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Q&A for How to Do a Split
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QuestionHow can I get better at doing the splits?Adam Shuty is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and owner of ATOMIC Total Fitness, a fitness training studio in New York, New York. With over 15 years of experience, Adam specializes in weightlifting, strength and conditioning, and martial arts. Adam holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In 2014, Adam appeared on the Live With Kelly and Michael Show as one of the top five fitness instructors in the country.If you want to get better at splits, you've got to do more splits. You've got to spend the time doing it. Taking an extra 20-30 minutes per day to stretch and practice is what's going to help you get better.
QuestionMy friend learned how do her splits in 3 weeks -- why can't I?Community AnswerSome people have naturally flexible bodies, if you want to get your splits like in a month or less, then practice every single day and hold each stretch for a minute or more. However, you can only achieve what's realistic, so if it takes you many more months, then so be it, but don't give up. There will some other move you can do that your friend can't, so it'll even up somewhere.
QuestionWhat do I do if I can't get my back leg straight?Community AnswerStretch it daily. As you work on splits, slowly straighten your back leg a little bit with each exhalation. This is a slow process, so take your time with it.
QuestionI can do the splits but it hurts a lot. Is this normal?Community AnswerYou should feel discomfort, but not pain. Pushing yourself to a painful position risks an injury that could set you back months. If you feel joint pain, perform additional strength and flexibility exercises for that area. If you feel muscle pain, try again with more relaxed muscles or with a less severe split attempt.
QuestionHow can I go down into the splits?Community AnswerStrech every day and practice by going down on pillows until you can reach the ground.
QuestionIf you have never done the splits how do you do it how many hours should you practice for?Community AnswerAbout 20 to 30 minutes a day.
QuestionIs it okay to practice the splits every day?Community AnswerSchedule rest days to give your muscles time to recover. If you're not flexible or out of shape, start by training three days a week (though you can exercise in other ways on other days). If you're used to flexible exercise already, you can stretch five or six days a week.
QuestionMy front leg never goes straight, but my back one does? What stretches should I do to make that one straight?Community AnswerKeep practicing and keep stretching your hamstrings, without forcing the leg to straighten out. Have patience and the front leg will straighten with consistent hamstring stretching.
QuestionHow do I know the difference between discomfort and pain?Community AnswerDiscomfort is something that is completely bearable. It's honestly more of a nuisance than anything else. Pain is really a particularly intense type of discomfort. It makes you recoil from the thing that caused it and can be a sign of actual damage. As an example, being splashed with room temperature water would probably cause you discomfort, whereas being splashed with hot water would cause you pain.
QuestionI can almost achieve a full split but I can't get rid of that last little gap. Any tips?Community AnswerMany people take a few weeks or months to overcome this final obstacle. Try asking an experienced gymnast, yogi, or ballet dancer to watch you and give advice. You may need to add additional stretches for your hip flexors, glutes, or other muscle groups. Never try to "bounce" down to the floor, which can cause severe injury.
QuestionAbout how long will it take to achieve a full split?Community AnswerIt takes most people 6 to 18 months of stretching 3 to 5 times a week. Trying to push yourself too fast is a common mistake which leads to injury and major loss of progress.
QuestionHow long will it take to do a split if I am not flexible?Community AnswerIt takes time to become more flexible. By stretching daily and practicing the splits, it will soon become easier over weeks to months, depending on your own level of flexibility.
QuestionWhat if I stretch a lot, but it still hurts?Community AnswerSlowly ease into it. If you go too fast, then you might pull a muscle. Even though you stretch, you may not be stretching the muscles need for doing the splits. Try stretching out your groin every day, then go as far as you can go down, every day and night. You will get there!
QuestionCan a male use these exercises to do a split?Community AnswerYes. It might be more challenging but if you stretch and do the exercises you can accomplish this goal.
QuestionWhen you do a split, do your veins pop?Community AnswerJust slightly. If they pop a lot, you're pushing yourself to hard and could injure yourself.
QuestionHow long should it take to master a split?Community AnswerIt is about how much time you stretch in a day. If you want to do a full split, then you must stretch every day for about 20 minutes. This could take months before you can do a full split.
QuestionI can get the split down on my right but not on my left. Why?Community AnswerIn this case, your right leg is your dominant leg, so it is naturally easier to split to the right. Just focus on stretching your left leg (but keep stretching the right as well), and it will eventually become easy to do both sides. You can lose one side if you don't keep stretching, especially when you grow, so be sure to stretch as often as possible.
QuestionI can only do the splits after I warm up. Is that normal?Community AnswerThat's fairly normal, yes. It's actually better that way, because you'll be much less likely to hurt yourself doing them if you warm up/stretch first.
QuestionOne day I can do the splits, but when I go back to do it, I can't anymore. Why is that, and how can I fix it?Community AnswerYou have done it once, thus your body will be sore. This is okay, keep stretching to relieve the soreness and improve flexibility.
QuestionWhat is a front split and a side split? Which is easier to learn?Community AnswerNormally a front split, which is putting your dominant leg forward and your other leg back, is easier for beginners than a straddle split, where both legs are out like you’re on a horse.
QuestionCan you learn the splits in 1 week?Community AnswerIt depends on what kind of muscles you have. Some people are more flexible than others.
QuestionWhat do I do if I am almost to the floor with one little gap?Community AnswerJust keep practicing, you will get it. Try different stretches to stretch out your hamstrings and also thighs and soon you will get it. If you are not naturally flexible it could take longer but never give up!
QuestionHow do I learn to do the splits without having to warm up first?Community AnswerUnless you're naturally flexible, that isn't possible. Even people who are naturally flexible will still warm up before doing the splits in order to prevent injury.
QuestionWill I still be able to do a split if I only practice five minutes a day?Community AnswerYes, but it will take a lot longer than others doing it for 20 to 30 minutes a day.
QuestionAfter trying for a week I think it is pretty good, but can you give me tips to make it quicker to go down to the floor?Community AnswerDon't rush yourself to immediately drop down. After you've stretched completely, try going down to the floor slowly and maybe put on a timer, depending on your choice. Then, after a few days, time yourself again.
QuestionCan I do the splits even if I didn't do ballet or gymnastics? Is it possible?Community AnswerYes! Just practice as much as possible (but don't push yourself too hard). Just about anyone can learn to do the splits with a little effort.
QuestionHow long will this take to do?Rider KCommunity AnswerIt totally depends on the person and how flexible they are, but just try to stretch as often as you can, and you will get there!
QuestionWhy isn't my back leg straight when I am attempting the splits?Community AnswerThis is very normal. You just have to stretch more and practice daily. Slowly, it will start to be better and go straight. It might take a month or two, depending on your body. Just keep doing stretches and practice.
QuestionWhy can I do the splits on a mattress but I can't do it on the floor?Community AnswerA mattress isn't a flat surface, so you aren't actually doing it straight (even though it looks like it). Keep doing stretches daily, and you'll be able to do it on the floor as well.
QuestionMy left leg can go straight when I do the front split but not my right leg when it's at the back, what do I do?Community AnswerKeep stretching daily and you'll get it soon. Don't force it or push yourself too far as you could injure yourself.
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