Q&A for How to Flirt With Boys Without Being Obvious

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    Why don't boys just tell you they like you?
    Community Answer
    Boys, just like girls, can be shy! They might seem calm, cool, and collected, but they're probably just as nervous as you are. Don't pressure them into saying they like you. Instead, be kind, give them smiles, and talk to them. When they feel ready to tell you, they will. If you have the guts, you can tell them you like them first. That may help them feel brave enough to say it back.
  • Question
    What should I do if the boy freaks out when I tell him I like him?
    Community Answer
    If the boy freaks out when you tell him you like him, he might be really shy or not ready to say it back. That's OK! Don't pressure him to say it back, but instead just continue being a great friend to him. Eventually, if he likes you, he will say it back.
  • Question
    Will the boy notice it when I flirt?
    Community Answer
    Not if you do it subtly! The goal is to make him attracted to you while making it seem like you're just being your natural, kind-hearted self!
  • Question
    What compliments can I make without it being too obvious?
    Community Answer
    Give him compliments on neutral things that aren't necessarily romantic. For example, tell him that you like the color of the shirt he is wearing, or that he did a great job in a soccer game. These little compliments will make him feel great, but they aren't necessarily flirty compliments.
  • Question
    What if you don't have the guts to talk to him because he's "popular"?
    Community Answer
    Even if the boy you like is considered popular and you aren't, it's important to remember that you're both just normal humans. He isn't any better than you are! Give him a smile, say hello, and show him that you're a happy, friendly person.
  • Question
    What if you're too shy to talk to him, to talk to his friends, or to even look at him? I don't know if he would want to be friends with me.
    Community Answer
    Flirting can be hard if you're really shy. The important thing to remember is, just like with anything else in your life, practice makes perfect when it comes to flirting! Take it slow, so that you don't feel uncomfortable. Give yourself little challenges to get out of your comfort zone and overcome your shyness. Maybe one day your goal could be just to say "Hi." The next day, ask him how is day is going. It's totally normal and OK to be shy, but the more you try to talk to your crush and his friends, the easier it will get.
  • Question
    How do I flirt with a guy everyone knows I like while I'm around his friends?
    Community Answer
    When you're in a group with his friends, flash him smiles just for him. Be kind to everyone, but try to smile and angle your body towards him so that he feels like you're most interested in him.
  • Question
    What if you talk to him a lot one day and really hit it off, but then he starts ignoring you after that?
    Community Answer
    If a boy is obviously ignoring you, let him ignore you. That isn't nice, and he probably isn't someone who is right for you. Instead, continue to be friendly and happy, and find someone else who won't ignore you. His loss!
  • Question
    How do I ask my crush if he likes me?
    Community Answer
    If you think your crush might like you, it can be helpful to tell him you like him first. That way, he feels comfortable to say it back. If you're too nervous or shy to tell him you like him first, you can build up to it. Maybe first ask him if he likes anyone. If he says yes, you can start naming possibilities, and include yourself!
  • Question
    How do I ask him to just be my boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    Be honest with him! Tell him you like him and he seems like a great guy. Ask him if he wants to be your boyfriend. If he says yes, congratulations! If he says no, be proud of yourself for trying. It takes guts to ask someone out, so you should feel great about taking the chance.
  • Question
    I like a boy on my hockey team, and I only see him every other day. Whenever I'm around him, I end up doing something really stupid. How do I get him to like me without actually telling him?
    Community Answer
    The most important thing to do is to be yourself, and be easy on yourself! Don't beat yourself up for doing something stupid. Instead, laugh it off and act goofy. He will admire you for being so silly and easygoing. Make sure that when you see him every other day, you give him a big smile and say hi. If you have time, talk to him about hockey, school, or anything else he seems interested in. Over time, he may start to develop feelings for you.
  • Question
    What should I do if he says I like you and I say I love you?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid to take things slow! If you experience an awkward mishap where you say you love him and he says he likes you, explain the situation to him so that he doesn't feel like you're rushing things. Tell him that you tell all of your friends you "love" them, and you didn't mean to make it sound so serious. Then tell him that you like him as well. Let the relationship develop naturally.
  • Question
    What do you do if your crush likes your best friend?
    Community Answer
    This can make you feel bad, but don't come between them. If you act jealous or mean, you risk losing both your crush and your best friend as friends. If you feel comfortable, tell your best friend that you like him so that she can decide for herself if she wants to pursue him back.
  • Question
    How do I flirt with a guy with texts without it being obvious?
    Community Answer
    When it comes to texting, just talk with him like he's a close friend. Be warm, caring, interested in what he has to say, and keep things happy and light. Show him all the best parts of your personality, and try not to bombard him with text messages if he isn't answering or seems busy.
  • Question
    What if he isn't looking for a relationship?
    Community Answer
    Don't pressure him into one. Instead, form a fantastic friendship with him. You can make it clear that you like him, but don't force him to say it back. If it eventually develops into a relationship, let it. Just let things happen naturally, and be patient!
  • Question
    Is it appropriate to flirt in fourth grade?
    Community Answer
    It's fine to flirt in fourth grade, as long as it is subtle! You can show a boy that you think he is nice and cool, but don't try to rush into a dating relationship. Instead, work on becoming great friends with him! If you two begin to like each other, that's OK. Just don't feel any pressure to act older than you are.
  • Question
    If he likes someone else, what do you do?
    Community Answer
    Continue to be a friendly, happy person towards him. Just because he likes someone else right now doesn't mean he won't ever like you. In the mean time, explore your other options. Don't feel bad because one guy doesn't like you- instead, find a great boy who will!
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