Q&A for How to Find the Best Foundation Color Shade for You

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    Why does my foundation get cakey?
    Daniel Vann
    Licensed Aesthetician
    Daniel Vann is the Creative Director for Daredevil Cosmetics, a makeup studio in the Seattle Area. He has been working in the cosmetics industry for over 15 years and is currently a licensed aesthetician and makeup educator.
    Licensed Aesthetician
    Expert Answer
    You might be packing on the product rather than thinning it out, which causes it to oxidize and bunch up. Using the wrong foundation color could also make your foundation look cakey.
  • Question
    Without going to the store, how do I find out what skin color I have?
    Community Answer
    There are different websites that will compare a shade of foundation you already own to other shades in different brands. If you don't have any foundation at all, it's usually best to try out the foundation in a store to make sure the shade and the undertone are right for you.
  • Question
    How should I choose a highlighter shade?
    Community Answer
    Use a highlighter two shades lighter than your natural skin tone.
  • Question
    Can you test foundation colors on other body parts than your jawline?
    Community Answer
    You can also try testing it on your neck. Don't test it on your arm, however, because it will not give the best results.
  • Question
    What type of brush should I use to apply foundation?
    Community Answer
    You can use a rounded foundation brush or stipling brush.
  • Question
    What is the best way to hide wrinkles?
    Community Answer
    In terms of makeup, use a good primer and try some full coverage foundation. Make sure you also use a good moisturizer, ideally with hyaluronic acid, which can plump the skin a bit. You can also add a little argan oil on top of the moisturizer if you want. See How to Hide Wrinkles with Makeup for more tips.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have oily skin and makeup doesn't stay on well?
    Community Answer
    It might be worth getting a good mattifying primer. That will help keep your skin smooth and dry to prevent the makeup from coming off too quickly.
  • Question
    What brand do you recommend to buy that looks natural and not caked on?
    Community Answer
    I personally use True Match foundation. If you want to spend a little more, go for Bare Minerals or Naked foundation but the True Match is fine. You could also go to a local cosmetics store and ask their opinion, they're usually very knowledgeable.
  • Question
    I found my perfect color in my concealer, can I just use my concealer as foundation?
    I like sushi
    Top Answerer
    I wouldn't apply it to your whole face, because concealer is meant for a light coverage look. I would suggest looking for a shade of foundation made by the same brand.
  • Question
    When I put makeup on, about an hour later my face is so shiny. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to put a little more on a little more powder, and not too much highlighter or makeup that is too shiny for your skin tone.
  • Question
    My face is way lighter than my body and my arms are a cinnamon-colored brown. What foundation should I get or test?
    Community Answer
    Try to test a foundation the same color as your neck. That is what will usually look the most natural and the best.
  • Question
    What kind of cleanser is good for an oily face?
    Community Answer
    You can consult with a dermatologist if you have specific questions, or check the label to see if your specific brand is targeted toward oily skin.
  • Question
    Which foundation shade should I apply for warm undertones?
    Community Answer
    Go to a makeup shop and ask the advice of the people who work there; they're usually happy to help you find the best match for your skin tone.
  • Question
    I have medium fair skin tone. Which Maybelline foundation would be best?
    Community Answer
    Maybelline BB Cream O2 Radiance is well-suited for a medium fair tone.
  • Question
    I know my skin type and undertone but there is no exact shade available for my complexion. Should I buy a little lighter or a little darker shade?
    Community Answer
    You could either find another brand which has your exact shade, or you can buy both the lighter and the darker shade and mix them on the back of your hand until it matches your shade.
  • Question
    If my veins look blue and green, what skin tone do I have?
    Community Answer
    Your skin undertone would be neutral; you aren't too warm or cool.
  • Question
    What foundation can I use when I have uneven skin and large pores?
    Community Answer
    Find the most common skin tone you have, and buy that color foundation - or you could just buy a foundation you like. For the large pores, buy a concealer that matches the foundation you get.
  • Question
    Do I necessarily have to apply primer and sealer before the foundation or can I just wear foundation?
    Community Answer
    Applying primer before the foundation will make the foundation last longer, but it is not necessary.
  • Question
    How can I find the best color for my skin?
    Community Answer
    First guess what color you think would match, then put a tiny dot on the back of your hand. Rub it in. If it rubs in easily and blends well, it is the right color; if not, then try again.
  • Question
    My skin is very dry and I have large pores, which foundation would be best for me?
    Community Answer
    I would avoid creamy and liquid foundations since those will make your skin look oily and will clog your pores. Look for powder foundations, like mineral powder. Apply your foundation over a layer of primer.
  • Question
    If I'm a cool tone, could I wear 200 creamy natural in Maybelline?
    Community Answer
    If you want to find a really good foundation color for you, then go to the nearest makeup store and ask to get matched. I have done this so many times and it works. It doesn't take long at all and you get a good matching foundation.
  • Question
    My skin is defiantly not oily but it's mostly not dry either. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    It seems as though you have normal/combination skin, look for products designed for this skin type rather than oily or dry.
  • Question
    How can I find the right shade of foundation for my skin tone?
    Community Answer
    You can ask a professional at a make up counter at stores such as Lord and Taylor or Sephora, and they can help you figure out the proper shade that you need.
  • Question
    My body is pretty much tan, yet my neck is pale and my face is tan as well. Should I match my foundation to my neck or body?
    Community Answer
    If you match your foundation to your face and then blend it into your neck, that should create a smooth transition.
  • Question
    How do I find the best foundation color for me if my face is always tinted red?
    Community Answer
    You want to use a color correcting cream underneath your foundation. For red spots/areas, use a green color corrector.
  • Question
    How do I find the best foundation color for myself if I have an uneven skin tone?
    Community Answer
    Use a full-medium coverage foundation instead of lighter ones (e.g. light-coverage foundation, BB, CC creams).
  • Question
    How do I find the right concealer for me?
    Community Answer
    Go one to two shades lighter than your foundation shade. This makes the skin look like natural light is always hitting it the perfect spots. However, if you want a concealer just to cover blemishes, use the same shade as your foundation.
  • Question
    My skin color is brown. After applying foundation it becomes more dark. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Use a foundation that is the exact color of your skin. You can check this by making a line of foundation down the side of your cheek, by your ear all the way down to your neck. Then blend. If it disappears, you have the perfect foundation.
  • Question
    My face is fairer than my body and my body is warm, so how can I choose my foundation shade?
    Sasha Haley
    Community Answer
    You don't want to choose a foundation that is lighter or darker than your neck, or a foundation that is too dark for your face, as it can look unnatural. This seems like an obvious answer, but choosing a tone in between works well. Match your foundation to your wrist for a more accurate non-tanned test.
  • Question
    Covergirl clean liquid foundation has numbers on the bottles. Do those lower numbers indicate lighter shades and higher numbers, darker shades?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The lower the number, the lighter the shade is. So a higher number corresponds with a darker foundation shade.
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