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Q&A for How to Drill a Hole in a Seashell (Without a Drill)
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QuestionWhat if the shell is less than an inch in length?Community AnswerJust be careful and use a smaller utensil. Try to go for a thickest part of the shell too.
QuestionCan you use a needle?Community AnswerA needle would probably work because it's sharp, but it would likely be much more difficult and might crack the shell.
QuestionWhat if the shells are small like 1or 2 inches long?Community AnswerSmaller ones are easier to break, make sure you only drill through the thickest area, and be very careful.
QuestionCan I bleach shells to make a dark one lighter?Community AnswerSome shell sellers use acid to write names on them. This acid can lighten the color of the shell.
QuestionHow do you remove the upper layer of the shell to get to the shiny original shell?Community AnswerYou cannot 'reshine' old shells. If you tried to remove a layer you would get the plain, whitish underside. You can try washing the shell, however.
QuestionWhat acid should I use when drilling a hole in a seashell?Community AnswerDon't use acid to try to drill a hole. It won't work and will not be a small hole, it will destroy the shell.
QuestionCan I drill a hole in a sand dollar without a drill?Community AnswerYou can, but be very careful. Sand dollars are fragile, so I suggest you use a small thumbtack.
QuestionWhat can I do if I don't have a drill, only scissors, and those aren't working?Community AnswerDepending on the size, you can use a small knife, drilling into the shell. You might even be able to use nails or screws for the big ones.
QuestionCan I use a knife to drill a hole in the seashell?Community AnswerDepending on the size, you can use a small knife, drilling into the shell. You might even be able to use nails or screws for the big ones.
QuestionHow long does it take to drill a hole in a seashell?Community AnswerIt depends on how thick the shell is, and how large you want to make the hole. For large shells, it usually takes 5 minutes, and small shells you should be able to do in 1or 2 minutes.
QuestionCan I paint it?Community AnswerYes, you can but make sure to use waterproof paint if you want to submerge it in water (such as that used for ponds or outdoor usage).
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