Q&A for How to Get Bigger Breasts Without Surgery

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    What are the risks of breast augmentation?
    Daniel Barrett, MD
    Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
    Dr. Daniel Barrett is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and the owner of Barrett Plastic Surgery based in Beverly Hills, California. With over six years of plastic surgery experience, Dr. Barrett specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, nose and body. He has developed detailed scar management protocols and closure techniques to reduce the appearance of scars for his patients. Dr. Barrett obtained a BS from James Madison University and an MD along with an MS in Physiology and and an MHA (Masters of Health Administration) from the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond.
    Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
    Expert Answer
    The major risks of breast augmentation surgery include all the risks of the general anesthesia procedure, although they're very low. The most common risk is what's called capsular contracture, and that's scar tissue that can form around the breast implant and creates hardness or firmness or pain, and sometimes it would require the surgery to be repeated. The other risks include bleeding, infection, pain, but those are not as common. There are also risks of nipple sensitivity loss, as well as inability to breastfeed. Currently, there is a reported 10% reduced ability to breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery.
  • Question
    Can I get bigger breasts overnight?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Most methods for increasing your breast size won’t make a noticeable difference overnight. However, you can make your breasts look bigger instantly by wearing a padded or pushup bra, or even using contouring makeup on your chest to enhance your cleavage!
  • Question
    Can I take medications to make my breasts grow?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Hormonal medications, such as birth control pills or estrogen replacement pills, may cause your breasts to grow. However, these medications can cause unwanted side effects, so talk to your doctor about the risks before using them. There are also plant-based supplements on the market that claim to enhance breast size, but you should always use these with caution and talk to your doctor first, since they may cause side effects or interact poorly with other medications.
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    Are there foods I can eat to increase my breast size?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    If your breasts are small because you don’t have a lot of body fat, you may be able to increase their size by eating a diet rich in healthy fats. Choose nutritious options like vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, and fatty fish, such as mackerel and tuna. If you have naturally low estrogen levels, you may be able to increase your breast size by eating a diet rich in plants that contain phytoestrogens, or chemicals that mimic estrogen. These include soy, flaxseed, alfalfa, and fennel. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of using these herbs to increase your breast size.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm 12? My friends make fun of me.
    Community Answer
    Find better friends. People who make you feel bad about yourself for any reason are not good friends or nice people.
  • Question
    If my breasts are still growing, is it safe to do the exercise and diet tips on here?
    Community Answer
    Of course -- exercise and a healthy diet is always good for your body (as long as you're not starving yourself). Remember, if you're exercising, you have to eat protein in order to feed your muscles and see significant progress. Just be sure not to overdo it on calories.
  • Question
    It's been a year and my breasts haven't grown. Is there something wrong with me?
    Community Answer
    No! Maybe you are just a 'late bloomer.' Everyone develops differently!
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    What does it mean if your breasts hurt most of the time?
    Community Answer
    This could mean that your breasts are still growing and are a little sensitive due to growing pains.
  • Question
    I'm nervous my peers will go through puberty faster than me, and that makes me feel like a child. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You do not need to be nervous about who does or does not go through puberty before you. You can't rush these things, everyone goes through them at their own pace. You will grow mentally and physically in your own time.
  • Question
    Which are better regular bras or sports bras and why?
    Community Answer
    It is hard to choose a winner because they serve different purposes. Sports bras are to be worn during sports or other exercise activities for the purpose of restricting movement. Regular bras help to shape the breasts as well as support them throughout the day. Try them both on in the fitting room before buying to see which style is best for your needs. Most women have both styles in their wardrobe.
  • Question
    Is there a chance that I'm just a late bloomer?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there is definitely a chance you are. Everyone develops differently.
  • Question
    All my friends already have lace bras and fully grown breasts, but I don't have any type of bra because I have not started puberty. I am in college. Is that weird?
    Community Answer
    People develop at different rates, but it is a bit worrisome if you have not started puberty and you are over the age of 16. I would recommend talking to your doctor about this.
  • Question
    Breasts reach their optimum size by what age?
    Community Answer
    For girls, puberty ends around 18. But your breasts can keep growing into your mid twenties. As you age, they change shape and may seem to get larger due to hormonal and aging changes.
  • Question
    I am 16 and have very small boobs. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Use padded bras to enhance and uplift your boobs. Keep in mind that you don't need big breasts to be beautiful.
  • Question
    Are breasts fully grown at 14?
    Community Answer
    Not yet, your breasts still have a while to grow before they stop growing. In fact, your breast size and shape will change throughout your lifetime, as result of pregnancy, lactation, nutrition, hormonal fluctuations and aging. Even if you don't have children, your breast shape will be impacted by hormonal changes and aging.
  • Question
    I have uneven breasts. How do I get them even?
    Community Answer
    Uneven breasts are common. A lot of women have this issue, but they usually become more even as you get older.
  • Question
    They say we shouldn't wear bra while sleeping? Is it true?
    Community Answer
    You can wear a bra when sleeping as long as it's a comfortable fit, but the main reason why it's not recommended is because it can damage the bra and/or cause breast pain if you lie in an uncomfortable position (which you can't be sure of while asleep). For the sake of comfort and protecting the bra, you're better off wearing a camisole if you need support while sleeping.
  • Question
    I don't want to have other people measure my breast but I want to know what size I am. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You could get a measuring tape and do it yourself at home, and search up the proper measurement, but it's a lot easier to go get it done for you. They do it with your clothes/bra on if that's what you're worried about. It's not awkward at all, and it only takes about one to two minutes.
  • Question
    I am 15 but my boobs are almost flat. Why?
    Community Answer
    Puberty is just taking its time with you, don't stress. Your breasts will develop, just give them time.
  • Question
    I am ten and all my friends make fun of me because I am flat chested. I really need to get them to stop, can someone give me a few tips?
    Galactic Girl
    Community Answer
    Tell them to stop, and be confident in yourself. Some people have their breasts grow slower or bigger. Don't be ashamed of who you are.
  • Question
    For a 16 years old is it normal to have literally no breasts??
    Community Answer
    Of course it's normal. Everybody is different and everyone develops at their own pace.
  • Question
    Do small breasts run in the family?
    Community Answer
    Genetically speaking, they can do. If your mom, aunt, or sister all have small breasts, then you also have a higher chance of having small breasts as well. However, the women in your dad's family and other family related to you may have an influence too. It's just luck of the genetic draw!
  • Question
    Can drinking water help make my breasts bigger?
    Community Answer
    No, drinking water has no effect whatsoever on your breast size.
  • Question
    Does wearing a bra always enlarge the breasts?
    Community Answer
    No. Some bras are designed to minimize the appearance of the breasts.
  • Question
    I wear a 30A, and I am 14. Is that weird?
    Community Answer
    Nothing is weird. Everyone has a different body shape. Embrace it be confident.
  • Question
    I'm only just 13 and I'm a size 36C. Is this too big for someone my age?
    Community Answer
    No. Due to variations in puberty and genetics, you may have started earlier or you may just be naturally bigger than others.
  • Question
    What if I'm lactose intolerant and can't have a lot of dairy?
    Community Answer
    Drink almond or coconut milk. It's a really good substitute for milk. And it won't hurt your stomach.
  • Question
    What if everything is fully grown but my boobs haven't even started growing yet?
    Community Answer
    Give it time. It comes with age, and puberty for a girl only fully stops around 16-18. You probably still have time. Even when women are pregnant their breasts enlarge a little bit.
  • Question
    If my breasts don't hurt anymore, does that mean they've stopped growing?
    Community Answer
    No, it doesn't necessarily mean they have stopped growing. It is different for everybody, so just be patient.
  • Question
    My mom, aunt and sister have huge breasts. Why aren't mine bigger?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you haven't hit point when they start to grow. Sometimes it takes a while. Don't worry about it.
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