Q&A for How to Enjoy Yourself on a Long Bus Ride

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  • Question
    I heard that we should not read in a vehicle, because it is harmful to the eyes. Is that not true?
    Community Answer
    It can strain your eyes, but it probably won't hurt to do it every once in a while. It also tends to make people carsick, however, so if you do try it, pay attention for signs of nausea or sickness. If you feel sick, stop reading right away.
  • Question
    How do I survive an 18-hour bus trip?
    Community Answer
    What a long trip! Bring snacks, drinks, stationary, books, and electronics and their chargers. You'll need to sleep at some point, so that'll help pass the time.
  • Question
    What if electronics aren't allowed? Are there other sources of entertainment besides cards and books?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You could always draw in a sketchbook, or you could work on a puzzle book. You could also chat with the person next to you or play word games, such as I Spy.
  • Question
    What if you don't have any friends on the bus and it's the same journey each day?
    Community Answer
    You can still follow the other suggestions. Most people who take public transportation do so alone. Many people bring books or music with them, or use their phones or tablets. You can also try downloading an audiobook on Audible.com or check out some podcasts.
  • Question
    What can I do together with a friend?
    Community Answer
    You could talk about the trip, listen to music, play games together, or text each other. The choices are infinite!
  • Question
    What do I do if I do not know anybody on the bus ride?
    Community Answer
    Take the opportunity to make a new friend. Sit next to someone else who is alone and start a conversation. You might learn something new or make a friend for life.
  • Question
    What is travel bingo?
    Community Answer
    You can play it by drawing or writing down six different things per player you might see while you are on your way to your destination. When you see them you can cross them off and note down where you saw it (maybe even take a picture for evidence). When you get all six of your items you have bingo!
  • Question
    Do Greyhound buses have places where I can charge my electronics?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Most seats (at least in the buses I rode on) have two outlets. If your seat doesn't have a place to plug in, you can easily reach the ones in the seats in front or behind, provided you ask the person sitting there to use it.
  • Question
    What is the best way to sleep on a charter bus?
    Community Answer
    Sleep with your head on your knees or put a backpack in your lap and put your head on that.
  • Question
    What do you do if you don't have any plug sockets in your hotel room and you can't plug in your extension lead?
    Community Answer
    Bring a portable charger(s), or talk to the manager and see if any arrangements can be made.
  • Question
    I have tried drawing on long bus rides, but I find it difficult with all the shaking. Is there some way to minimize it?
    Community Answer
    Just bring a big, hardback notebook to fight against it and try to keep it steady - or only draw when the bus stops. Otherwise, give up and try something else. A moving vehicle isn't the best place to draw.
  • Question
    What do I do if the bus doesn't have electrical outlets and my phone battery is low?
    Community Answer
    Put it on low power mode. If any of your friends are near you, you can share theirs, or maybe make a new friend who is sitting nearby.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am traveling alone with my parents? Obviously my parents won't be interested in playing with me.
    Community Answer
    You can bring a gaming console or play on your phone. If you don't get carsick, you can read a book. You could also ask your parents if there are any games they'd like to play.
  • Question
    I hate reading, drawing, card games, socializing and my phone is broken. What in the world do I do?
    Community Answer
    Stare out the window.
  • Question
    What non-electric item can I put in a small coat pocket to keep a friend entertained?
    Community Answer
    A simple deck of playing cards! They could play Solitaire, or if you want to play, War or Poker. The possibilities are endless.
  • Question
    What do I do on a 2-hour bus ride, technology free?
    Community Answer
    You can daydream or read or find someone else on the bus to talk to.
  • Question
    What can I do about motion sickness?
    Community Answer
    Eat something, if you can, and focus on the horizon and not what is nearby.
  • Question
    How far should a bus travel before taking a rest stop so the people on board can take a rest?
    Community Answer
    If there are children or elderly people on the bus, it should stop at least every two hours or so for bathroom and food breaks. If there is a bathroom on the bus, it may be able to make fewer stops.
  • Question
    What if I am not allowed to bring anything with me?
    Community Answer
    Think, sleep, talk or just go on another bus.
  • Question
    Is it healthy to read with the constant movement of the bus?
    Community Answer
    It's completely fine as long as reading on the bus doesn't make you sick.
  • Question
    What can I do if I'm trapped on a bus for 3 hours with no internet for my iPad and can't sleep? I also have no books or anything like that.
    Community Answer
    What I like to do is just close my eyes and think about things that happened in my life - the funny parts, sad parts, and everything in between. It's like watching a movie about yourself.
  • Question
    What do I do if my phone doesn't have Wi-Fi?
    Community Answer
    Find something else to do! You could read a book, work on a puzzle book, doodle on paper, play on a portable gaming console, play with cards, have a conversation with someone, daydream, play another game with someone, or take a nap. There are tons of things you could do that don't require Wi-Fi.
  • Question
    What if it's a school bus? How do I survive the 10 stops plus an hour home?
    Community Answer
    You can try to make friends with the people around you in the bus, or read a book or play on your phone. You might even do homework.
  • Question
    What if I get a headache from being on a bus and reading, drawing, or anything that involves concentrating?
    Community Answer
    Don't do those things. Relax, listen to music, observe your surroundings, and/or talk to people around you. If possible, try to take a nap.
  • Question
    What can I do other than sing, read a book, sleep, play games with friends, and use electronics?
    Community Answer
    Well, those are some great options, but if you prefer, there are some others. For instance, you could solve riddles, take pictures, eat a snack, or simply look out the window.
  • Question
    What can I do if there is nobody to talk to on the bus, no WiFi, and I have no games or books?
    Community Answer
    Look out the window and play eye spy with yourself. If you don't want to do that, try to take a nap.
  • Question
    What can I do about going on a school trip that doesn't allow any electronics?
    Community Answer
    Play eye spy with your friends or just have conversation with them.
  • Question
    What can I do during the drive if I'm shy and can't bring big items or electronics?
    Community Answer
    Try bringing a small puzzle book, or you could look outside and enjoy the scenery.
  • Question
    What can I do on a two-day bus trip?
    Community Answer
    You could watch movies or play a game.
  • Question
    What if it's an electronic free bus and I get motion sickness if I draw or read a book?
    Community Answer
    You could always turn to electronics. I suggest you bring a laptop, tablet, or phone on which you could watch videos or play games. Simply listen to music if the games and movies give you motion sickness. Or you could try taking anti-nausea medicine like Gravol.
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