Q&A for How to Do a Gymnastics Handstand

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    How hard do I need to kick off when performing a handstand?
    Community Answer
    Not very hard. If you push too hard, you may fall over on your back or even your neck.
  • Question
    How do I step from a handstand into a bridge?
    Community Answer
    Try to keep your legs apart while doing the handstand and eventually you will fall back down into your backbend position.
  • Question
    How can I balance while doing a handstand?
    Community Answer
    Squeeze your feet and legs and buttocks together, tuck your in your abs, and grip the ground.
  • Question
    What if I feel like I'm about to fall?
    Community Answer
    If you're about to fall, try to land in a bridge by keeping your legs apart during the handstand.
  • Question
    I try to do it but I am not confident. How do I gain confidence?
    Community Answer
    Try doing the spider man against the wall. Go into the push-up position and walk your feet and hands towards the wall. It will help you practice the real gymnastics handstand.
  • Question
    How long should it take to learn?
    Community Answer
    It depends upon how flexible you are. Just keep practicing and you should get the hang of it.
  • Question
    How do I hold it up straight?
    Community Answer
    If you start to lean one way, go the other way and just balance yourself as best you can.
  • Question
    What if I fall and am too scared to do it again?
    Community Answer
    Try using your mattress to practice on, as it's soft. Then, do it against a wall. Then, when you feel ready, do it with someone to help you.
  • Question
    How can I improve my handstand skills?
    Community Answer
    Try tightening your belly and your butt. Then squeeze your legs together, and point your toes. Practice makes perfect.
  • Question
    Can I use a wall until I feel more confident?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can use a wall if you aren't confident doing your handstand.
  • Question
    What if I'm not able to do the Spider-Man against the wall as I keep slipping down? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you can't keep yourself up, that means you are lacking in either ab, arm, or leg strength. Try doing conditioning to get your muscles stronger, and you will be able to keep your body tight enough to stay up.
  • Question
    I can do the handstand, but how do I balance in a one-handed handstand?
    Community Answer
    Practice is the key for many things, including this one. Keep trying hard. Once you feel comfortable, stand next to a bed or couch (something soft) and try lifting one hand up, leaning on the soft thing for support.
  • Question
    I usually practice on my bed, and once I fell off. I'm afraid I'll fall off again and twist my neck, and my parents are too busy to help. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Your bed is an unsafe place to practice gymnastics. Find a safer place with floor mats and plenty of space.
  • Question
    How do I hold it in the air?
    Community Answer
    Lean back and forth on your hands. Always practice so you can get the feel for the balance; it'll come soon enough.
  • Question
    I always fall forwards into a bridge when I do a handstand, how do I just stay a straight line?
    Community Answer
    That is awesome! Many gymnasts try to do this trick and they don't think it's a mistake. But if you don't want to fall, have your mom/dad/sibling/friend hold your legs so you will not fall.
  • Question
    How can I keep my hands strong?
    Community Answer
    Make a fist with both hands. Squeeze them as hard as you can, then release. Now shake them as if you are trying to shake water off them. Do this several times a day.
  • Question
    How do I hold my gymnastic handstand straight?
    Community Answer
    The same way you hold a regular one: keep your feet together and make sure your muscles are toned enough to hold your weight without faltering.
  • Question
    What is a handstand?
    Community Answer
    It is a gymnastics pose in which your body is upside down and you are putting weight on your hands instead of your feet.
  • Question
    I'm practicing really hard, but I feel I just can't get it. How can I "stack" myself?
    S Princess Johnson
    Community Answer
    Don't push yourself. Ask a friend or your parents to help hold you during the handstand. To get over the fear of doing it, do it against the wall first.
  • Question
    What if I am not flexible enough to land in a bridge?
    Community Answer
    Keep stretching your back muscles until you can go into a bridge. Trying to do a skill without the proper flexibility can injure you.
  • Question
    If I'm already good at this, how can I improve?
    Biebie Heirou
    Community Answer
    Try to hold it longer, or try a split handstand. Maybe you can also try to do a front limber, which is a handstand calling into a bridge.
  • Question
    Every time I try to kick off my legs do not come up and I am scared I won't be able to balance my bodyweight with just my hands?
    Red Tree
    Community Answer
    Try to do a handstand with a spotter and on a wall first. When you kick up, have someone help grab your legs to the wall.
  • Question
    Is a yoga mat okay? Is it soft enough?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is okay. However, it would be a good idea to add another mat on top of it, as some people may feel that it's too hard. If you plan to do that, make sure the mat does not slide.
  • Question
    How can I learn to do my handstand without a wall because I am perfect at the wall but I cannot stay up when doing the handstand without the wall?
    Community Answer
    You can start by practicing with a spotter. Have them hold your legs in the air when they are up, so you're doing a handstand. This can be done with a wall or without. Eventually, you will find the balance between the force you kick with and how much your feet go up. If you are afraid of falling forwards or kicking too hard, try to learn a bridge before. Then that way, you can kick how ever hard you want and not be afraid of falling.
  • Question
    Can I do it if I don't do gymnastics?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Many non-gymnasts can do handstands.
  • Question
    Should doing handstands hurt?
    Community Answer
    No, although it's possible your wrists could hurt. To prevent that, make sure to stretch your wrists and hands before doing a handstand.
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