How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Draw Ears
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QuestionHow do I draw ears from the side view?Community AnswerYou begin with a roundish, ovalish shape lengthening toward the top of the head. The ear's top should be along the eyebrow line and the bottom should closely line up to the nose. You then point the mid-top of the ear a bit out and make it form a new outer layer connecting in the same spot at the top. Finally, you add the details in the ear.
QuestionHow do I draw dog/animal ears?Community AnswerDog and animal ears come in many different shapes and sizes, so I would look up images online of the ears you want to draw and then try your best to copy them. (You could even trace some pictures for practice.)
QuestionHow can I draw a labelled diagram of the human ear?CanisChiropteraCommunity AnswerStudy images and articles relating to the ear. Consider the various functions of it, what stands out to you the most, the fine details, etc., and work on relaying that to your audience in a visual manner.
QuestionHow do I shade the ears after drawing them?Community AnswerYou can copy the shading from the image as best as you can and then you can just do the smudge shading.
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