Q&A for How to Get Tons of Subscribers on YouTube

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    Is branding important on YouTube?
    Melissa Newman
    Social Media Strategist & Content Developer
    Melissa Newman is a Social Media Strategist & Content Developer based in Bristol, Pennsylvania. With six years of experience, she specializes in social media strategy, content development, and community management. Melissa earned an MS in Digital Innovation in Marketing from the Fox School of Business at Temple University and a BS from Temple University. She also holds certifications from Facebook, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and HubSpot Academy. Melissa has won awards for her social media campaigns, including the Jesse H. Neal Award for Best Use of Social Media, a Hermes Creative Award, and an Azbee Award for Best Social Media Campaign.
    Social Media Strategist & Content Developer
    Expert Answer
    Yes, for sure! I think every business should have a brand identity, whether you are a Fortune 500 company or somebody more on the smaller side, like a creator. Having a proper logo, a sub mark, a color palette, a font, etc. is important to your channel, for sure. You can hire low cost freelancers or ask for recommendations to your peers to help you develop your brand.
  • Question
    How do I get my YouTube channel on the front page of YouTube?
    Community Answer
    Your video will pop up there if it is related to a certain user's subscriptions and likes. There isn't anything that you do to affect this.
  • Question
    How can I make money on YouTube?
    Community Answer
    You can make money on YouTube by using advertisements. If you allow for ads to come through, and people click/watch them, you will get some money.
  • Question
    How do I tell people to check out my channel?
    Community Answer
    Don't spam other channel's comments sections as that will annoy people and get you flagged and if they do go to your channel, they'll dislike the videos on purpose. A good thing to do is to post a picture or tweet out with a link for your channel. Added bonus if you have a picture of a funny moment or something interesting about a recent video. Also, leave a link on your social media page so that when people go your page, they can click a link to your channel.
  • Question
    Are there any free YouTube editing apps?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are several programs you can use to edit your video before uploading it to YouTube. If you're using a Mac, try using iMovie, which comes installed for free. if you're using Windows, download Windows Movie Maker for free from Microsoft to perform basic edits.
  • Question
    What's an easy way to advertise my video?
    Community Answer
    Try posting info about it on Facebook or sharing with friends, so it'll spread through "word-of-mouth." If the video is entertaining, you may be surprised at how fast it spreads!
  • Question
    How can we get our video on the top of the search list?
    Community Answer
    It's usually sorted by View Count or amount of likes/dislikes, along with relevance to search name. If someone looks up dog, it'll show the videos with the most views and likes/dislikes first. However if they're more specific, looking up something like a tutorial on dogs or other things to do with dogs if you're title is most relevant to their search than you have a higher chance of being found. Lastly tags play a big role on what people find when they search, make sure to put relevant content words in the tags and people will have a higher chance of finding your video.
  • Question
    I have a lot of subscribers, but I want my videos more noticed and get more comments. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You can "Promote" your channel's name, or tell your friends about your channel and make them share it to their friends etc. You can also create a blog, or create a social media account and link to your channel in your bio. You can make an intro to your channel so that many people can see it and get interested. Lastly, remember to use titles and tags in your videos that people commonly search.
  • Question
    Is it possible to post a video without showing my face?
    Community Answer
    Of course, but whether a video that doesn't show your face will be interesting and/or effective really depends on what the video is about.
  • Question
    How do I get my channel noticed at first?
    Community Answer
    Try sharing your videos to your family and friends on social media platforms, such as Facebook.
  • Question
    How do I get an intro?
    Community Answer
    You can ask someone to make it for you, or you can make one yourself. Since intros are animations, you can make one easily if you're an animator. Even just showing your channel name pulsing, moving, changing colors, etc. counts as an intro.
  • Question
    How can I get good lighting for my videos?
    Community Answer
    The easiest way to get the best possible light is to film in a room that's lit by natural light. If natural light isn't available, there are plenty of lighting products you could buy online, but the exact lighting you would need for the best quality video would depend on the environment you were filming in.
  • Question
    What are some good videos to make on YouTube?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on what you're interested in. Most "good videos" come down to the overall composition of the video itself (video quality, lighting/coloring, volume, cuts to other scenes, etc.) and the content. "Good videos" can be defined by how unique it is and the message you can send through it. The media of YouTube is ever-changing, so the definition of "good videos" changes as the public is swayed by new/occurring events.
  • Question
    What if my friends don't want to help my channel, but I want my channel to spread quickly?
    Community Answer
    Produce quality content consistently without worrying about subcount. Try promoting your channel on various social platfoms, i.e. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook. Post screenshots, BTS photos, and teasers for upcoming videos, and you will eventually see the counts grow.
  • Question
    Do you have a recommendation on a camera that can be purchased with a modest budget?
    Community Answer
    That depends on how modest your budget is, but you can get a compact camera that is quite good with a modest budget. If you have more, you can go for a reflex, which is the best. The Canon 70D is amazing, or the Nikon d3100 is actually good and not too expensive and is easy to use for a beginner. Before purchasing, make sure to compare the camera with other models and maybe ask for help in a tech-shop.
  • Question
    What if I'm using a Kindle and I want to edit?
    Community Answer
    Download Filmora video editor, and if that doesn't work, use a different kind of tablet or a computer.
  • Question
    How do I talk to my subscribers?
    Community Answer
    You can talk to them via social media, or reach out in the comment section of the video.
  • Question
    How do I overcome from the copyright claimed from other channels?
    Top Answerer
    You will have to wait 6 months until it expires. In the future, be sure not to reuse other people's content unless you got permission or it is labeled as Creative Commons.
  • Question
    I have three videos and four subscribers, but when someone else looks at our channel, it says we have one video and two subscribers! Why is that?
    Community Answer
    Contact YouTube customer support. They will be able to answer your questions.
  • Question
    If you subscribe to someone, how do you get them to subscribe back?
    Community Answer
    Some people make Subscribe for Subscribe plans just for their own benefit, not caring about others. If you see a comment in a video about it, bookmark the video and consider if he is trustworthy before subscribing to him. If you want them to subscribe back, visit their channel and post a comment about it.
  • Question
    Do I need a license to upload videos if I'm 13?
    Top Answerer
    You only need to be 13 to have a YouTube account, but you need to have your parent or guardian sign up for you. Once you have your account there's no license required, you can just upload videos.
  • Question
    I've had my channel for two years and followed a majority of these guidelines, yet still have under 50 subs. What can I do?
    Elliot King
    Community Answer
    Just keep trying. Upload consistently and ask for subscribers. Don't just expect people to subscribe, but actually say, "Please subscribe for awesome content," or something like that.
  • Question
    Can I use something like an iPhone 7 to record videos?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    How do I encourage people to comment?
    Community Answer
    Tell them you will give out a free subscription if they comment.
  • Question
    How do I get people to advertise my video?
    Community Answer
    Tell people you know to subscribe and to tell others to subscribe. Then try to make your videos as funny as possible. If you do something embarrassing do not edit it that will get you more subscribers.
  • Question
    What are some good editing apps?
    Elliot King
    Community Answer
    Windows Movie Maker is great free editing software if you are looking for a simple way to efficiently edit videos.
  • Question
    How do I get better at intros when starting a video?
    Elliot King
    Community Answer
    You can watch famous YouTubers' intros, and just take the basics principles out of them to implement into your own design.
  • Question
    How do I get good lighting in my videos?
    Community Answer
    Do a little research on basic photography and videography lighting.
  • Question
    I hardly have any subscribers and don't really have social media. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Start using social media, it's the key to getting your videos out to others. Facebook is good place to start, as you can search for groups to join using keywords like "YouTube subs 4 subs" or "YouTube permanent subscribers".
  • Question
    I don't have other social media and I have no subscribers, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to have other social media accounts to become well known. It takes a while to get views. You can tell your friends to subscribe to your channel, and/or other people you know. You also have to make good content to get subscribers. Make at least one video every week, because you can get more views that way. Also, count your video views. The more views, the better chance you will have that someone will subscribe to your channel.
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