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Q&A for How to Draw a Key
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QuestionWhat if I drew the key in pen and can't erase the extra steps?Community AnswerWell, if you did that you will have to start all over. But if you didn't you would want to start off with pencil. Do a sketch and then ink it.
QuestionHow do I draw a big car that I can drive?Community AnswerUntil 3-D printing becomes more advanced, you cannot draw something on a screen that you can actually drive in.
QuestionHow do you draw a 3D key?MidnightBlue1_1Top AnswererTry shading in areas around the key. You first must decide where the light source is positioned. One way, is to create a shadow underneath the key to make it appear like it's popping out. If the light source is positioned to the left, you must shade to the right. If it is to the right, shade to the left.
QuestionHow do I link two keys together?Emery CailinTop AnswererAdd a key ring, which looks like a little circle that runs through the holes in the top of each key. To make sure the keys line up, try sketching the ring before the keys.
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