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Q&A for How to Draw in 3D
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QuestionHow can I draw in 3D?Community AnswerFirst, you make your horizon line. After that, you determine your vanishing point. You may draw a line there if you would like. After that, draw your shape/picture/letter. Then, draw lines from the edges of your shape to the vanishing point. Do not draw from the edges that will pierce the object. Then, once all of the lines that aren’t piercing the object are connected to the vanishing point, cut the lines to however long you wish the width to be. Erase the rest. Then, shade the opposite to where the sun would be. This will make it appear 3-D.
QuestionHow do I know when and where to shade something?JustCallMe AshleyCommunity AnswerIt simply depends on lighting. If the object you wish to draw is right in front of you, just study where the light hits the surface of the object and where the shadows correspond with the light. Most shadows are in the corners or on the side where the light isn't reflecting off the surface of the object. Now the question of when? Well, first you must know where the lights hit the surface, Then you shade opposite of the lighted surface.
QuestionHow can I draw a 3D table?Community AnswerStart by drawing a rectangle as the tabletop. If it helps when drawing the 3D aspects, think of the rectangle as a long, stretched out cube. Then, draw four cylinders or 3D poles coming from each of the four sides. You can look online for images of 3D tables and copy those if that's easier.
QuestionHow do I draw in 3D using a pencil on paper?Community AnswerFirst, draw a horizon line. From there, use a technique to make the item appear like it is rising from the horizon line. Do the outline first, and then fill in the minor details.
QuestionHow do I draw a 3D car?Community AnswerDraw a car and then draw extensions through the back. Also go to, they help with anything regarding drawing.
QuestionHow do I draw animals in 3D?Brandon RossCommunity AnswerDraw the outside as the inside and then fill with ink and let dry.
QuestionWhat are some shortcuts for making a 3D drawing?Community AnswerJust make a vanishing point and draw guidelines. You can draw objects between them.
QuestionCan I paint in 3D?Community AnswerYou can make 3D artwork with any media, but since paint is slightly harder to control, you may need more practice.
QuestionWhich things would I do to make up a three-dimensional model of a house?Community AnswerBreak the house into basic shapes, like a pyramid for the roof and a cube for the house. Then, you draw those 3D shapes stacked onto each other and add details.
QuestionWhat's a vanishing point?Community AnswerA vanishing point is a point on the image plane of a perspective drawing where the two-dimensional perspective projections (or drawings) of mutually parallel lines in three-dimensional space appear to converge.
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