Q&A for How to Fake an Injury

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    What if gym time is spent in the pool?
    Community Answer
    Say you pulled a muscle, or that you hurt your arm the day before. You have to fake both for awhile.
  • Question
    If you have a parent that is a doctor or a nurse will they believe it too?
    Community Answer
    If your parent works in the medical field, they will probably know you're faking it. Doctors and nurses will be able to assess and diagnose injuries.
  • Question
    Can you do this more then once?
    Community Answer
    Your best bet is to only fake an injury once. If you're constantly getting "injured," others will get suspicious. Eventually, you might get called out as faking.
  • Question
    If your friend is also trying to fake it at the same time will it look suspicious?
    Community Answer
    Two injuries at once could look suspicious. If you both do fake it, choose different injuries and make up stories that happened at separate times.
  • Question
    Do you think a Paramedic or an EMT will be able to tell if you're faking the injury?
    Community Answer
    Usually, medical professionals are trained to spot and treat injuries. You might fool them momentarily, but eventually they will catch on.
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    Do I have to use yellow and green for the bruise?
    Community Answer
    You can use whichever colors you would like, but it is advisable to use yellow and green for the best results.
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    What if I want to get out of a dance and fake a popped knee?
    Community Answer
    Act like you can't put any weight on that leg. If you have crutches or you can borrow some from somebody, that would be ideal. A twisted ankle is probably easier to fake, though.
  • Question
    How long should I fake the injury?
    Community Answer
    It depends what kind of injury you are faking. You can find out how long your type of injury takes to heal and use that information to determine how long you should fake it.
  • Question
    What if your parents see you are faking?
    Community Answer
    Honesty is the best policy. Don't lie to your parents. They know you well enough that in time, they'll probably find out.
  • Question
    Where can I get cheap crutches?
    Community Answer
    Walgreens, Amazon, Rite-Aid, or any medical supply store should have them for a fairly reasonable price.
  • Question
    Can I wear a knee bandage under tights?
    Community Answer
    It is not recommended to wear it under your tights, as it could cut off your circulation. Instead, you may want to consider wearing a knee brace over your tights.
  • Question
    How would I fake a pulled muscle?
    Top Answerer
    A pulled muscle would be a similar pain to a cramp. Act as though you have a cramp in whichever muscle you want to claim you've pulled. Think up a way you've allegedly pulled the muscle; overstretching before a workout could pull a leg muscle, for example.
  • Question
    What injuries could get someone out of swimming?
    Community Answer
    You could say you have a pulled muscle in an arm, leg, or shoulder. If you tried to swim with a pulled muscle, you could make it worse. If you're a girl, just say you're on your period.
  • Question
    Could I use a marker to fake a bruise?
    Purplely Chicken
    Community Answer
    Using markers would make it look less realistic, though if you can blend it well it might work. Try it out, see the difference between eyeshadow and marker, and whichever is more realistic, use that.
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    How can I fool my mom if she's a nurse?
    Community Answer
    That's going to be tricky, injuries are hard to fake long term around medical professionals. it may be better if you pretend to have a headache or stomachache, as those are harder to diagnose.
  • Question
    Why is this a wikiHow article?
    Top Answerer
    Wanting to fake an injury can be a good thing. Pretending you are hurt to help train first responders is a great thing. It's better for anyone learning to give first aid or any kind of medical help to learn on someone giving a realistic impression than an actual injured person. It could also be used by roleplayers, reenactors, or in theatrical performances. There are some who may use these steps for nefarious purposes, but that doesn't mean this article should not exist.
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    What should I say if my parents ask why I have a cast on?
    Community Answer
    You should be honest with them about what happened.
  • Question
    I'm trying to get out of piano practice. What injury should I fake?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    An injury such as a broken finger or temporary blindness is very difficult to fake, because any person (and certainly any doctor) can quickly verify this. Instead, fake an illness. Headaches are notoriously difficult to disprove, as are stomach cramps and diarrhea. Headaches are very common; everyone has them and everyone knows how bad they can be, so everyone can relate.
  • Question
    If I don't have crutches, how do I get them?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You can always buy them from a hospital, clinic or medical supplies depot. Online stores sell them, too. Or you can ask around on social media. Many people have them lying around in their houses.
  • Question
    I want to fake that I have a sprained ankle, but my parents asked me what's wrong and I don't know what to say. Any advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you have had a sprained ankle before, think of how it felt then and claim you feel the same things now. However, a sprained ankle is easily visible. There's swelling, hotness, redness and pain, where only pain can obviously not be seen. So consider using a different illness to fake, one that is much more difficult, if not impossible, to verify. Examples are headaches, stomach cramps or diarrhea.
  • Question
    Can I make it look like a bone is out of place?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    They do this all the time in movies by using props, fake makeup, etc. Of course, anyone who inspects it a little closer will quickly detect it's fake. So unless you want to actually displace a bone - and don't do that - you might be better off faking an unverifiable illness, such as a headache or diarrhea.
  • Question
    How would I make it look like I got in a fight and got hurt pretty bad?
    Community Answer
    Use makeup to make fake cuts on your face and a black eye. Check out Method 4 in the article.
  • Question
    How do I get my mom to buy me crutches?
    Community Answer
    You will have to do a really good job faking a convincing injury, like an ankle sprain. Limp around and act like it hurts to put any weight on one of your ankles.
  • Question
    What injury do I fake to get out of a dance class without my parents knowing?
    Community Answer
    A good one is a rolled ankle, or something small that isn't too serious but still will get you out of dance, and doesn't show.
  • Question
    I'm asthmatic, so I don't really exercise. What should I use as my cover story?
    Community Answer
    You could always just claim you were injured while coming from/going somewhere - you tripped over a curb, fell down the stairs, etc. You could also just fake an asthma attack!
  • Question
    How do I come up with a believable story?
    Community Answer
    Your injury should be about something you actually do/have done in real life. If you play soccer but are trying to get out of practice, say you were running drills at home when it occurred. If you ride bikes/skateboards/etc. and want to get out of running the mile, buy a bandage roll and wrap up your knees at school. Say that you scraped them up bad and it hurts to walk.
  • Question
    What if your parents know you're faking? What if they don't believe you?
    Community Answer
    It's best not to fake any injury. Don't lie to your parents or anyone else. Nothing is that bad that it can make you fake an injury. However, it can end up in you not being believed when you really do have one. So, stop it, apologize and promise not to do it again.
  • Question
    I need to fake an injury on stage. It's a scene where my eyes are being gouged out of their sockets. Any tips?
    Community Answer
    If you can suggest/choose your own blocking, face upstage, with your attacker facing you. Have them "plunge" their weapon(s) into your eyes, and when they do, cry out/scream/etc. Bring your hands up to cover where your eyes would be. Cool effects could include secretly attaching fake eyeballs to the weapon(s) and having a dramatic reveal to the audience, or having fake blood drip down your hands after covering your face. Either could be achieved by grabbing your item from a pocket, bag, etc. before bringing your hands up. Make sure to sound like you're in pain while the scene continues. Break a leg!
  • Question
    What if I don't have gauze, can I use toilet paper?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't, because toilet paper really doesn't look like gauze. Just pretend you twisted your ankle and fake a limp, that way you don't need to use gauze.
  • Question
    I go to a sports school and the coaches are always questioning how you get hurt so if I "sprained" my ankle, what should I say?
    Community Answer
    Say that you were running but that you suddenly tripped and bent your foot, as in spraining it.
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