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Q&A for How to Enjoy Your Birthday
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QuestionWhy do I cry on my birthday?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt’s not uncommon for people to experience the birthday blues. Maybe you feel sad about getting a little older or feel nostalgic about the past. Birthdays can also be especially hard if you’re celebrating them after a major life change, like moving away from home for the first time or losing someone you used to celebrate with. Whatever the reason, remember that you’re not alone! Birthdays are bittersweet for lots of people.
QuestionHow can I make my birthday meaningful?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerOne way is to spend it with people who are special to you, like friends or family. If you can’t get together in person, give them a call or send a text. You can also take time to reflect on how you’ve grown and changed over the past year, or make a list of things you’d like to do or accomplish before your next birthday.
QuestionHow can I treat myself on my birthday?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerTake at least a little time on your birthday to do something you enjoy, whether it’s just relaxing at home, going out to your favorite restaurant, or getting together with friends. You could also buy yourself something, even if it’s just a little treat like a cupcake from your favorite bakery.
QuestionHow do I make my birthday special when I have exams?Community AnswerYou can go out for a special birthday breakfast before exams. Make sure you study a lot before so you're ready and don't have stress on your birthday. Afterwards, it will be even more fun to let loose because it's your birthday and the exam is over!
QuestionI was told what I have to do for my birthday and it's not fun, what can I do to stop the birthday sadness?Janani SCommunity AnswerStand up for yourself. It is your birthday and you deserve to do what you want to do. You know that your birthday only comes once a year, so this day should be special, not the day where you get upset.
QuestionHow do I wake up early for my birthday?ALICE BAUMANNCommunity AnswerHave an alarm that has a happy ringtone. If it has an annoying one you won't start your day off right.
QuestionWhat should I do to feel excited about my birthday, which is in two days?Community AnswerIf whatever you have planned to celebrate (dinner out, birthday party, etc.) isn't enough to excite you on its own, tell yourself that this is going to be a wonderful day and that you are very worth celebrating. Tell some friends or family members that you're not feeling terribly excited and see if they can help you by talking up the big day.
QuestionHow do I enjoy my birthday if I am at school?Community AnswerIf you are at school, you should just enjoy time with your friends. Depending on your age, you could ask your parents to let you bring in a birthday treat for your classmates to share.
QuestionWhat can I do if someone is ruining my birthday?Community AnswerWalk away and ignore them. Spend time with your friends and family and enjoy your day, don't let this person get to you. If you can't ignore it, confront them. Politely tell them that their behavior is making you unhappy and ask them to stop.
QuestionHow can I celebrate my birthday on a school night?Community AnswerHave a dinner with friends or do another low-key activity on the school night. After that, you can host a party on the weekend when it's not school time.
QuestionWhat can an 8-year-old do for her birthday?Community AnswerEight is a great age. You are starting to grow up, but can still have plenty of fun! Go on an imaginary trip somewhere or build yourself a birthday fort or castle. Talk to your parents about making your birthday special, and give them some ideas.
QuestionI want to have a birthday party, but my parents won't allow me to have a birthday party. What can I do?Community AnswerYou can suggest a birthday cake after eating dinner. You can also ask to have just a couple friends over for pizza and a sleepover.
QuestionHow do I contain my excitement for my birthday - it's over a week away!Community AnswerThere's nothing wrong with being excited, but if you want to relax, try taking a hot bath or reading a book to distract yourself. Don't worry, your birthday will be here soon enough.
QuestionHow do I have the best birthday with my twin?Community AnswerYou could have two different parties, or share one with all of your friends. Think about the things you like to do together the most and plan a special day together!
QuestionHow do I enjoy myself if I share my room with three people?Community AnswerTell them that you would really appreciate having the room to yourself for a while on your birthday. If they still won't move, ignore them. Tie a balloon to your bed or stack your presents around your space to make your own birthday fort. Don't let anyone ruin your day!
QuestionMy family always remembers my birthday, but they're too busy, especially my mom who has to take care of the baby. What can I do to give them a break?Community AnswerHelp them around the house! Do some extra chores or help with the baby. It feels good to help people, even on your own special day.
QuestionHow do I enjoy myself if my brother won't let me?Community AnswerTell your parents that your brother is annoying you (remind them that it's your birthday!). If that doesn't work, just ignore him. Put on some headphones and listen to music.
QuestionDo I have to treat my friends when going out for a birthday dinner?Community AnswerNo, definitely not. If you're offering to take someone else out for their birthday, then you should definitely pay, but you should never have to pay for other people at your own birthday dinner unless you offered to do so beforehand.
QuestionHow do I convince my parents not to surprise me at school for my birthday?Community AnswerBe honest and tell your parents that you don't want any surprises. If they still do, don't get annoyed at them, just enjoy it.
QuestionHow do I get my mum to do a surprise for me?Janani SCommunity AnswerRemember that a surprise means that you get surprised by what happens. You shouldn't be expecting a surprise. If your mom chooses to do a surprise for you, she will. If she just chooses to just wish you a happy birthday, that's okay too. The important thing is that your mom remembered your birthday, and she loves you.
QuestionWhat should I do if my birthday is on a school day and a bully is bothering me?Community AnswerIgnore them! They most likely just want attention, and if you start talking to someone else or show no signs of interest, they will eventually go away. If this doesn't work, tell a teacher.
QuestionMy mom and dad are nice, but they never do a party or a surprise event. What should I do?Community AnswerCasually talk to your mom and dad, and gradually bring up how much you love surprises and parties. Exaggerate it. If necessary, say it would be so amazing to be surprised on your birthday. If you say this, they should understand, and might give you a surprise or party on your birthday.
QuestionWhat can I do if my parents do not like celebrating my birthday?Community AnswerIf you have siblings, hold a mini party with them. Decorate the night before your birthday, even if it is just in your own room. Set up an activity with friends, or just go hang out outside or watch TV. Make yourself happy!
QuestionHow can I celebrate my 11th birthday if it is on a school day?Community AnswerGo to dinner somewhere after school, or plan to celebrate on the weekend.
QuestionMy spouse is not interested in making my birthday special. What should I do?Community AnswerTry talking to your spouse, and make sure that they understand how important it is to you that your birthday feels special. If your spouse is still reluctant to do this, then consider spending your birthday with friends instead. They will try to make it as special as possible for you!
QuestionHow do I make ideas for my birthday?Community AnswerGet a notepad and a pen and write down all the things you love doing. If you are not old enough to do them on your own, then ask your parents and, as long as it's not dangerous, maybe they will do that with you.
QuestionI can't sleep before my birthday, what should I do to help me sleep the night before?Community AnswerYou should find a song that you like that can help you sleep. The best sleepy time songs are slow songs or nursery rhymes.
QuestionHow do I pass the time quickly between birthdays?Community AnswerKeep your mind off of it and focus on other things.
QuestionWhat if I'm not excited about my birthday?Community AnswerThat's okay -- maybe you could ask your friends to help you get pumped up for it! Start thinking about how much fun you'll have that day and how many awesome presents you might get. In the end though, there's nothing wrong with not being excited about your birthday. Some people just aren't as focused on them as others.
QuestionWhat if I've got other plans, but my family wants me at the same time?Janani SCommunity AnswerIf there is something your family wants to do but you don't, tell them it's your birthday. If they tell you it's important, let them do it. You can have a late birthday celebration.
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