Q&A for How to Get a Girl to Kiss You if You Are a Girl

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    I told her that I love her and it hurt that I didn't have a chance with her. She told me that I did have a chance with her. That's the only time she's hinted that she's not straight. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Just ask her directly if she has feelings for you. It sounds like she does, but maybe she's still working things out with her sexuality, or she's not sure if she's ready for a relationship. I suggest asking if you can talk to her somewhere private and if she does reciprocate your feelings, then kiss her.
  • Question
    What should I do with my hands/body when we kiss if I'm much taller than my girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    Hold her waist. Put your hands on either side of her face. Hold the sides of her hips. Hold her hands. If it's more heated and you have some privacy you could pick her up and put her on a counter or something similar so you're closer in height.
  • Question
    How do I make sure I have fresh breath?
    Community Answer
    Brush your teeth with a minty toothpaste and/or rinse with mouthwash. You could also eat mints or chew gum.
  • Question
    What if she kisses me first?
    Community Answer
    Either kiss her back or pull away.
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    What if she's shy and I am nervous? What if I misread the signals because she's too nice?
    Community Answer
    Just try not to be nervous because if she really is your friend then she will care and like you no matter what.
  • Question
    How do I figure out how my friend feels about me?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how close you are. If you two stay very close and hold hands sometimes, then that's a good sign. If you make her smile a lot and laugh, that's also a good sign. Hang out with her more often and if she starts getting closer, then you can ask her how she feels about you.
  • Question
    Where should I kiss a girl?
    Community Answer
    When you want to kiss her, give her a friendly kiss on the head first. If she reacts positively, get closer and maybe tease her a bit by getting closer to her lips. Make sure you are in a private area so if she feels comfortable and secure, you can try kissing her.
  • Question
    Can I cuddle with a female friend while we're in bed at a sleepover?
    Community Answer
    If you know that she won't mind this, then you could but be mindful of your other sleepover friends, as this might weird them out. If you wouldn't do it with a potential boyfriend, why would you do it with a potential girlfriend? It's no different, so be considerate of others who might find this taking it all too far.
  • Question
    What if she resists right as I get a little bit closer to her?
    Community Answer
    Then give up -- if she's not feeling it, then she's made it clear how she feels and you should desist.
  • Question
    There's this girl who will physically cuddle with me, but she said she's straight. She likes me for my body, but I actually like her for who she is, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    If she says she is straight, than you should accept that without question (regardless of whether it's true or not). Ask her how she feels about you, why she is your friend, etc. It's normal for friends to cuddle. If she says she is friends with you because of your personality, then be her friend. If it's too hard to only stay friends, then it may be time to abandon the friendship. If she only likes you for your body (regardless of her sexuality), then she is not a friend (or girlfriend) worth having.
  • Question
    Can I ask her to close her eyes and then give her something?
    Community Answer
    If you mean you literally want to give her something, like a gift, then doing this is fine. If you mean you want to ask her to close her eyes and then kiss her, don't do that. She cannot consent to the kiss if she doesn't know it's coming. It's best to ask her if it's okay first.
  • Question
    Will this work if the other girl is straight?
    Community Answer
    It depends. For example try talking about lesbians, and if she is freaked out, or doesn't like it, consider it as unlikely to be successful.
  • Question
    Am I a lesbian if I do this?
    Community Answer
    Not really. You might be bi or you might be curious. You're a lesbian if you're only attracted to girls. If you're attracted to both boys and girls, you would be bisexual. If you kiss a girl, but are still attracted to boys, then you are straight.
  • Question
    A girl has kissed me twice, but she currently has a boyfriend that she loves. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    She's playing you and will most likely break your heart. Stop any kind of sexual interaction with her until she breaks up with her boyfriend.
  • Question
    My girlfriend kissed my cheek, and I kissed hers. Then that night she texted me and said "I want to kiss you!" I want to kiss her. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Say yes! That is a golden opportunity. You're lucky to have one. You can ask her if you want to make plans, like, "Do you want to go somewhere special?"
  • Question
    I'm a lesbian and my girlfriend is a lesbian too but she doesn't want to go for a kiss yet. What can I do about it?
    Community Answer
    Some people just don't want to do it. It doesn't matter if it's a same sex or opposite sex relationship. Give her some time, she just may not be ready for that yet, so respect her boundaries.
  • Question
    What should I do if a girl shows me a number of signs that she likes me, but she knows that I have a crush on her and says that she doesn't like me in that way?
    Community Answer
    If a girl says she doesn't like you, believe her. You may be misreading her signs, and if she does in fact like you, she will let you know.
  • Question
    What if she doesn't give me any clues that she wants to kiss me?
    Community Answer
    Read the article closely again and see if that doesn't help you. However, since she probably isn't going to be advertising the fact she'd like to kiss you anytime soon, then either she is shy or she isn't at all interested, so some talking is a good start.
  • Question
    What do I do if I know she is gay, but she won't admit it?
    Community Answer
    You can never know if a person is gay or not unless they tell you so, no matter how well you think you know them. Even if your friend is gay, then she hasn't come to terms with it or isn't ready to "come out" yet. Pushing her to label herself will only make her feel more pressured and anxious. Try to give her space and remind her that you will accept her for whoever she is, gay, straight, bi, pan, anything. Remember, she knows herself more than you do. Respect her feelings.
  • Question
    What if it ruins my friendship completely?
    Community Answer
    Then start from the beginning, and say that you're sorry. If they are a true friend, they will forgive you.
  • Question
    Will our friendship be strained if I try to kiss her?
    Community Answer
    It could. It's generally not advisable to just kiss a friend out of the blue. If you have feelings for her, it's best talk about it and see how she feels. If you just want to try kissing for fun, it's also best to ask her if she would be willing.
  • Question
    What if the girl says she likes me and wants to kiss me, but doesn't?
    Community Answer
    She might just be shy, so if you're comfortable with the idea of kissing her, then you could be the one to initiate.
  • Question
    What if she says she does not care that I'm a lesbian, but she doesn't like me like that?
    Community Answer
    You will just have to live with that. There's nothing you can do to change her mind. Find someone else to focus on romantically.
  • Question
    The girl I like has been my friend for 3 years. I think she's straight, but she is very physical with me, more than the rest of our friends. She even bit my ear once. What does it mean?
    Community Answer
    There is a chance that she may be interested in you. Of course, the easiest way to find out is to mention LGBT issues and see how she reacts, or even better, ask her directly if she likes you.
  • Question
    What if she tries to have sex with me when I'm not ready for it yet?
    Community Answer
    Then simply tell her you're not ready. You should not feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to do.
  • Question
    What if she's straight? I don't think she will like the idea of kissing a girl.
    Community Answer
    Ask her about her feelings. If she doesn't want to kiss you, not a lot can be done.
  • Question
    What if she's already taken, but her girlfriend lives in another country?
    Community Answer
    Don't do anything. You don't want to cause a big mess if her girlfriend finds out. If you do kiss her and her girlfriend finds out, it will likely cause problems for her relationship. In turn, she'll probably not have the best feelings toward you.
  • Question
    I have a crush on a straight girl in my class. How do I get her to like me?
    Community Answer
    You most likely can't change her sexuality, but you can give it a try. Talk to her briefly about lesbians or LGBT, and examine her reactions. If she freaks out, you should back off and find other girls. If she seems interested or is respectful, you can try to start flirting or make the move.
  • Question
    What if I'm not sure about her sexuality? She could either be supportive of LGBT people or LGBT herself.
    Community Answer
    If you are close, just casually ask her if she supports gay marriage or LGBT rights. From there, you can gauge whether it's okay to ask more questions. If she doesn't support LGBT rights, it may be best to leave it alone.
  • Question
    Does this works on men too?
    The Emo Panda
    Community Answer
    Probably. Just make sure they get the signal that you're interested in them.
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