can find out more information from the wikiHow article, Make a Psi Ball .
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