Q&A for How to Find Your Singing Range

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    I can sing A3 to D5. What is the most likely vocal part?
    Annabeth Novitzki
    Music Teacher
    Annabeth Novitzki is a Private Music Teacher in Austin, Texas. She received her BFA in Vocal Performance from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004 and her Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Memphis in 2012. She has been teaching music lessons since 2004.
    Music Teacher
    Expert Answer
    You are most likely an Alto/Mezzo Soprano if female, and Countertenor if male.
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    I'm male and I sing from E3 to G5. What class would I be in?
    Community Answer
    You would be a countertenor. You may not be able to hit those lower notes, but your higher notes are your strength.
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    I am a female with a range of F3 to C6, what is my voice type?
    Community Answer
    You are a soprano as you have a top note of C6. You can also sing lower than most sopranos, but so can Mariah Carey.
  • Question
    I'm a female, can sing C3-D5, and I'm more comfortable with my lower notes. What would I be classified as?
    Community Answer
    You would be a Contralto. Contraltos have the lowest female singing voice.
  • Question
    I can't find my approximate vocal range in text box. What class would G3 to G5 be?
    Community Answer
    You would be a couteralto. Although you can't hit that very bottom F3, you can hit everything else perfectly.
  • Question
    . Why do my high notes sound airy if I am a G3-F5?
    Community Answer
    Probably because you go up to your head voice on your high notes, and those sound really airy if they're not fully saturated yet.
  • Question
    I can sing from D3 - A5. What am I?
    Community Answer
    This range mostly matches that of a contralto. The middle range would be F3 to F5, matching perfectly.
  • Question
    I am female and my range is C4-C6. What vocal range am I in?
    Community Answer
    You are most likely a soprano. Aside from B3 you can hit every note in the soprano range.
  • Question
    My range is C4 -E6. What is my voice type?
    Community Answer
    Probably a soprano, as its range goes from C4 to C6 and you can hit every one of those notes plus a few more!
  • Question
    The way we hear our voice can actually be different from the way other people and microphones perceive it. Would our range not truly be different because of this?
    Emma Balfour
    Community Answer
    It would not make that much of a difference, because our voices are just ever so slightly higher than we hear it, so there would not be that much difference.
  • Question
    What would the classification be for a male who sings in the mezzo range?
    Community Answer
    You would still be a mezzo.
  • Question
    Can women singing in the male vocal range?
    Community Answer
    I have stretched my voice over the years to be able to sing the tenor part. If you practice every day, gradually your range will become larger and you can sing more notes.
  • Question
    Can women sing notes in the baritone and tenor ranges?
    Community Answer
    While women who can sing in baritone or tenor ranges are quite rare, it's not impossible.
  • Question
    How do I know if I can sing or not?
    Community Answer
    Try recording yourself. Sing your favorite song and record yourself singing it, then play it back. If you feel satisfied with your voice, then great, if not, try to figure out what you are doing wrong. You could also sing in front of someone you feel very comfortable with and ask their opinion and/or if they have any feedback for you.
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    Is falsetto counted in this?
    Community Answer
    No, falsetto is head voice. In this, only the tessitura (your comfort zone) is being considered.
  • Question
    What if I am a female and can sing G3-C5? What would my range be?
    Community Answer
    If your low notes are airy and uncomfortable, and your highs are bright and have a bell-like ring, you’re an untrained Soprano. However, if your lows are full and weighty while your high notes are thick and operatic, you’re a Mezzo-Soprano!
  • Question
    I'm female and can sing F3-A5. What is my range?
    Community Answer
    If your low notes are airy and uncomfortable, and your high notes are bright and have a bell-like ring, you might be an untrained Soprano. However, if your lows are full and weighty, and your highs are thick and operatic, you’re a Mezzo-Soprano.
  • Question
    I'm E2 to B#5, and a 15-year-old male. What is my singing range?
    Community Answer
    You're likely to be a tenor at the moment, but could become a baritone in the future. A good baritone can easily have a vocal range of 5 octaves or more - ranging from sub-bass to low alto. As you are only 15 years old, and your voice may still be dropping, that range can be yours. Of course, if E2 is as low as you will ever go, tenor it is.
  • Question
    I'm a female who can sing from A3-G5, what would my range be?
    Community Answer
    That's closest to a Mezzo Soprano. Aside from A5, you can hit every other note in the Mezzo Soprano range.
  • Question
    I'm a female with a range of C3-E5. What vocal class would I be under?
    Community Answer
    You would be a tenor. Its range is C3-Bb4. Even if you aren't a male, you'd still be a tenor.
  • Question
    I am a male with a regular voice range from A2 to F5. What voice would this be considered?
    Community Answer
    As you can reach deep low notes, you are probably a "baritone." However, if you can reach F5 with your modal voice, you're a "lyric tenor" or a "countertenor."
  • Question
    What category does C4-A4 fall into?
    Community Answer
    You are a mezzo-soprano, except that you cannot hit the lowest notes.
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    What range would be B2-D6?
    Community Answer
    That would most likely be a baritone.
  • Question
    I'm male and can reach the C2 - F#7. I feel comfortable when reaching a low note (E2), C4 (belting), falsetto and head voice (A3-C6), and whistle register (D6-C#7). What is my range?
    Community Answer
    You are a bass because your head voice begins at A3, which is uncommon for any voice type, but reaching a C4 with a belt is a common extent of the bass voice. If you are comfortable with the low notes, you are a bass.
  • Question
    What is Ariana Grande's range?
    Community Answer
    Based on the her songs, Ariana Grande’s range is D3-B5-E7.
  • Question
    How do I find my singing range as a male?
    Community Answer
    Sing your lowest comfortable singing note. Use a piano or an online tool to help you figure out what the exact note is, then sing your highest and repeat the process. There's your range.
  • Question
    I'm a teen girl with a range of E3-D7. I sing soprano in my choir and musical theatre group, but would that be the best fit for me since I have such a large range?
    Caitlin Ocean
    Community Answer
    Yes, it would be because soprano is the hardest singing style. And most likely because of your range, you are a strong singer.
  • Question
    I'm E3 to A5. What is my vocal range?
    Community Answer
    You are an alto. An alto is in between a mezzo-soprano and a contralto.
  • Question
    I'm a male with a range of (D#2) F#2-A4 (D#5). What's my range, and how many octaves is that?
    Community Answer
    You may be a baritone with ease with upper chest voice, or even a tenor with lower than the usual (lower than G#2). Between D#2 and D#5 there are exactly 3 octaves; and F#2-A4: 2 octaves, 2 notes and 1 semi-note.
  • Question
    I'm female and can reach G2-D6 comfortably. How do I know what my range is?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the sound and weight of your voice when you go low or high. There are people who have a wide range, but it all comes down to identifying which range they sound the best in.
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