Q&A for How to Find Your Way in Deep Forest

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    If I get lost in the forest on a clear summer night, and I'm not carrying a compass with me, how can I find my way?
    Community Answer
    If you live in the northern hemisphere, use the north star. If you live in the southern hemisphere, use the southern cross.
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    What can I use to tag trees from start to finish?
    Community Answer
    Try using a knife to mark or tag trees. If you haven't got a knife, use a rock to strike it repeatedly or scratch it with a sharp stick.
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    What happens if I only have a water bottle and nothing else? How do I survive?
    Community Answer
    First you must find a water source, because that water bottle won't hold you over for long. Find a spring or stream after you run out of water and fill your bottle. Set it in the sun for at least 8 hours. This will kill bacteria. Next you will need to build a shelter and figure out how you will make fire . Your average adult can survive up to 3 weeks without food, so keep your priorities straight. For food, try setting traps for small game or hunting with a sharpened stick.
  • Question
    How will we find our way back home if we don't have a compass or a map?
    Community Answer
    Try to find a clearing where the sun is visible. (This will also make it easier for rescuers to spot you from above.) Remember, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Think about what time you started hiking, and how much time has probably passed since then. If it's early in the morning, then the sun will be rising in the east, and the shadows will always fall opposite to the light source, to the west. If it's late afternoon and the sun is beginning to set, the opposite is true. Once you identify which way is east and which way is west, then picture a compass in your head. If the east is on your right side, you are facing north. If the east is on your left side, you are facing south.
  • Question
    How can a topographic map help me find my way out of a jungle?
    Community Answer
    It shows if there are any water sources, man-made structures, dangerous areas and good places to camp or hunt if necessary.
  • Question
    I believe one should stay where they are if lost, build a signal fire, and call a friend or family member. Is this correct?
    Community Answer
    If equipped with the proper equipment to navigate back home, one should make efforts to do so. In the deep woods, chances are high that you will have little to no cell reception, so calling people will be unlikely. Instead, prioritize keeping yourself safe, hydrated and calm. If you find yourself getting more lost, stay in place and let yourself be found. If you have navigation equipment, make strong efforts to get to either home or a place where you can be found.
  • Question
    Which factors should I take into consideration to find the direction home?
    Community Answer
    Use your compass to find out where you are going. Look at the line of travel on your map and decide if there are any hazards or obstacles that prevent you from traveling in a straight line. In short, find your target, take the shortest possible route to the target, but also follow the safest route.
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